105. Too Complicated to Understand

"No, it's fine," Mahendra turned the door handle and went inside shortly after. He observed every corner, recognizing his new office. Looking at some of the objects around, including the furniture prepared for him.

"Do you like my choice?" slightly surprised, he caught Nana had already entered the room.

"Yeah," Mahendra summed it up, hoping she would get out of the room soon. He was bothered by the scent on her body, too similar to Aruna's. Even the clothes she wore were the same.

"You can go back and rest." Mahendra walked to the table, and felt the teak wood with annual circle patterns on its surface.

"I heard you invited guests tonight?" Nana seemed reluctant to leave.

Mahendra didn't answer her question, too focused on something else. A framed photo was placed on the table. He frowned.

"I can make a cup of coffee for you and your guests."

_But especially for you_