Chapter 111

Zeng Jian sleeps a bit confused. Suddenly, the ring of his cell phone pulls him out of his quilt.

Some time ago, I was so tired that the chief editor didn't use him as a person. It's not easy to get back to school for graduation. I'm sorry if I don't get a good sleep.

"Who is so wicked? Call me so early. Hello, who is that? " Zeng Jian grabs the mobile phone and doesn't look at it, listless.

"Zeng Jian!"

"Shit, who are you scolding?"

"Are you stupid? Call you A short voice came from the other end of the cell phone: "are you a student of Binhai university?"

"Editor in chief?" After seeing the caller ID, Zeng Jian suddenly woke up: "editor in chief, I'm a student of Binhai University. What's the matter?"

"It's said that Chen Mo, the chairman of marching ant company, is a graduate of the same class as you. He's back to your school today. You immediately follow up his report and see what big news is. I'll get back to you for correction. "

"Marching ant company? director? Graduates? "

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Jian was still sitting on the bed, his face confused. After the reaction, Zeng Jian turned on his mobile phone. Before long, he turned over from the bed, washed quickly and ran out of the dormitory with his camera.

This is not an example. The reporters who got the news kept rushing to Binhai University from all directions.

The development of marching ant company is too crazy. During this period of time, the news related to marching ant company is hot.

Now it suddenly burst out that the chairman of marching ant company is just a fresh graduate. The information contained in this news is absolutely explosive news.

How talented people can build a company into one of the giants in such a short time.

As a client, Chen Mo is visiting the school with the principal. It was the first time that he met this kind of honor. Even though he was familiar with the school, he still had to work hard together.

"Chen Mo, I have an unexpected request here." Qiu Guofeng rubbed his palms and wanted to talk.

"Headmaster, you say." Chen Mo said.

"The school is in the auditorium tomorrow and has a donation ceremony. At that time, students from the school will be organized to watch. Can you give a speech and set an example for your younger brothers and sisters? " Qiu Guofeng asked.

Now, Chen Mo is a giant. Ordinary people are in trouble if they want to move. This is such a good opportunity. We must not miss it.

"I don't know how to refuse it." Chen Mo thought about it and finally nodded.

"Then I'll take it for granted, and I'll arrange it later."

Qiu Guofeng's face is full of smiles. It's a blessing for Binhai university to have such an excellent student. I'm not happy.

"Student representative of graduation ceremony, do you have time?"

"Headmaster, I won't go to the graduation ceremony. Leave the chance to other students." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"That will do." Qiu Guofeng nodded.

Walking all the way, chatting, strolling around the school, and seeing what should be seen, Chen Mucai took Xiaoyu and said goodbye to the principal and the teacher.

"You're a school celebrity now."

Xiaoyu puts his mobile phone in front of Chen Mo, on which are various posts of the school forum, many of which are about Chen mo.

In addition, there are many news about Chen Mo's identity on the Internet, which is now a hot news. If the news is confirmed, it will be the strongest graduate, a new generation legend.

"Look at this." Xiaoyu smiles and puts a post of the forum in front of Chen mo.

Seeing this post, Chen Mo cannot laugh or cry.

It's true that people are afraid of famous pigs and strong pigs. It's only half a day since I came back. There's such a legend in school. If he hadn't seen these stories, he didn't know that he had done so many things.

What's more, the picture of the headmaster greeting him is also on it. Now there is no doubt that he has been known by the school people.

"It's not a good reporter now. Many people already know about you. Tomorrow you are going to give a speech. It seems that you can't keep a low profile from today. " Xiaoyu gloated.

"What can I do?" Chen Mo said helplessly, "but the identity exposure is only a matter of time. If you don't say this, do you want to go back to the dormitory now?"

"If Xi and Tongtong are waiting for me, they will go back now. You'd better go back and prepare for the speech at the donation ceremony tomorrow. " Xiaoyu said.

Return Xiaoyu to the dormitory downstairs, Chen Mo will walk back to his dormitory alone.

He has been away for such a long time. Although he has a lot of iron friends with the dormitory, he is also a good friend. This time back, do not go back can not say.

Now it's class time, not many people, and no one will pay attention to him.

In the dormitory, at this time, five people have no mind to play games, and are discussing Chen mo.

Chen Mo lives with them in a dormitory after entering university. As a result, they played in University for several years, but during this period of time, Chen Mo transformed into Gao fushai.There is no harm without comparison, and now there is no mind to play games.

"I didn't expect Chen Mo to hide very deep." The fat man took the lead in saying, "when he comes back, he must fight against the local tyrant."

"I seconded." Liu De said.

"I seconded." Said Niu Lei, a strong man with dumbbells.

"I think it's good to call. Chicken." Pu Yuan's hands are folded next to him.

His appearance attracted a lot of white eyes.

"Call your benefactor."

"Who wants to call a benefactor?" A voice rang out and Chen Mo came in from the door.

Seeing Chen Mo, several people stopped. Finally, they looked at Chen Mo to see the difference. I was still discussing Chen mo. now Chen Mo is back. I don't know what to say.

Five people's eyes let Chen Mo in the heart some hair: "you look at me why?"

"Are you really the chairman of marching ant company?" Asked the fat man.

"That's right." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Sure enough! Five people in the dormitory looked at each other. Chen Mo's identity, they just guess, after all, is also called Chen Mo, girlfriend is the president assistant of marching ant company, think about it a little, can guess.

"Tuhao, please have dinner." Liu De opens his mouth.

"OK." Chen Mo immediately nodded, "you can eat anywhere."

"Well said loser. Silk. As a result, you quietly changed from loser. Silk to a man. How can we be in love?" Wish just this sentence, say some people's thoughts.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a picture with the billionaire and put it in the circle of friends. Since my roommate is a billionaire, I can boast for several days. "

Pu Yuan, the youngest, immediately took out his mobile phone and ran to Chen Mo's side, putting a scissor hand.

"I'll come, too." Fat man also took out his mobile phone: "another one together."

A few people are making noise in the dormitory for a while. Not long after they have made friends, several students in the dormitory next door also come to take photos with Chen mo. Chairman of marching ant company, the future may be a legend. I don't have such a good chance to take a picture this time.

In the evening, Chen Mo invited some people to dinner.

Several people are not different because of his identity. They are talking and laughing all night, talking about some interesting things about college life and some plans for the future. They will graduate soon, and their road will be different in the future.

During the university period, there were occasional contradictions between them, but they soon put them down. The relationship was not an iron friend, but a good friend.

After drinking wine and parting with several people, Chen Mo rushed back to his villa.