"Hey, I found it," said a voice from the door.

I looked up and it was Finley, with some pieces of paper in his hand. I looked at the clock and not even 2 minutes passed since Bear decided to go brush his teeth.


Before I could finish my question, Finley interrupted and said "these are my notes from chapters 1 through 5"

"Oh," I said. I keep saying oh, but what else am I supposed to say, oh that's cool? But, that sounds fake and I don't want to sound fake.

"Here, trust me, these notes will be your lifesaver."

"Did you take them?" I asked.

"Take them? *realization* No, I didn't um... What's the word... *thinking* I didn't write them, it's actually passed down from the seniors."

"Seniors?" I questioned.

"Yeah, every year there's at least one hard subject and it's kinda tradition to pass down notes or textbooks that were used so that it can help us lessen the time working on it. So the notes I'm lending you are like three years old," Finley said.

"Also, whenever Mr. B tells us to take notes, he doesn't collect them until the next day, so you have plenty of time to look at these and then put it all in your own words."

"Isn't that cheating?" I asked.

"Nah, not really, it's called working smarter and not harder," came a voice from my room.

I don't even have to look up to see who it is. From the tone of the voice, I can definitely tell that it's Nico.

"Working....smarter??" I looked up at Him.

"Yep, why do something when you have the answer right in front of you? All, ya gotta do is copy it and change the wording a little and ta da you got it done in a jiffy," he said with a smile.

"Don't you get caught though? Cause everyone has similar answers"

"Eh, I bet he knows but doesn't care, as long as you do it and don't get caught plagiarizing he doesn't care."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Well, looks like you learned something new then. What's the saying again, something about new things every day?"

"It's you learn something new every day," Finley said.

"Pish posh, who cares, same thing. Honestly, Fin, you just ruin the mood with all your factual information"

"Huh, is that why you failed 8th grade? " Finley said.

I'm so confused, but I keep listening on pretending to not be here. You know that feeling when your parents are fighting in the kitchen and you're there just eating your food pretending you're not there. That's exactly what I'm feeling right now.

"Excuse, me? *scoff* "Wow, you're gonna bring that up? How petty are you?"

"I'm not"

"Also, I might have failed, but at least I took summer classes to catch up!" Huffed, Nico.

"So, don't talk to me like you're better than me. I'm sick and tired of you pretending to be all better than us just cause you're smarter and the class president," Nico said with a slightly red face.

I decided while they were yelling to quietly grab the notes and retreat to my room. Before fully leaving, I made sure to close the door slightly so that it gives them a little privacy.

I walk over to my bed and place the notes there. I decided that before I start writing them down, I was going to get ready for bed. After I finish washing my face and brushing my teeth, I quickly go back to the bed to work on my homework.