11.  Ridiculous Scorn

Aruna tried to stand up again making her feet balanced without any words. "Step back, you a divorcee. Don't block our way," another bump hit her as well as bad scorns came from the mouth of that campus girl.


Having finished for a briefing from the lecturer, Aruna received information about what company she would have her practical work as a part of her final assignment. The lecturer kept doing the same finishing his job with other students. Some were happy, some were sad after they opened the letter they received.

Aruna was stunned when she opened the letter where she would have her practical work. She checked once more to make sure if she did not read the wrong information, Wenceslas Group Poduct designer Team. Aruna took a deep breath. She could not stop feeling worried after reading the address where she would have an internship.

That was the address where Mahendra had an office. She did not feel comfortable at all imagining she would be her husband employee. An ex husband she remarried secretly.

Aruna felt more comfortable with her present condition where she still got the permission to go to campus and to go home for the next two months. And after that she would make a decision to either live in the main house or remain as Aruna, a student of design.

When she was looking for the possibilities to change the location of internship, the girl who knocked her, took the paper from Aruna's hand. Aruna still remembered the girl was the one who kept disturbing her just because Damar let her down and he seemed to be closed with her.

Aruna stood up lazily and asked her paper back. But on the contrary, she read it out loud, so that almost everyone in that room turned to them to see what was going on. To the worse, some girls, it seemed they were friends of this girl, laughed loudly at that 'stupid' scene.

"ughh…ughh… so sad.. have to work in the company belongs to the ex husband," the sarcastic woman looked happy with her sarcastic words addressed to Aruna.

_Such ridiculous scorn_ Aruna just looked at her in level gaze, asking her paper back from that annoying girl.

"Would you like to switch with me?" Again she threw scornful question that was impossible to be serious.

"Give that paper back to me!" Aruna walked to where she stood up.

"Unfortunately we will go to the same company for this practical work. So, you simply enjoy your coming hell, such pretentious pretty girl!" That was too much for Aruna who had been trying to stay calm.

"Can you all at the back side stay calm?" that male lecturer who seemed to be busy handing out the assignment letter was disturbed by the noise of the two girls.

"I am busy, please don't make such disturbing noise," He again reminded all the peple in that room. His eyebrows were taunted among the students standing around him.

"Vira, throw it here," a whisper came from the group of the girls. Aruna could hear it, too.

_Oh, so Vira is her name?_ Aruna did not even care of that girl's name who often talked behind her.

_Give me a break_ Aruna stared at that annoying girl, she was now squeezing that paper and threw it to her friends who broke into laughter. If only Dea wee around, Vira would be scolded by her. "All of you humiliated yourselves. If only I had a mental like you, " She stared at her unemotionally, "I would grab your hair and push you to the ground. Unfortunately, I am a grown up now," She left he group of grls who bullied her, and she saw the girl named Vira was stopped by her friends when she was trying to after her.


"I am busy Nana," Hendra finished signing the last paper, "Tell the secretary corporate team that I myself that will lead the closing book tonight," His voice flew without any tones, he evendid not look up to see her who was standing still by his side.

Usually she would react quickly to any instructions Hendra gave to her. But this time, she remained standing still, folding hands on her chest, looking at Hendra and unmoving.

"You know Surya is still having some days off, so I have no time to negotiate with you" Hendra was a bit in a hurry. In his mind, a list of personal schedules had been arranged well in his brain. After finishing his job with piles of papers on his table, he would move to the general room of the secretary corporate team, replacing Surya to lead the closing of books of every subsidiary of Wenceslas Group. He needed to finish all of them right on time, earlier would be better, at around 21.00 pm. It was his limit time or Aruna would be worried. She did not like to be left alone in that mansion. The problem was that the issue of closing the book could take long time even in the early morning.

"Where have you been going for the last four days?" She started interrogated Hendra with sullen expression.

"Do I have to tell my personal issues with my secretary?" Hendra threw the files in his hand on the table. The noise quite made their ears vibrated.

"Fine, I am not going to ask you about anything. I just want to deliver a message from Oma. Your presence is badly expected. She has been waiting for the dinner with you," Nana walked slowly to Hendra. "Three days in a row Oma Sukma has been waiting for you. Do you have a heart to let her down?"

Mahendra caught Nana's hands which touched his hair. "Tell to Oma I cannot go for dinner tonight,"

"Where are you sleeping?" In that very close distance, Nana could see red marks hidden behind this man's collar.

"I told you I don't like talking about my personal issues," Hendra was busy again to try to be on time for his wife.

"Do you forget that I am your fiancée?" She could not stand it that Henra always considered her as his worker.

"Did I ever say yes to your plan?" Again that man dropped the paper hard with annoyance. "There is no engagement for us in that Wenceslas Group party." He finally turned his eyes to Nana. He looked at that woman who beyond his expectation was so close with him. He did not realize that only with one wrong move, Nana could sit on his lap.

"Your family need a successor, either you like me or not. You agree with this, don't you? We have discussed about it. "Nana tried to stretch a smile although she wanted to be angry at that sudden rejection after for the last two months Hendra did not say anything, and tended to let the engagement ran as planned. Hendra did not speak a word when Oma Sukma and Opa Wiryo were enthusiastic talking about it. But after four day disappearing, he said no. Moreover, there were red marks behind his collar. _Who is the woman that is able to make him turn away?_ she mumbled behind her smile.

