60. Stealing Food

Dea tried to understand. But she gave up, because she got a mysterious smile from Timi and unflattering eyes from other employees. 

The hijab-wearing young woman forgot to carry out operational procedures related to personal calls. She should have stepped aside from the office before picking her call. 

Dea smiled sheepishly before lowering her phone. She was forced to hang up the call, but then continue her conversation with chat.

[Aruna, Timi and I are planning to visit the Magic Letter later] 

[(Sad emoticon) Ah, yeah, how about Lily, shall we temporarily close the Magic Letter?] 

[She won't agree] 

[But, Agus' department will soon announce the internship schedule, I'm sure Lily's department will follow soon] 

[Lily is planning not to take the internship this year] 

[What the hell! (irritated emoticon) We have a deal! We made a promise to each other to prioritize our study first before Magic Letter]