61. Is This Hendra’s Doing?

After the various meals on the round marble table were eaten with nothing left, the assistants' cleaned it up. Aruna thought that she would retreat and left the two rich women who never leave the house to enjoy the day there. Alas, she was asked to stand in front of them while they make a serious and thorough examination. She was spun a couple of times.

_What is it now?_ she grumbled out loud, in her heart that was.

"Come closer," Sukma requested.

Aruna complied, stepping forward until she was standing near the oldest woman there. She was shocked beyond belief when her skirt was lifted to show her thighs, "Grandma!" she was mortified.

"Is this what Hendra's doing?!" Sukma had to ask. Truly, she didn't need to, she should have known better.