
What was much more important to me than the house was the robes. With Jacob accompanying me, I hurried to madam Baldwin's shop. The same wolf-kin who greeted Jacob and me the first time was there to greet us again.

"Hello, sir. How can we help you today?" He said to Jacob.

"This time we're not here for me at all," Jacob said.

"Then how can I help you?"

I presented the letter from the academy's secretary. Dorian quickly scanned through it, his expression subtly shifting.

"I see. May I offer you my sincere congratulations?"

"Thank you."

"I will let my mistress know at once. Meanwhile, why don't the two of you make yourselves comfortable?"

We waited while sitting on the couch. It didn't take too long before Dorian came back, this time accompanied by madam Baldwin. She fractionally tilted her head toward me.

"Please allow me to offer you congratulations on your recent promotion."