
I heard much about Jerusalem from Jacob and Rebecca. It wasn't just the city where she studied in college, but also the largest city in the country, the national capital, and the center of their religion. In Prandia I was prohibited from having any contact with religion, and the only time I got to enter a temple it was under the guise of a human. Here there were no such restrictions. Since I had orders that were ready for delivery, and since it was the beginning of the week I decided to deliver the orders myself, and also take the opportunity to tour the city while I was at it.

I wished I could have gone with Jacob, but he had to work 6 days a week, only having Friday afternoon and Saturday off. It would have been nice if I could have met there with Rebecca, but she had school 5 days a week, from Sunday to Thursday. On the other hand, I was cleaning houses from Tuesday to Friday, and sometimes even on Monday. Our conflicting schedules made it impossible.