Graduation Party

"So, how many classmates?"

"About twenty."

"And how many clients?"

"Let's say eight for cleaning, and about twenty for dressmaking."

"Together with the people from the synagogue, that's about a hundred people. We don't have room for so many in this apartment."

I looked around me, and indeed it seemed a little too cramped to fit even fifty people, let alone a hundred.

"How about we do it in your apartment? Even if there isn't enough space on the patio outside, it can just spill out into the street, or spill into the living room."

"Yes, that can work," I said.

We designed an invitation on Jacob's computer, then sent the image to my dressmaking chat group, my cleaning clients, and my former classmates. Jacob sent it to the synagogue mailing list. We were doubtful as to how many people would arrive, especially on such short notice, but we didn't want to delay the celebration.