Intermission - Hunt (4)


I returned to Clair's side. As soon as she saw me she ran to me, eyes shining, and wrapped me in a light hug.

"Congratulations! We won!"

"Not yet. We need to finish them off" I grumbled, despite the cheering that rose up around us in response to her statement. "Do you have any reports on their movements?" Since I was in the middle of fighting on the front lines, the scouts should have been reporting to her instead.

"They're gone, though not before slaughtering the three of our people that they took captive." I growled at that. "I believe they're making for the fort they built yesterday. Likely they want to lick their wounds while waiting for reinforcements. They might even be on the way already, although it's doubtful. Since they kept pushing on despite their losses, their commander probably didn't want to embarrass himself by looking weak in front of his peers or superiors. Now they won't have a choice."