Aoba Yamashiro

*** Exam Day ***

Today everyone is so nervous because today they are giving written exam if they somehow able to pass they can become Ninja .

Kei " you don't need to nervous because I have set kind of questions most of you will you all don't need to worry"

Everyone thought thanks for your encouragement Sensei but we don't motivate at all .

After exam .

Kei " tonmorow everyone gather at training ground 11 & you three Akira,Ryujin and Itsuki you three will come here in class again you don't have to go ground "

Itsuki " are you failing us without checking our answers "

Kei " I haven't done that yet ..if you argue with me I will fail three of you "

Ryujin " we are just joking "

Itsuki with emberessment " yes Sensei I was just joking ..why would I argue with Sensei "

Kei "'s batter that you understand "

Akira " of course Sensei.."

exam over and everyone left only there was Itsuki Akira and Ryujin Left .

Itsuki " I think Sixth had complaint against us that's why he choose to fail us "

Akira " I think matter is different "

Ryujin " whatever matter is I am definitely going to pass the exam "

Itsuki " we all going to pass exam after all we have work hard to steal questions paper "

Akira " I think they found that we know the questions from earlier "

Ryujin " if they know that questions are leaked they will change the question paper "

Itsuki " let's watch tomorrow what will happen "

Ryujin " yes if we pass we are going to separate in different team "

Akira " since our reputation is not good I think even I will go into girl's team I can't able to make girlfriend "

Three of them nodded you see this is the real serious issue here.

*** next day ***

Next day three of them are sitting in the classroom and Starting at each other .

From the door one man in his mid forties come out.

He said to them " Akira Itsuki and Ryujin righ I am your jonin Sensei meet me at training ground 9 in 10 minutes "

10 minutes later everyone gather at Training ground 9

Sensei " let me introduce myself first my name is Aoba Yamashiro and I will your Sensei from now "

Itsuki " you mean we pass the exam "

Aoba " yes you all pass exam before everyone that's why you are team 1 "

Akira " that means they will my teammate "

Aoba " I think you three are friends right "

Ryujin " but we thought we might team up with a girls...what a waste of my new perfume "

Aoba " so.. shall we Start ..."

Itsuki " what you want to start Sensei ?"

Aoba " you see you know each other and I am new so let's start introduce each other telling about like dislike and dreams "

Itsuki " first start with you Sensei "

Aoba " okay my name is Aoba Yamashiro I like my village and friends I dislike wars and as for my dream I think I should skip that part now your turn "

Itsuki " my name is Itsuki I like I am should skip that my dislike are I think I don't dislike anything as for my dream..I want to travel much as much I can"

Ryujin " my name is Ryujin Ichimaru I like sweets and beutie I don't dislike anything as for my dream I am going to become Hokage "

Akira " my name is Yui Akira I like spicy food I don't dislike anything as for my dream I want to marry a beutiful women "

Aoba " okay next part is even you pass academy that doesn't mean you pass you have to fight me and if you able to take this bells from me you will pass have whole day ...and start...."

no body move.

Itsuki " I have some questions for you Sensei "

Aoba " what ?"

Ryujin " even we pass this test you have to pass our exam "

Aoba " pass your exam how ?"

Akira " you have to answer our questions if we think your answers setisfy us we will give the test "

Aoba " ...okay let's try....."

Itsuki " What is your type ?"

Aoba " what ?"

Akira " what type Women you like ?"

Aoba " what ...what with...that question ?"

Ryujin " Yes answer the questions Sensei if you want to take test "

Aoba " I see ! then ....long Women....with ...big boobs ...and big ass...I think.."

Itsuki " first test pass now time for part 2 if you pass this test we will take the exam "

Aoba " what is that exam..."

All three boys make evil smirnk.

Aoba " why I am thinking that this is not going to end "


Aoba " what is second test and what I have to do?"

Itsuki " nothing much Sensei just have to go inside and find the 10/10 women and give her this later "

Aoba think " Kakashi had inform me that they are not easy but they are using me for some kind of prank or something ....wait a minute I am their Sensei why I have to listen to them..."

Aoba " wait a moment ...Three of you if you able take the bells I will complete your test infact first test your is already over "

Akira " Sensei what are you talking about ? we already have bells "

Aoba check in his pocket there was no bells .

Itsuki put hand in his pocket and saw bells to Aoba.

Itsuki " test is already over Sensei now your turn "

Aoba had no choice but go inside.

5 minutes Aoba come outside with red face looks like they have give him good lastion.

Aoba " what have you written in that later ?"

Akira " nothing more we just have write I am Men who come in female section for fun"

Aoba " you....."

before he can say anything more two of them turn into smoke and Itsuki turn into crows.

Aoba " oh so he also can use crow clone .... I have found someone like me "


Next day Aoba meet Kakashi.

Kakashi " Yo Aoba what happened "

Aoba " they send me in women section .... all scary women beat me so much....they have already planned it ..."

Guy laugh at both of them " Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha they got both of you . even without your knowing "

Aoba " I think they are pretty smart even smarter than Nara "

Kakashi " yes and their heart is that Itsuki boy "

Aoba " yes ! all White hair kids are always troublesome "

Kakashi "........"