10. Very Mean Comments

"What are things you have not achieved in your life?"

"What are things you cannot afford?"

"Are there any plans that are not yet achieved?"

The questions were addressed by the blue eyed man to his wife while she was busy cutting her steak into smaller chunks. Mahendra pulled his chair closer to her. She chewed the meat slowly and enjoyed the special menu served by her husband.

"Err.. quite a lot.." Aruna replied.

"Name them," He needed more specific answers.

"You got to be kidding. Your questions contain a lot of answers," she grumbled in a funny way.

"Just tell me if you don't know the answers. The questions are easy, I am just asking you to name it," He insisted on knowing the answers. For him it was such easy, the basic questions that everyone knew the answer.

"Are you going to grant all my wishes if I tell you them all?" Aruna asked again.


"Wow…how lucky I am?"

"Because you give me happiness, I will make you happy, too."

"Why does it work that way?" Aruna did not like the last statement. For her it sounded like giving tips to waiters for their good service.

"The best relationship is the one that benefits each other," Hendra's monolog surprised her.

Spontaneously she took out a hair band from the pocket to tie her free hair that was just dried. 'Wait a minute," She looked up at his face.

"Hmmm…I think I am familiar with those words 'beneficial relationship'. It was like a lesson I got in elementary school." She looked at him looking for an agreement.

"Mutualism symbiosis," Hendra made a guess.

"Ahh… that is it…," then she ran her hand to his tummy and pinched it hard. Hendra was tickled and he caught her hand quickly.

"You think we are a bull and a sparrow?" she was annoyed with her husband's analogy.

"It will be much better if we analogize ourselves as a flower and a bumblebee," it was quite mainstream way of thinking.

"But the flower do not reproduce with a bumblebee. I reproduce with you," In a moment there was a silence, each was locked with their own mind. Suddenly that woman turned away from her husband. She closed her mouth with her both hands due to embarrassment.

Mahendra did the same. Turned away, his wild imagination wandered. He knocked his fingers on the table to distract his wild mind.

"With the help of bumblebee, the stamen (male genital organ) help to stick the pollen to the stigma (female genital organ). They ovulate," Before Hendra continued, a light tap knock his head. For her, his talks got more weird and embarrassing to her ears. Due to her embarrassment, she patted his back several times with her palms.

"We are reproduced,"

He did it to tease his wife who got blushed with his filthy monolog about reproduction.

"Aahhhh.," Aruna screamed. She was blushed.


The woman with rounded eyes stared at him as she went up from different stairs to go to her private room. The third floor of the main house of is majority inhabited by the aides or guards, and it is provided with special stairs to the ground floor.

The guards inhabiting this floor are mostly directly connected to the main family of , like Andos, personal drivers and the most trusted guards like Herry.

Knowing how Nana stared at him, Herry knew what that woman wanted from him. From the beginning, he knew how she was so ambitious to be with the young master. He almost believed that she was able to reach her dreams, as all their engagement had been well organized. And it would be announced in a company party held every three years.

That party will be attended by all multinational companies by sending their delegations or even the big boss themselves. Although not all the companies will participate but at least the manager levels for branch offices in certain cities will join. For in Jakarta itself, almost all will come.

But now, it was impossible for her to win the only heir of . The young master had reunited with his wife and Herry knew for sure how big the love of Mr. Hendra to his beautiful wife.

Therefore, Herry was not willing to stop his steps. Without a doubt, he would be questioned about where his master was. And Herry was determined to shut his mouth up. He could not be intimidated by anyone because his loyalty was above everything.

"You don't want to tell me where he is, do you?" Nana's voice was forceful to him.

Herry replied with a smile as he unlocked his room door.

"Fine. I will do it myself," She walked closer to Herry and looked at him from one side.

"You had better drop whatever you plan to do, secretary Nana, and I think there is nothing you can do even though you know where my young master is, right now," Finally Herry felt the urge the straightened things up for her.

"What do you exactly mean?" Her eyebrows taunted. Her true obsession was so visible for Herry.

"I have an advice for you," Now Herry turned to face her and saw her completely before he entered his room from the opened door.

"There is a clear difference between obsession and love. Why don't you look through yourself and be honest to your heart, where exactly you stand?" He walked in and closed the door tightly. He happened to hear that Nana cursed him.

Herry could not really understand how come a decent and beautiful woman like her with such excellent capacity could not distinguish what was good attitude and what was bad.

"So pathetic" He mumbled to himself.


It was such a tiring day. Even she came to her classes very late. Recently, she could not wake up early morning due to tiredness and body pain after that 'activity'.

She also had to cover red marks in the visible area around her necks with some make-up she learned from tutorials. It took some time, too.

She walked slowly in a give in expression. Nothing could she do when she missed her first class. Then, she went to department office to check some information which she had already been informed from the academic site.

Sometimes it was nice to stand and looked at the announcement on the board. Aruna was standing there waiting for the lecturer's counseling related to the job training implementation.

She was really shocked yesterday when she opened the academic site. She received the opportunity as the best practical work in a project designer of a multinational company for the chosen students. The problem was the company belonged to Mahendra.

Somehow, she had not told her husband about the news, thinking she might not be in the same office with Mahendra. It was also possible she would be placed in a floor of the second floor owned by , the main office of many different companies under the flag of Wenceslas Group.

Aruna really wanted to have an internship in a design team project in Wenceslas construction. It had to be awesome to work with many architects although her major and design project was totally different from her academic background.

"Thud," some group of female students knocked her quite hard when she was heading to the training class.

It had happened to her several times that female students bumped into her on purposes that caused her fell to the floor. Right after she was narrated to be a divorcee many bad treatment she received from some students. This was mostly due to misunderstanding and misleading Information that had spread to public. People thought she had a divorce from her husband after the last trial of her divorce case.

Aruna was back to her feet again without any words. "Stay out from our way, you're a divorcee! You block our way," She could not do anything when such curse and evil words were addressed to her in mean ways.
