56. Autograph

Hendra furrowed his brows, studying further the papers in his hands with an air of seriousness. Aruna, curious as ever, leaned in on Mahendra's side, reading along in her heart.

President Director of Djoyo Makmur Group, one party on behalf of Wiryo Djoyodiningrat and the second on behalf of Mahendra Hadyan Djoyodiningrat.

"Are you sure about this decision?" Hendra was still hesitant to make a sign on the paper. He paid a side-eyed glance at his grandfather.

"There is no other choice for a cripple old man like me," Wiryo's words slipped out of his mouth as he examined Aruna.

Spontaneously, Aruna fiddled with her fingers in a nervous manner, even when she was not sure why she was being stared at like that.

"In all honesty, this huge responsibility is impossible to be shouldered alone," Wiryo was still scrutinising Aruna. And she finally caught what he meant by that.