
"Watch out!!"


Hear several voices from above me, and Sayton immediately grabs me and pulls me towards him. Less than a second later I hear a crash behind me. I stand there baffled and glance behind to see a weird-looking mechanical object.

"My gwaud, you almost hit that person," a childlike voice said

"Nah, I didn't, cause Satan pulled him out of the way," said a slightly deeper voice

"But if he didn't then he would have gotten injured" that childish voice continued

"Eh, he would've lived, maybe just a bonk on the head," *sigh*

"But.. Nico what if…."

"My gods, Bear, don't start with the what if's cause once you start, there's no stopping ya"

As they continued talking, their voices faded away little by little. Until I couldn't hear anything. I stepped away from Sayton and stepped closer to the mechanical object to observe, though I didn't touch it.

"That was too close for comfort, sorry about that," *sigh* "mhn, just a warning, but this probably won't be the last time it'll happen to you. There'll probably be other students who will antagonize you to see how you react". Everyone here knows each other. While you're a stranger who just suddenly popped out of nowhere, in the middle of the semester no less". He looked down for a second to catch his breath and then continued. "Since no one knows where you're from and who backs you. Lots if not many will want to test you to see if you have what it takes to be one of them". Sayton said.

I thought of what Sayton said for the rest of the time until he showed me where I'd be staying

"So this is the dormitory, you'll be sharing a room with one other student. But you'll share the restroom and commons with 3 others, including your roommate."

I nod my head in understanding

"If I'm correct, your roommate should be Xander" *sigh "one warning I will give you is that he's not friendly towards strangers, so he'll ignore you and pretend that you're not there." Sayton continues, "the only way he will stop ignoring you is when you get his acknowledgment for something or you decide to leave this place".

I ponder what he says, "ok, thanks for the heads up".

After Sayton left, I grabbed my stuff and my key for my room and opened the door.

Internal monologue-

This is it, the start of the nightmare. Or the part where it dawned on me that this isn't a dream and will be my new beginning in America. *ugh* I don't wanna do this QAQ.

Breathe in, breathe out, think, calm down

I decided that it would look weird if I kept standing in the hallway, so I finally walked into the room. It was quite spacious for a school dorm room. Further in I saw that someone's stuff was there so I knew that that was most likely Xander's and that he was currently out. I checked the clock hanging out in the hall prior to coming in and it said 7:32. Sayton told me the curfew is at 9:45 on school days, but on weekends it's 10:15. I put my pitiful amount of luggage that I call mine on my new bed.

After I finished unpacking all my clothes and other stuff like books, notebooks, etc. I put the school uniform that I received from the school on a hanger in the closet so it wouldn't get wrinkled. When I checked the time again I found out that it was already 9. So I decided to get ready for bed, I went to the bathroom that I supposedly shared with 3 others. Brushed my teeth, used the bathroom and grabbed my advanced English learning book so that I could practice my English.

Right, when I got to chapter 18, the door to the room banged open, and my roommate finally decided to show his face. I ignored him and continued studying my English vocabulary for that chapter. It's not like I don't know English but I'm not 100% fluent because I didn't go to an international school that focused on speaking English. If I had to give myself a percentage I would say I'm 78% fluent.

He looked at me with a surprised look as if he didn't expect to have a new roommate.

Once I finished my quiz for chapter 18, I look up and said, "I'm guessing you weren't expecting a new roommate so you kicked the door open. But, now that you are aware that you do have one, it would be nice if you wouldn't slam open the door next time, this late in the day". Afterward, I went back to my book and continued where I left off.

The next day:

"Everyone, we have a new student," the teacher said to the chattering class as he walked in and looked over at me. Urging me with his eyes for me to introduce myself.

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Felix Nakamura," I said while looking at the back of the room. I almost bowed and luckily I stopped myself in time. I keep forgetting that this isn't Japan and that people don't bow when meeting others.

"Is that a Chinese last name?" said the deeper voice I heard yesterday.

"Yo, China's not the only Asian country, there's like a ton of them, like Japan, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, India, Thailand…

"Ok, ok, calm down smart Alec I get it"

"If I'm not wrong, it's a Japanese last name"

"Oh wow, Theo, you're really smart"


The teacher glances at his binder and frowns. "It says here that your first name is Harry toe…"

"My birth name is Haruto (ha lu to, the R sounds like an L) but my English name is Felix," I said, "and many foreigners can't pronounce my name correctly so I prefer Felix."

"Oh, ok, well is there anything else you would like the class to know?" The teacher asks me. His eyes urged me to spill my whole life story. "Like where you're from?"

Man, this guy is so pushy, isn't he? It's like he won't give up without getting the answer he wants and then once he gets it goes to the next question. Until he has your whole life experience written down in full view. I decided to fulfill his desire for knowledge.

"I'm from Japan, '' I said, glancing back at the teacher as if asking him if that satisfied his question. I'm guessing it didn't because he looked as if he was about to ask another one.

"What part of Japan, like city-wise?" Looks like I was right.

I frowned in displeasure because I don't like talking too much about myself in case it comes to bite me in the arse.

Sensing my displeasure, the teacher coughs in awkwardness as I stand there not answering his question.

"Ok, that's fine to not share if you're uncomfortable. You'll be sitting behind Finley next to the window," he said

I nod my head in understanding and head towards the guy named Finley and sit in the only desk that's empty. I glance around the room to notice that there are less than 15 in the class, excluding me. Guess this is a small school.