Within a massive white renaissance-style mansion, inside a large white room slept a girl.
She was quite small even for her 4 years of age, with papery white skin which was as smooth as porcelain.
But her most remarkable feature was her long white hair, tarnished by a pitch-black streak that hung across her face.
The sun had been up for several hours and she was about to wake up.
Ahma's icy blue eyes fluttered open as she heard the door to her room open.
Glancing over she saw nothing and a frown appeared on her small face.
"Hello?" she called out to whoever opened the door.
Standing up she slowly walked over to the extremely tall door.
But just as she was about to look into the hallway ahead appeared next to her face, "Hey."
Spinning around she glared at the white-haired boy who seemed only a few years older than her.
Stepping back, the boy looked away, quite anxious at Ahma's reaction, "sorry…"
Placing her hand in front of her mouth Ahma started to giggle which soon turned into full-blown laughter.
Glancing back at her, the boy seemed to become even more anxious and crouching down, fully turned his back at her.
Seeing the boy so depressed the girl jumped forward and landing on his back knocked him to the floor.
"Come on, I'm only joking around.
There's no need to be so sad, Onii-chan."
The gloominess on the boy's face lessened slightly and he began to struggle against his sister, "Please, get off."
Ahma giggled, and wrapping her arms around her brother's neck, shook her head, "No!"
The boy groaned and started to struggle harder.
It seemed as though the boy would be stuck there for the rest of the day until a stern voice cut through Ahma's giggling.
"Ahma get off Eishi!"
Looking up, the girl's eyes widened and standing up she bowed to the tall white-haired woman who was approaching them, "I'm sorry Mother."
Eishi had managed to stand up before their mother reached them and bowed to her respectfully, "Good morning mother."
The woman sighed and crouching down ruffled both siblings' hair, "Eichi, you need to be more confident and Ahma," she then looks at the girl, "Stop bullying your brother."
Sighing, Ahma nodded, "Yes mother."
The woman smiled and turned back to Eichi, an expecting look on her face.
Nodding, the boy glanced over at his sister, "I'll try."
Their mother smiled, and took hold of EIchi's hand, "Ahma, you still have to get change, come to the dining room when you're ready, okay?"
Nodding, the girl skipped into her room slamming the door behind her, while her mother watched on, an annoying smile on her face.
It was quite a bit later when she walked into the massive dining hall covered in white marble gilded with gold.
Skipping over to the massively long table over which hung a row of chandeliers, Ahma jumped up onto the chair next to her brothers.
"You're late!" an icy cold voice declared from the head of the table, Ahma gulped and looked down at the table.
"What do you have to say for yourself!" the voice said again, but stronger than before.
Ahma slowly looked up into the pale silvery grey eyes of the white-haired man sitting at the head of the table.
Gritting her teeth she managed to spit out one word, "Sorry."
The man scoffed and picked up the bell which stood next to him, before ringing it.
The door behind the man swung open and out of them walked a row of four people each carrying a plate covered by a cloche.
One of which was placed in front of Ahma.
All of the cloches were raised simultaneously revealing an omelette, combined with cheese, onions, some cherry tomatoes and a few slices of zucchini.
Raising his knife and fork the man at the head of the table cut himself a slice and placed it in his mouth.
After chewing for a few seconds the man swallowed and turned to the man who had brought his food nodded, "Excellent, tell Mizuki that I'll speak to him later."$
Nodding the server bowed and departed with the rest in tow.
Picking up her knife and fork Ahma carefully started eating her food so as not to draw attestation to herself.
It was absolutely delicious as expected from the Tsukasa family chefs.
Closing her eyes she fully absorbed the taste of the food upon her tongue.
She tasted the egg, as the main ingredient it dominated her senses thanks to the sauteing, which was a dry cooking technique, its golden brown colour changes the flavour drastically while still keeping its original eggish taste.
Another one was the cheese, its strong taste as she knew originated from the acids contained inside it because of its large bacteria content.
While the onion, tomato and zucchini weren't that prominent and were quite overshadowed by the other two they still contributed quite a bit to the taste.
The unique flavour of the onion with the extra hit of it being sauteed gave each bit an extra kick which wouldn't have been there otherwise.
The tomato, on the other hand, stood out in a different way, more specifically in its texture, with the omelette being soft but firm the tomato added with its juiciness.
Lastly, the zucchini, while it didn't stand out in texture or taste for the most part, whenever it touched Ahma's tongue it was an explosion of taste mingling perfectly with the other ingredients.
Placing down her knife and fork Ahma waited for her brother, who always took an immeasurably long time to finish his food.
But today he seemed to eat faster than normal which surprised Ahma since she always had to eat at least ten minutes before he placed down his cutlery.
Standing up, the man at the end of the table gestured towards the door, "Eishi… Ahma, please leave, I and your mother need to talk."
Slowly and carefully falling off her chair, Ahma bowed towards the man, "Tsukasa-sama." before exiting the room Eichi in tow.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.
So as I said in the Synopsis this is a story to help me study since I can't seem to motivate myself to do so.
Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)