Chapter 112

The next morning, Chen Mo got up and rushed to school after receiving Xiaoyu's phone call. Today is the day of the donation ceremony. He will attend the ceremony and give a speech.

Just outside the school, Xiaoyu, Li Lingfeng, Li Ruoxi and a group of principal teachers have been waiting at the door. Seeing Chen Mo's car coming, the party immediately went up.

"Chen Mo, I have to say sorry for something." After seeing Chen Mo, Qiu Guofeng said: "because there are too many students signing up to listen to your speech, there is no room in the auditorium, so we temporarily changed the venue to the square last night. If I'm afraid to disturb you at night, I haven't informed you. "

"Is that so? It's OK. It's all the same. " Chen Mo said. For him, it's just another stage. It's the same everywhere.

"Today's donation process is like this..." Xiaoyu goes to Chen Mo and begins to introduce his process today.

Soon, a group of people came out of the square.

As soon as they appeared, there was a commotion among the students who had been waiting in the square. They turned their heads and looked over. Then there was a burst of applause.

The media reporters, who had been waiting in the square, also turned to Chen mo.

March ant company is a legend of the domestic business community. Zhao Min, their president, has appeared in front of the camera countless times and is worthy of the title of "wanghong". But as the chairman of the board of directors, the seat never appeared in front of the public.

Only yesterday did posts and news from Binhai university let them know the identity of the chairman of marching ant company.

Knowing Chen Mo's speech at Binhai University today, many reporters rushed to Binhai city overnight.

Chen Mo looks at the dense head in front of him, and his heart is shocked. No wonder the auditorium can't be filled. It's estimated that there will be six or seven thousand people in it. Half of the school people have come here.

Many classes have organized to listen. Chen Mo didn't know. For the ceremony, the school also told him to have a day off.

He didn't even think that so many people came to see his first speech.

After Chen Mo took the seat, the applause stopped and the scene was quiet. It's just that he's not used to the scenes of many journalists.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Qiu Guofeng stepped onto the stage.

Qiu Guofeng at this time, full of energy, interviewed ruddy, straightened out the microphone in front of him before opening his mouth: "I know that you didn't come to see my old man speak today."

As soon as the sound of his self mockery fell, a wild laugh broke out below, accompanied by crazy applause. The headmaster's humor, which they had already appreciated at the opening ceremony, was even more ridiculed this time.

"But I'd like to say a few words, but it's a little long."

Qiu Guofeng smiled and continued to talk.

"At the beginning of the school, I have told each of you that today you are proud of Binhai University, tomorrow, Binhai University will be proud of you. Why do you say that I have said this to each of you? Because I'm a little lazy. The speeches of the opening ceremony are the same every year. There's this sentence on it. "

Laughter broke out again.

"Today, Binhai university is proud of a student. He is Chen Mo, your senior. I hope you are like him in University, fighting for your dream and being a useful person, instead of living in a corner like an ostrich all day.

I hope that one day in the future, it will be one of you who will stand on this platform to talk with your younger brothers and sisters. I hope that you will become the next Chen Mo, even if you can't be the next Chen Mo, you will also be a useful person for the society. I heard that the shorter the speech, the more intense the applause! "


The students below responded and began to clap and shout loudly. They've heard a lot of stinky and long speeches, and they haven't heard anything useful. The headmaster's speech, although short, can hear at least one thing.

As the applause subsided, Qiu Guofeng said, "here is the donation ceremony. Let's welcome our senior Chen Mo to the stage."

Qiu Guofeng looks at Chen Mo sitting under the stage, and the eyes of others all look to Chen Mo's position. The camera of all reporters is also aimed at Chen mo.

They know that today, the big boy is the main character.

In less than a year, marching ants have created a miracle in business. This miracle will become a legend of business.

At present, the marching ant company is a sailing ship, rushing right and left in the fixed market form, and Chen Mo is the helmsman behind the giant ship.

If it wasn't for the facts, they wouldn't have associated the chairman of marching ant company with the easygoing big boy in front of the camera.

"Chen Mo, donate 20 million yuan to school construction. We will use this money to create better learning conditions for students. At the same time, marching ant company established ant scholarship in Binhai university to reward students with outstanding academic performance and family difficulties. With the warmest applause, we thank Mr. Chen Mo and the marching ant company. "

Qiu Guofeng's face with joy, clapping, the applause below into a continuous one, the voice of good cheer continued to appear.Under the stage, Li Ruoxi looked around and smiled and attached it to Xiaoyu's ear.

"Xiaoyu, do you feel proud? How powerful is his man? "

"Look first, don't make any noise." Xiaoyu's ears turn red. He pushes Li Ruoxi aside and continues clapping. However, his eyes fall on Chen Mo, but they are very gentle.

"Look in your eyes and you will know that you have fallen." Li Ruoxi once again extended his head: "should I say that he is lucky, or you are lucky?"

"I'm lucky." Xiaoyu laughs.

"You are really lucky." Li Ruoxi said jokingly, "look at the eyes of those girls who are crazy about flowers. You should guard your men well and not be robbed."

"Now is not the time to say that." Xiaoyu helplessly looks at liruoxi.

The applause is higher than the applause. Many people applaud. Especially in Chen Mo's college and class, the applause is the most intense, many people have shouted.

"You are so handsome!"

"I love you, sir!"


In the prolonged applause, mixed with the cries of many girls. Later, the shouts became one, which made Chen Mo on the stage laugh and cry.

In applause and shouting, Chen Mo hands over the big check to Qiu Guofeng. The reporters under the stage, long guns and short guns, were shooting at the handover of the two.

After the donation, Qiu Guofeng opened his mouth again. This is the first speech of your seniors. Everyone applauds and welcomes it. "

In the fierce applause, Qiu Guofeng, with a smile, retired and handed the stage to Chen mo.

Looking at the dense heads under the stage, Chen Mo walked to the microphone's small platform. This is his first speech, and yesterday he was so hearty that he didn't prepare a speech. Now he can only catch up with the duck and put it on the shelf.

Standing at the small podium, all the applause stopped. Countless pairs of mixed expectations, envious eyes turned to Chen mo.

Each of them is curious about what Chen Mo will tell them.

PS: give a friend a push. Steal the name of "God's limitless": the story of positive energy that urges the second generation of rich system hosts to go up and down together. God Haowen, like the book friends can see.