Internal dialogue:
I wonder if what I just did was considered disrespectful? Will they start whispering to each other that I disrespected him? Are they gonna exclude me? Am I gonna be left out of the classroom gossip?
Needless thoughts kept floating past my mind. I thought to myself that it wouldn't be weird that they would leave me out because I'm the new kid and that they don't know me.
Even though I prepared myself that, it could happen, I kinda felt a little sad because I want to make friends, but I'm not the best at socializing or starting a conversation.
"Continuing where we left off yesterday, oversight is when...?" The teacher Mr. Byk asked
The "B" is silent and it's pronounced like yuk.
"It's when the L looks at the E and asks hey, what you doing bro" replied a boy with shaggy red hair and pretty hazel eyes.
"That's slightly correct, but Nico I would very much appreciate it if you would raise your hand before sharing your answer," he said with an exasperated look on his face as if this wasn't the first time happening. Probably not because that guy looked very much so as a sarcastic guy.
"You should be glad that I'm even here in the first place, Mr. B" the guy huffs and says, "I could be elsewhere and doing stuff I want to do, like taking a nap".
"You mean sleeping in?" said the small-looking blonde-haired guy sitting behind the redhead whose name I think was Nico. He continued "it's not even 9 am".
"Same difference"
"Um not really," he said in a childish voice. "Cause actually" *cough* "according to Wikipedia, sleeping in is when you remain asleep or in bed later than usual in the morning. He emphasized morning quite clearly.
"While naps are often done due to drowsiness during the day. So based on that evidence, it's not the same thing". Said the blonde person with his face beaming with praise me right now look at it.
"Bear, you're not allowed to use Wikipedia as a source" *sigh* "we've been taught this numerous times since 4th grade". The person in front of me buts in with a righteous expression.
The blonde person visibly pales and says "uh, did I say Wikipedia? Oh, I... I mean't to say uh *pause*
It was obvious that he was racking his brain to figure somet...
"Google! *His eyes lit up as if he got the jackpot* Yes, yes google. I mean't to say Google but I forgot to switch it in". He said, with a slight flush on his face. It was quite obvious that he was lying, I watched on enjoying the free show given. Sadly I didn't have any popcorn to enjoy it.
The guy in front of me turns and looks at Bear with a "are you serious right now" expression.
"Bear, you're the worst liar here and everyone here knows it, so don't even try to".
Bear looked down in embarrassment, his ears and neck flushed red.
"I agree with both of your arguments, I suppose it differs from person to person. Bear's information was quite good, but please make sure that you get your info from a reliable source". Mr. Byk interrupts and glances at Bear who still had his head down facing the floor.
"Continuing onto what Nico said, what is the L and E?"
The person in front of me raised his hand
"Yes, Finley"
"It's the Legislative and Executive branch," said the blondish-white-haired guy.
Mr. Byk nods his head
"What is an example of oversight?" he looks around the class. I hope he doesn't call on me, please don't call me... "Felix, since you're new, how about giving us the answer?" he asked. Is this revenge?
I lick my lips in nervousness and rack my brains for anything, and realize that I can't come up with anything. I then felt thousands of eyes boring into me, I look up to see that only a few students are looking at me to hurry up and answer the question so we can move on. I decide to just act like I don't understand what Mr. Byk is saying.
"...." I look at him in awkward silence and I guess he understood what I was implying
"Can anyone help Felix?" *look around* "Theo?"
The guy called Theo looks like a senior, not a sophomore. "Uh, when Dr. Fauci was questioned by Senator Rand Paul?" He replied as if he wasn't sure.
Mr. Byk nodded his head and had a thoughtful look on his face.
He then switches the topic to PALS, Power, Authority, Legitimacy, and Sovereignty
Mr. Byk goes to his computer at his desk at the front of the room and brings up a news article that mentions the current President and how he is handling the removal of army troops in a 3rd world country that has been there for two decades.
The class went on for the next who knows how long but I lost focus and only when everyone started getting up is when I noticed it ended. I just sat there confuzzled about what was going on because it was still only 10:30. I got my schedule out and looked at it to find out that there was a gap of time between 1st and 2nd periods. I did find out that this school is similar to the one I went to back in Japan where the teachers rotate for each period. Instead of the students moving to an assigned classroom for the lesson when the bell rang.
So this classroom and these students around me will be with me for all my classes. I just sat there dazed as I processed through the information that I got. When someone caught my attention, "hey". I blink out of my thoughts to look at where the voice came from to see the guy who sits in front of me.
"I was talking to you earlier, but it seems you weren't paying attention"
"...." *silence* "ah... sorry"
"We're going to the commons to have tea, wanna come?"
I just sat there dumbfounded, with no idea what he was talking about. Tea? Commons? What? Probably sensing my confusion, and discomfort he slowed down and tried to speak without a southern accent.
"We are going to the common room to have a break, do you want to come? He said
If so, come with me, I'll show you the way."