57. Behind the Curtain

Aruna suddenly was feeling nostalgic, laying on the comfy bed she left for months, perhaps even almost a year. She closed her eyes for a moment, making an imagined snow angel, then rolling her body left and right. Inviting the man who was watching her to follow suit.

Hendra layed down on the rightmost side, and the tiny body crashed on him, "Do you miss this room?" 

That question made the brown eyes open. She nodded, quick and short.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" the husband questioned his wife. In a voice he hoped was gentler than ever. Truthfully, Hendra wanted to ask her about something more than a mere 'tonight'. 

He wanted to ask her to stay here. 


Yet, he squashed the desire. He knew Aruna still needed time.

"I'll stay here for a while. I promised to try and see how strong we are to last more than two months, right?"