85. Simple Mindset

"Because you often follow me, and I..." being scrutinized, he faltered in his speech, words falling out. Ananta, who was always being accompanied by Nabila, had never interacted more than a few seconds with her. He always said what needed to be said, the rest was just work.

Nabila was also silent. She was not brave enough to ask why he suddenly went silent.

"Huft!" Instead, he took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, moving towards the handrail on the balcony to enjoy the high view and fresh air. Nabila followed, shifting her attention from the busy hospital to the outside sight. 

"You live alone, don't you?" Ananta suddenly asked.


"Since when did your mother and father die?"

"Uh... I lost my mother when I was little while my father passed away three years ago."

"Are you living with someone?"