Holiday Planning

During the few days between the Day of Atonement and the festival of Sukkot, the rabbis focused on the upcoming holiday. They touched on it before, during the month leading up to New Year's, the month when I started classes, but the focus was mostly on New Year's and the day of atonement. Now they were reviewing the material of Sukkot and the festival that immediately follows it, Simhat Torah, as well as adding further details that they didn't cover before.

The main feature of the holiday of Sukkot was sleeping outside the home in a kind of temporary hut, called a Sukkah. I imagined doing so with Jacob, the two of us cuddling together under the blanket, surrounded by thin walls and gazing at the stars through the canopy. I knew I couldn't fulfill this romantic vision right away, but even if we couldn't share the bad, could we share the shack while sleeping in separate beds?