Chapter 85

"Ms. Zhao, your company has disclosed personal data of tens of millions of users in this hacking incident. What is your response to the news? "

Zhao Min's eyes are surrounded by many reporters. All the scenes are on her.

This simple temporary press conference is what Chen Mo meant. For leaked documents, and network rumors, plus the attack on March ant company, make a clarification.

"You said it yourself. It's a network rumor. Our company has special protection for the company's users' data, which can't be stolen by hackers. Among the hackers' computers and stolen documents, the most important one is several publicity plans that are not filed, some conference recordings that are not encrypted and protected, and the rest are without any loss. "

"Ms. Zhao, on well-known foreign forums, there are hackers who claim to have successfully invaded your company and published the documents stolen from your company. There are some recorded documents in them. Are these recordings true?" Just after Zhao Min finished answering, another reporter asked a question.

"Our company did lose some unencrypted recording files. As for the recording, I didn't hear the contents and couldn't judge whether it was true or not. Whether true or not, I hope that the relevant company website can delete these files, so as not to cause greater losses to our company. Our company seriously condemns this illegal and criminal act of stealing company secrets. "

"Among the leaked recording documents, there is a recording of your conversation with the chairman of your company. It's about Mr. cook inviting you to talk about business. Mr. Cook said that you invited him to come over to discuss business. What's your response to that? "

Zhao Min's mouth was smiling. Cook dug a hole for him. This time, he could send it back with money and capital.

"We had no idea in advance about Mr. cook's visit. After Mr. cook came to Binhai City, he invited our chairman to discuss many times. But because the chairman couldn't be separated, he didn't go. Mr. cook also understood that he took the initiative to discuss cooperation with our company. "

There was a bit of commotion in the audience. Zhao Min's short sentence showed a lot of information. The marching ant company didn't know cook's visit. When he came to Binhai City, cook invited the marching ant company's personnel to negotiate for many times. Finally, he was refused and came to the marching ant company himself.

They are all literal workers, who can understand what Zhao Min said.

"It's said on the Internet that your company has reached many cooperation with apple. What kind of cooperation is it?"

"Internet rumors, these four words, for our company, are very terrible. There are always people who use false information to attack us. It's our freedom to work with any company.

With so many employees in the company, money doesn't fall from the sky. We have already responded to your question. There are still many different opinions on our cooperation with apple. There is no cooperation at present. "


After a simple interview, Zhao Min went back to his company. As soon as I got back to the office, I received a call from Chen mo.

"No phone recording this time, right? Mr. chairman? " As soon as the phone is connected, Zhao Min opens up.

The recording of her conversation with Chen Mo is a little strange. She can't record a call. The only possibility is Chen Mo's recording.

"Eh? Accident, my phone, is often in the recording state, after all, in case of saying anything, recorded down, you can live forever. " Chen Mo said with a smile.

In fact, Mo Nu will record his call recording. Chen Mo can't tell Mo nu.

"Ha ha, did you say the famous sentence of the past?"

"No." "It's a good job this time. I feel that you have the potential to enter the Ministry of foreign affairs. You can talk in one way or another," Chen said

"I work for you. Now laugh at me, don't you?"

"No, I'm obviously praising you." Chen Mo said: "now that we have said everything, it's not our problem how to interpret those media."

"You're a real loser." Zhao Min said meaningfully to hang up.

After Chen Mo hung up, he began to draw the design of the robot. As soon as the design drawings come out and the materials for designing robots come back, they can start to manufacture robots.

The interview of the temporary press conference of marching ants was soon spread.

Cook deliberately set up the marching ant company? "

cook is flustered? "Why does cook lie? "

cook was angry when he didn't cooperate with marching ant company? "No one cared about the hacker who invaded the March ant company. Cook was the focus of attention. After all, when he was in public, Cook said that only when he was invited would he cause trouble to the marching ant company.

Because of the recording incident, the fact that the March ant company didn't invite cook was revealed. Instead, cook invited them. Not only that, the news of Apple's return empty handed spread quickly.

This means that all the rumors about the March ant company on the Internet are false.Capital, apple R & D center.

Cook's face is not very good. He thought the next suit was a small suit for the army ant company. I didn't expect to be turned back so soon.

March ant company hacked? Damn the invasion.

They are Apple's best hackers. They invade the March ant company. They are all killed and suffer a loss. If the firewall of marching ant company is so easy to invade, he doesn't have to work hard to come to China now.

The March ant company obviously didn't want to suffer such a simple loss, so it engaged in such a hacker invasion. And then it happened that the recordings of their conversation came out. In addition to a few unimportant publicity programs, xingjunyi company has no other losses.

He can't refute the fact that he was hacked.

The marching ant company took the opportunity to clarify, but there was nothing wrong with it. The only problem was that he had let people say sorry, but the marching ant company didn't say anything about it.

When cook was in a bad mood, his secretary came in and said, "Mr. cook, let's go back home as soon as possible."

"Back home? Why? " Cook said.

"I may think that the stock continues to fall. The company says that many directors want to hear your response."

"Book a ticket for tonight." Cook said to the secretary with a dark face.

This is the most unpleasant visit to China. In the face of smart assistant's attack to update mobile phones, he has to come.

Otherwise, they will have to withdraw from the mobile phone market just as NOKIA has been called into history by Android.

There are only two things to do this time, to speed up Siri's research and development, or to persuade the board of directors to give the source code of Apple's system to marching ant. However, it is almost impossible to open the source code to a Chinese company, which is unthinkable.

In the evening, cook left China quietly, without alerting anyone or even responding to the matter of the March ant company, just as when he came, quietly.

Come to China in a big way, and you'll end up with a tiger's head and a snake's tail. Come quietly, leave quietly, do not take away a cloud.