I sat there dumbfounded, with Bear looking at me with worship.
"Can I have your pizza?"
"Bear, he hasn't even taken a bite out of it, plus you've already had three slices, so why are you begging for more?" Nico said.
I looked down at my plate and saw the pisa that I still haven't eaten. I took a bite and found out that it was really sassy. It was really good and I didn't want to give it to him.
"So, will you give it to me now?" He asked.
"No," I said.
"Why?" He pouted.
"I'm hungry," I said
*Huff* "You're a meany," he said.
I looked at him weirdly, how am I mean?
"Bear, leave him alone and he's not being mean for not giving you pizza," Finley interrupted.
"I know it's just I LOVE pizza!"
*sigh* "Why am I friends with you?" Someone muttered.
"You know you love me though," *hahaha* Bear says.
- Time skip -
"What's wrong?" Bear asked, sitting beside me in Finley's/their room.
"....." Finley told me to come to his room so that he could continue to help me with my homework. But, Bear decided to join in, so here I am being stared at, while I awkwardly wait for Finley to come save me.
"You're in his face, Bear, who wouldn't be awkward?" Nico said sarcastically.
"I am not in his face!" Bear replied.
"It's a saying, of course, you're not in his face, but you're invading his personal bubble," Nico said while leaning against the wall.
"What bubble, what are you talking about Nico, you weirdo," Bear asked indignantly. (Solasta - is this the correct word?)
"OMG" *sigh* "Bear, you're an idiot," Nico said.
"I am NOT, you redhead bull!" Bear said with a huff.
"Whatever," Nico said and walked out of the room.
"Why do, I even try with you?" He muttered as he walked past me.
After he left, Bear kept looking at me. Nico was right, please get out of my lovely bubble. I like personal space, I really don't like it when people come up and hug me. When I met my grandparents from Jeff's side, they were really into hugging and kissing people. I was really uncomfortable and wondered if all Americans were like this. Do they really like hugging people they never met or just met for the first time? I know it's common to give handshakes but what about kissing and hugging? I know in many other cultures, it's normal to kiss relatives on their cheeks, but I've never met them and they kissed me. That situation definitely opened a new world to me.
In my head, I kept thinking of what to say to ask him to get out of my personal bubble. How should I say it? Hey, can you get out of my space? No, that kinda comes off rude. Uh, what about like Nico said you're kinda in my space can you move a little? Eeeh, I don't know what to say. All of it sounds weird. I came up with many and finally told myself to grow up and just say it.
"Hey, um I don't feel comfortable you being really close to me, so um... could you move just a little bit?" I asked. Oh no, I didn't say it the way I wanted to ( ̄ヘ ̄;) = (╥﹏╥)
Ugh, I feel like crying. NO, I AM not going to cry. So what if I said it differently? It doesn't matter, all that does is that I spoke up for myself. I felt much better after saying that to myself.
"Oops, does my breath stink? Sorry, I forgot to brush it," Bear said looking apologetic.
What? what does that have anything to do with being in my space? I wondered.
"I'll be right back, just gonna go brush my teeth," he said walking out of the room towards the bathroom.