Tragic backstory

"Alastair drasil , wandering adventurer." he introduced himself casually. "introductions out of the way , i have got to ask how you ended up sealed down here." he said curiously. "well after thwarting the leader of the gray host leaders plan and sealing the way to blackreach the remnants of the gray host scattered and clan ravenwatch made it a point to hunt them down. i had been saved by count ravenwatch and made as i am now , a vampire. it was around year six hundred and five of the second era when we had heard of an enclave of gray host members hiding out near the karth river."

She paused for a moment to dredge up the thousand year old memories. " i along with fennorian one of the older members of clan ravenwatch were dispatched to investigate. it was a fairly short journey taking only a few days ride before we found traces of werewolf activity near a small hovel. the traces led to a nearby cave but we were ambushed by our targets fighting valiantly but in the end i was captured and fennorian perished. before i was sealed the members of the gray host said no one would ever find me before they closed the lid."

Eve looks at alastair and smiled "it seems they were wrong." she said brightly. alastair sighed "i am sorry for your loss." he says sincerely. eve looked confused " what do you mean?" she asked. "you have been sealed in that box for two and a half eras , almost a thousand years to be precise. clan ravenwatch perished early in the third era in its entirety , you are the only member of clan ravenwatch left and i am sorry for that." alastair explain with a look of pity on his face.

"No that's impossible i ... you are lying , you must be!" eve yelled at alastair in disbelief but the look of pity he was giving her proved he wasn't lying. "a thousand years , gone , wasted rotting away in that gods forsaken box." she moved from denial to anger. alastair waited patiently for eve to finish coping with her situation while mentally noting that what the gray host said before sealing her may have come true had alastair not been outside this worlds control. "out of curiosity are you familiar with a king sacrificing a thousand innocents in molag bals name?" alastair asked breaking eve out of her funk.

"Hmmm it vaguely sounds familiar , something about a small place being sacrificed in the south a few years before the planemeld, why?" she asked curiously. "the king who did that is still around with a rather powerful coven of vampires including his daughter and wife in a island castle near solitude." alastair explained honestly. "really? are they like clan ravenwatch?" she perked up hearing that she might not be entirely alone. alastair thought about what he knew of the volkihar vampires and shook his head. "they seem to be a dominance oriented group similar to the gray host just far less open in their actions." he said seriously.

"They sound terrible , why would you bring them up?" eve asked confused. "well as it happens the lord of that coven happens to have a daughter who never really fit in with their way of doing things if you understand my meaning." alastair said with a smile "and as fate would have it she , just like you , has also been sealed away since around the second era." eves eyes shined as she listened to alastair. "so if we save her i might have someone like me around?" she asked excitedly.

"Besides myself i suppose that would be correct." alastair nodded. " besides you? but you are mortal after all i wouldn't be attracted to your blood otherwise." eve said confused. alastair shook his head "i am also immortal , though my immortality does not have any real downsides unlike yours." he explained calmly. eve looked at alastair in a whole new light when she heard him since it meant not only was he her savior but he also won't die of old age leaving her alone. "don't look at me like that i'm spoken for thank you." he shot her down before she got any funny ideas causing her to look embarrassed.