Chapter 113

Now everyone's eyes are on Chen Mo, and even some news media have started live broadcasting on the Internet.

This is his first exposure to the spotlight. If it had been before, he would have been nervous, but now he has different vision and different things to see.

After standing on the platform, Chen Mo relaxed and looked down at the students and reporters.

"Hello, I'm Chen mo. You came here today to listen to my little talk. " Chen Mo joked.

At the end of the speech, the people below burst out laughing, accompanied by intense applause. It is obvious that the tone of the headmaster comes from ridicule.

"Before today, like many of you, I have never been on the stage, let alone addressed so many people. Once upon a time, I dreamed of giving an impassioned speech on the stage. But when I came up today, I found my first time was gone. "

A soft laugh rose again under the stage.

Chen Mo raised his hand and suppressed the voices of the people. It's a natural way to behave. It's not the first time to give a speech.

When Chen Mo got to the point, everyone was quiet. Everyone is looking at the stage carefully. The student in the front has taken out his mobile phone and the camera is all facing Chen mo.

"I've just heard from the headmaster. I hope you'll make the next Chen mo. Chen Mo himself warns you not to be the next Chen mo. You are you, different from yourself, everyone is unique.

In fact, the principal wants you to be the next Chen Mo, which has a purpose. He wants you to donate money to the school just like me. "

As soon as Chen Mo said this, he immediately burst into laughter, accompanied by thunderous applause. This sentence made fun of myself and the principal. Even Qiu Guofeng, who retired, laughed and clapped.

"Right is a joke, don't take it seriously. But I also want to be different from you. " Chen Mo continued to start: "I don't want to tell you too much about the great principles. Many of you know better than me."

"In college, you only need to do one thing, only one thing, which is what you like to do. Literature and art must be called dreams. If your dream is to be a loser, then you should also aim to surpass Zhang Yida. Zhang Yida wants to win a lawsuit. Why can't you win two lawsuits? "

When it comes to Zhang Yida, laughter broke out again under the stage.

"No matter what major you are or what you study. University, choose a thing you like, and then stick to it, keep forging ahead. The word "insist" is very simple, easy to say and difficult to do.

There is no essential difference between human and ant. They live and live. We are different from ants in that the content of our life is more wonderful... "


Chen Mo just said a few words, and applause interrupted his words. There is no essential difference between human being and ant. This sentence has aroused many people's resonance. All their efforts are to live and survive better.

After the applause subsided, Chen Mo began to speak again.

"Students who are going out of society are like ants just out of their nest. Next to the ant colony, delicious food has long been occupied by other ants. Now the world is dominated by giant capital. These giants are the ants that occupy the food beside the ants' nest.

The road that can be opened around has been opened up by predecessors, and there are fewer and fewer unknown areas left. If you want to eat meat, you have to go further to find food. This requires us to be like a lone hero, in the field we like, stick to going all the way.

In school days, focus on one thing, enough to make you an elite in your chosen field. In the future, when you go out of society, you will find that there are only one or two ants in a lot of big meat. You can easily join them and get the meat you want.

I started marching ants because once I was an ant just out of its nest. It's just that I'm lucky. I'm an open March ant and I've met an ant who can only help me manage my team.

As you can see, the March ant company is on its way to the top of the food chain. All giants, once an ant... "

Chen Mo's speech was not long, it was less than five minutes. Give a simple example to compare with them. After all, speech and empty talk are not good, and there should be some factual basis.

Until Chen Mo stopped, all the people responded, and then there was a fierce applause.

Chen Mo's metaphor is very appropriate. They are ordinary people, just like an ant, weak and small. In this era of missing opportunities and opportunities everywhere, if you want to take a step, you must be good enough.

"I'm sorry, but the boast went too far." Chen Mo said with a smile.

As soon as the words came out, they burst into laughter. The applause just stopped under the stage broke out again.

"Everyone, it's a rare opportunity. If you have any questions you want to ask, you can ask Mr. Chen Mo on the spot." The host saw the opportunity and stood up and said.

As soon as the host's words fell, the dense students raised their hands.

The next moment, a girl ran from the crowd to the stage and raised her hand. Girls with ponytail, face some immature, with baby fat, looks some lovely."The story tells us that action is more practical than waiting." Looking at the girl running out, Chen Mo said, "the first question is for this girl."

Girls took over the microphone, some embarrassed to say: "senior, how can I make myself better?"

"As you are now, you are the first one to get the microphone. You are better than other students in this matter. When you want to get something and fight for it, the process of action will make you excellent. "

"Thank you, sir." Girls seem to understand a bit, thank you after walking back to their own position.

"Next student."

Just after saying that, more than 20 students all ran to the front of the stage, and several others came in one after another.

"This story tells us to be the first to eat crabs. Now I choose one of you, and the rest of you have failed in the competition. "

Chen Mo meticulously answered the questions until he finished the speech and answered many students' questions. These are all unimportant problems. Many students are confused about their future. At this point, Chen Mo can't help.

After the speech, Chen came off the stage with warm applause.

At the end of the ceremony, the reporters who had been guarding the stage gathered around. It's not easy to meet Chen Mo once. If you can interview Chen Mo, that's the news.

"Mr. Chen Mo, do you have any plans for the future of marching ants?"

"Why did the March ants fail to march into Europe?"

"What's the next product of marching ants?"


A group of reporters held up their cameras and shouted at Chen Mo, but they couldn't get close to Chen Mo because the security guard stopped them.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I can't answer these questions now. I'll give you the answers one day." Chen Mo responded politely and left in the crowd.

After getting rid of all the reporters and walking back to the car, Chen was relieved. Now I finally know that it's tiring to be concerned.

The video of Chen Mo's speech was soon uploaded on the Internet. As a business legend, his identity has always been concerned.

The first speech by the leader of marching ant company? Chen Mo

the man in power behind the March ants

is occupied by various articles titled Chen Mo on the Internet. Chen Mo, who was too young to be feared, also became the subject of discussion. Chen Mo appeared in front of the public this time, completely satisfying the curiosity of the public. Just a public speech, he has become an Internet celebrity.