Chapter 84

Xu Yuxian is browsing the official website. He is responsible for the security maintenance of the company. There have been many attacks on the company in the past, but since then, there have been many fewer attacks on the company's servers.

It's all unimportant attacks that don't break their firewalls.

Today, he is responsible for the maintenance of the website. It's no big deal. He just needs to refresh the background to see if there is any abnormal data.

Just as he was checking the backstage of the website, a warning message suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Note that hackers have hacked into the company's servers."

Xu Yuxian pupil a shrink, say this sentence, Xu Yuxian began to change the page, resist invasion.

This sentence, let the security team all nervous, not only he, the company around the network security team, one after another action.

"Inform the supervisor that a hacker has hacked into the company's server."

A minute later, the computer screen of the whole company was fixed and the office area was in a commotion.

Xu Yuxian swiped the mouse twice, pulled it out and plugged it in again, but there was still no response. When he looked at his colleagues next to him, he found that other people, like him, were all frozen and out of control.

The next moment, everyone's computer screen pops up with a smile.

"The other party controls our computer. Computers with important information should be shut down immediately. "

The face of the network security team is gloomy and as dark as the bottom of a pot. Their team, unable to resist the two minute attack, was controlled by the computer.

The whole company's network was paralyzed. Before long, Zhao Min appeared in the office area of the network security team.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Min asked.

"Hackers have hacked in and controlled our computers. We are cracking them."

Xu Yuxian and others turned black. Now the whole company's computers are under control. Their security team has no function. I'm afraid they will be scolded. They can't even protect their jobs.

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know. We haven't seen this kind of attack. It may be a new type of Trojan program. "

The network security team is sweating and anxious. No matter how hard they try, they can't crack it, which makes them feel extremely depressed.

"Inform go down, hacker invades, looking for a solution, everybody is at ease to wait." Zhao Min finished, and took Xiaoyu out of the office area of the network security team.

At this time, Chen Mo sat on the chair with a calm face.

It's unprecedented for me to invade my company's servers.

"Change the official website to smiley face, and post the smiley face on the official microblog, with the text smile!"

"OK, brother mo." Mo Nu did as Chen Mo ordered.

The official website becomes a smiling face, which is updated by Weibo. The strange move of marching ant company immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Just now, the official micro blog of marching ant just clarified the rumor. Now update the smiling face. What do you mean?

"The March ant company was blacked out by visual inspection!"

"It may be black, a new sign with bitter smile. Does it mean pleasure in pain? "

"It means let the March ant company live with a smile."


Zhao Min and Xiaoyu are going to Chen Mo's office. As soon as they get out of the elevator, they receive a call from Li Lingfeng.

"President Zhao, the password of the official microblog account has been stolen, and the hacker has updated the microblog."

"I see. For the time being, I'll ignore it."

Now the company's computers are under control, and it's unknown what's lost. After explaining things clearly, Zhao Min hung up the phone and stepped up to Chen Mo's lab.

"Copy the recording of my last call with Zhao Min yesterday, the recording of the company's internal conference call on butterfly eye products, as well as the advertising plan of butterfly eye and other products."

"OK, brother mo." "It has been copied," said mo. "Brother Mo, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min have entered the experimental area."

"Well, put an end to the prank, everything else, and get back to the status quo." Chen Mo said.

"Mo Nu understands."


The people of the network security team are crying. Up to now, they still have no clue and can't break each other's invasion. In this way, their team is not so easy to be scolded and their jobs are not guaranteed.

This is a company with huge development prospects. It is almost impossible to find such a company if it is swept out of the door.

Unless the giants and unicorn companies want them, but if there is nothing they can do this time, they are unlikely to go anywhere.

Just when they were at a loss, the smile on the computer screen suddenly disappeared. All the computers in the whole company are back to normal.

All the members of the network security team are stunned. It's not 15 minutes from the beginning of the attack to the end, so it's over? What do you mean? What did they take away?

Zhao Min and Xiaoyu verify their identities and enter Chen Mo's office through a long corridor."Chairman, the company has been hacked." As soon as Zhao Min entered the office, he said in a hurry.

"I see. The crisis is over. A notice was issued saying that the March ant company was attacked by a large-scale hacker today, without much loss. " Chen Mo said.

"So soon?" Zhao Min is surprised to go to Chen Mo's computer, and it's a normal desktop: "you did it?"

"Almost." Chen Mo said with a smile.

He can't say that he invaded, or Zhao Min would have to cut him with a knife.

"Then I'll explain." Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief. Since she was ok, she was relieved and turned away.

"Mo Nu, pack the copy and put it on the Internet Forum of foreign social networking websites, indicating that it's the data obtained from the database of the army ant company. Use fake IP to highlight the recording of the call between Zhao Min and me yesterday. "

"OK, brother mo."

Zhao Min quickly asked people to delete the smiling face micro blog just released, and released a notice that the marching ant company's server was hacked, and some important conference calls and high-level communication calls were lost.

One stone arouses thousands of waves, which makes the marching ant company, which is already at the forefront of the storm, once again be concerned.

Being blacked out, now the server is also attacked by hackers. Apart from jealousy, no one else can think of any other way to describe it.

At the same time, it was a night in the West. On the most famous social forum in foreign countries, a netizen named smile uploaded some documents and signed the title with the information obtained from the black March army ant company.

March ant company is also a topic in the West recently. This post immediately attracted many people's attention.

"It's all in Chinese. Who can translate it?"

"This is the most difficult text to understand..."

"Chairman, didn't I bother you? what's the matter? (Apple) Kuk asked us to have a talk this evening. Talk at night? Did he get jet lag? Tell them, if you want to cooperate, come to the company to talk... "

"Cook? Tim Cook? "

"Cook? They want cook to go over and do business on his own? Who's so pushy? "

The recording of Chen Mo's and Zhao Min's conversation was soon translated and aroused waves. The news of Cook's visit to China is well known to many people. Unexpectedly, cook went to the marching ant company to discuss business this time.

In foreign countries, people are just surprised and laugh.

But at home, it has different repercussions.

Before long, all those materials and recordings were sent back to China, and the media that knew the truth were boiling.

The recording is an internal call between Zhao Min, President of marching ant company, and the chairman. It's not that marching ant company invited cook to talk about business, but cook took the initiative to find marching ant company.

Today, a lot of people are still rushing to march in the ant company because of this incident. Now the plot turns upside down.

In his final interview, Cook said he was invited. Who was lying? There is a huge question mark in the heart of all journalists with a sense of news.