106. Smiling After Crying

Hendra did not listen to the assistant's sentence until the end. The blue-eyed man quickly dashed out to their bedroom. As his steps approached the stairs to the second floor, he began to understand what was happening and ran as fast as he could. How surprised Mahendra saw his wife crying hysterically, shouting his name. The assistants were around her, trying to calm her down.

"Don't be afraid, we are here, My Lady." Tika voiced. She was meant to rub Aruna's leg comfortingly, but Aruna didn't want her, quickly pulled her leg. The two assistants' eyes met each other, Ratna and Tika couldn't handle this.

Susi came after informing the situation to Sukma.

Mahendra came next, his steps entered the room, prompting Susi to back away. So do the other main house assistants.

"Hendra..." Aruna's voice trembled. Tears spilled down her cheeks. The blue-eyed man rushed up to the bed, his heart clenched painfully and beating fast.