
Alastair didn't need to wait overly long since alina showed up a week later at the college looking for information on an elder scroll. during this week alastair had spent most of his time relaxing with either his wives or chatting with korir or savos. what surprised alastair considerably was that alina had become a powerful vampire and had another following her around. alastair knew who this vampire was at a glance and even he had to agree with the thirsting the internet on earth had about her since she was even more attractive in reality.

This vampire was of course serana volkihar , the daughter of cold harbor alastair had told eve about previously. alastair was curious how eve would react to serana since unlike her eve was a vampire descended from lamae bals line who developed totally differently than molag bals line. most people would think that there wasn't a difference but they would be extremely wrong. due to being the first vampire lamae bal was created with molag bal recklessly using his essence when he violated her. the biggest difference between this and the "ceremony" that created daughters of cold harbor is that molag bal only did the barest minimum with the rest but lamae was subjected to the full force of his essence.

This difference made lamae bal practically a half daedric prince and as a result gave her full authority over vampires of her line. this resulted in lamae bals line being far different than molag bals , some would say superior even. more than anything though lamae bals line had an undying hatred of molag bal passed to them from lamae bals own hatred. as a result alastair wasn't sure if eve and serana could coexist or if they would try to rip the other apart on sight.

Alastair knew that he could prevent any accidents so he informed eve of seranas presence while also explaining his worry about them meeting. eve didn't know herself but said she would try to control herself if his fears came true. in the end alastair and eve waited outside the college for alina and serana since they would need to pass them to leave. the theorized conflict thankfully didn't happen when eve and serana met though it was amusing for alastair to watch how uncomfortable eves high energy made serana who was too polite to tell the girl to buzz off.

"Paarthurnax said he had your answer by the way." alina said while watching eve pester serana with a small smile. "i suppose it has been about a month now that i think of it. you need a ride to go see septimus right?" alastair said casually. alina looked at him in surprise "how is it you seem to always know whats going to happen are you a seer or something?" she asked curiously. alastair laughed "or something is about right , i only know the rough details and even then how they happen is always changing." he explained simply.

Alastair didn't feel like explaining how this world was a piece of fiction back on earth that had a billion differences depending on how it was played. "that explains absolutely nothing." alina complained and alastair could only shrug. "out of curiosity , how does my fight with alduin go in the end?" she asked in interest. alastair shook his head " some questions are better unanswered and that is one of them , anyways i'll take you to and from the place septimus is in the icefields with the sea drake since he has something i need as well." he said calmly.

Alina picked up on the warning hidden in alastairs words and decided not to push the question despite her own doubts on her fate. once eve got past her excitement at having someone as old as her around and calmed down to normal levels serana seemed to visibly relax. apparently serana felt the power hidden in alastair since her vampiric side wanted her to suck him dry. she freely admitted this without a change in expression but when alastair flared a few small wisp of death power she leapt away fearfully. this proved alastairs theory that his blood that was filled with that power was fatal to vampires.