
I got back in the car with Jacob. He opened and closed the door for me to enter in the front before he got in himself, then leaned over me to pull a strap from over my shoulder to near my thigh. He was so close that even with the heat in the car, I could still feel his warmth touching me, and my breath quickened. Then with a click he locked the buckle in place. He did the same for himself, and then we were off.

The scenery zoomed by me, and for the first time I noticed how fast we were going, and how close everything was. My heart leapt into my throat every time we turned, and I kept feeling like we were about to crash, but we didn't. Somehow earlier I didn't pay attention to any of this, perhaps because I was too distraught over what happened with Mr. Zimri, and my upcoming confrontation with his wife.