
Itsuki and Airin arrive at Hokage office.

Itsuki open the door and saw there are already lot of people already inside office.

Naru " oh team -1 Is also here."

Airin " sorry for Hokage sama we are late "

Itsuki " it's my fault I was working all night so wake up little late "

Hearing this Airin's face turn into tomato.

No one understands what he kind of work he had done and no one pay attention rather than Sarada.

Sarada choose to say nothing because it will expose their plan to take down this basterd.

Naruto " now everyone is here let's talk about..."

Handsome guy " please let me tell you...blah blah blah... Threat....blah blah.. murder threat...blah blah..blah.."

Naruto " everyone understand right team -1 team -7 and team -10 will take care this matter "

Everyone left expect Airin , Itsuki Konohamaru and moegi.

Naruto " anything you want to say Itsuki "

Itsuki " yes , Hokage sama ... I think if my analysis current I know person behind all this "

Naruto " can you tell ?"

Itsuki " I am not sure but I have dought on them "

Naruto " can be you explain "

Itsuki " because publicity .... please team -7 keep watch young lady keeo watch her team -10 youg man and we will watch over producer "

Konohamaru " but why will they attack on people for publicity ?"

Airin looked at Konohamaru with cold eyes " just do what Itsuki had said "

Cold sweat appered on Konohamaru's foreheads.

Moegi " yes I Think he is current even they are not imposter we can be their bodyguard "

Konohamaru " yes, yes , you are right "

Naruto " so everyone's role is clear now action .."


everyone arrived in studio and everyone Started their work.

Tomaru had eyes on Airin and Chocho for long becuse they both look Attractive of course Airin is even more beautiful .

He arrived at Itsuki and Airin watching prepration.

Tomaru " Hi Beautiful do you want my autograph ?"

Airin " who are you ?"

Itsuki smile looks like he don't need to protect his Lover ( I guess ).

Tomaru " I am start tomaru.."

Airin " never heard of you.."

Tomaru " you don't watch my show ?"

Airin " I have batter work than watching something

stupid "

Tomaru seems like don't want to give up " look miss if you will work with me you will become popular..."

Airin " no need I am happy with current situation.."

Tomaru about to touch Airin's hair and remove from her face.. Itsuki grab tomaru's hand

Itsuki " Mr. Star if you don't want to see tonmorow morning you can touch her .. She is mine ... even you watch her with that are dead"

Tomaru was trembling in fear .

Airin " let him go Itsuki... he is now worth it "

Itsuki let it go his hand.

Itsuki " Mr. star go and do your job and don't interfere in our work who know in next attack what will happen..."


Airin " you know you look pretty Hot when you threat him "

Itsuki " I don't threat him a was saying truth .. if he really touch you I might kill him "

Airin " ohhh !!! so you love me that much !!!!"

Itsuki " I don't like people interfere with my people's"

Airin " your people.... how much peoples you have "

Itsuki silent.

Airin " only one .... what a looser villain you are..."

Itsuki " after going back I will saw you that I am nog looser "

Airin don't mind him and pinch his cheeks " ohh good boy don't do that...."

Itsuki "..."

Airin " jokes aside what do you think who is imposter "

Itsuki " What was name her That youg lady her ..."

Airin' " you mean her...."

Itsuki " yes , she is the imposter "

Airin " how you know ?"

Itsuki " because she is no longer that popular order to get popularity she needs to hype . so that's why she Choose this path."

Airin " in order to not loose popularity... I don't understand "

Itsuki " yes, this is human nature when someone paid lot of attention toward you and suddenly he stops he seek to attention even harder that's what happens to her "

Airin " so why don't you tell everyone earlier..?"

Itsuki " because we still don't have any proof we have to catch them red handed "

Airin " I see!! so, what are we gonna do ?"

Itsuki " wait for their action we will catch him After all we need someone to practice your power right ?"

Airin " hmm !!!! "

Airin " hey ! I am going restroom "

Itsuki " need company "

Airin " shut up "


Airin come out from restroom Girl with Red glasses Sarada already waiting for her outside.

Airin " hey Sarada what are you doing here ? I never expect that we will have same mission "

Sarada " I want to talk to you something serious ! you have some time ?"

Airin " sure ! but What you want to talk to me we have some kind of misunderstanding of something because I don't remamber "

Sarada " no , it's about your team mamber Itsuki "

Airin smile " what is problem with Itsuki , he is sweet and handsome boy "

Sarada " he is not how he look he is far darker and...."

Airin " I know ! he is darkest person you ever meet !

So what about it Sarada "

Sarada " I want your help because he is gonna destroy Konoha ! we have to stop him "

Airin " I see ! so how may I help you with that..."

Sarada " you want to know his weakness and when time comes we have no choice but take big action against him ."

Airin "... I see so that's how it is ... I will help you but I have one question.... why I can see disgust against Itsuki whenever you say his name "

Sarada " because he is Scum , he played with our emotions , he don't even hesitate to use us .."

Airin ".. so how can I know his weakness of he played with me then .."

Sarada " he don't have any weakness so that's why Airin sama we want your help ...if you can please become his weakness ... because he don't trust us have to become his weakness that oneday he will not take such a big action "

Airin " you mean , ..."

Sarada " yes Airin sama "

Itsuki was listening their conversation with unknown emotions . He don't know what will Airin do of she chooses to betray him he is gonna kill her .... death will not normal but most painful death she can even imagine .


Itsuki " hey why take long time , I was waiting for you "

Airin " oh ! sorry I was taking permission from someone to date you .. now even we are in public nothing is problem "

Itsuki shocked he don't expect she will tell the truth.

Itsuki " who is that someone ?"

Airin " I think she should be your ex girlfriend.. by the way how many people know your secret that you gonna crush Konoha "

Itsuki smile he never expect that This girl will choose to corporate him and not resolve his information to other.

Hey I love this girl ... why she is such a dammn Good ...

Itsuki can't control his emotion he band toward

Airin and kiss her.

Airin " hey I don't give permission about this....'

Suddenly Voice come from side ..

* boommm *

Airin and Itsuki saw the wall was broken and someone with mask on come inside.

Itsuki " get ready to Chase him we are not gonna fight him here we will take down him outside"

Airin seriously " as your order master "

Itsuki "...."