

The days following the birth passed by like a dream. With Vivian, Rose, and Beverly taking charge of the care of our son, I was lucky if I even got to hold him. When I did, there was a familiarity there, as if he was a part of my own body. He was so small and delicate that I was afraid I would break him, but he already knew how to communicate some of his needs, crying when he was uncomfortable, sucking on air when he wanted to eat. His tiny features were adorable, although his eyes, so much like his mother's, were unsettling.

"What are we going to do about the circumcision? We're supposed to do it on the eighth day, but just getting back will take at least a few weeks, and I don't know how to do it myself. We're going to miss the time," I asked Vivian while letting the little boy hold my little finger. It was about as big as his forearm.