Chapter 116

Chen Mo and Xiaoyu are waiting outside the station. At this time, Xiaoyu is extremely nervous. Her hands are tightly held and her eyes are fixed on the exit.

After seeing three people coming out of the station, Chen Mo laughed and hurried up.

"Dad, mom, Aunt Jane."

"Oh, amo." When Chen Mu saw Chen Mo, she didn't look at her eyes and said, "you're thin again."

"Where is it thin?" Chen Mo can't laugh or cry.

In my mother's eyes, no matter how good life is, as long as I leave home, I will become thin.

"Dad, mom, aunt Zhen, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Xiaoyu." Chen Mo pulls Xiaoyu to his side.

"Good uncle, good aunt, good Aunt Jane Good. " Xiaoyu greets Shaozhen and doesn't know what to do.

Chen Mo just came to see his parents, not aunt Zhen.

"Xiaoyu." Shao Zhencai noticed Xiaoyu and then smiled: "I didn't expect to see you here. I didn't recognize you just now. Elder sister, Xiaoyu is the girl I was going to introduce to Xiaomo last time, especially a lovely girl. "

"Oh, hello Xiaoyu."

Chen's mother immediately showed a surprise expression and looked at Xiaoyu up and down, totally looking at her daughter-in-law. After pulling Xiaoyu, he began to ask, which made Xiaoyu a little confused and cast his eyes to Chen Mo for help.

Chen Mo's face is muddled. The girl he was introduced to last time? Xiaoyu? Suddenly, Chen Mo understood why Xiaoyu would laugh at his blind date. This girl is the girl he wants to meet.

"Dad, mom, Aunt Jane, let's talk in the car."

Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu trapped in the clutches of his mother and aunt Zhen and smiles. Now Xiaoyu looks very cute. Ignoring her look for help, she took her luggage to the car.

After returning to the villa, my mother and aunt Zhen looked at the villa, and their eyes became ambiguous.

"Xiaoyu, this room is so clean. Did you clean it?"

"Yes." Xiaoyu nods, blushes a little, and looks at Chen Mo for help.

"Xiaoyu, you go to prepare something for your parents and aunt Zhen." Chen Mo rushes to get rid of Xiaoyu. Otherwise, he continues to ask. Xiaoyu cannot drill into the ground.

"Good." Xiaoyu flees like a life-saving straw.

"Xiao Mo, your father and your aunt Zhen are here to see what you are doing. Why don't you tell us about such a big thing as being the boss of such a big enterprise? " As soon as Xiaoyu left, Chen Mu pointed the spear at Chen mo.

"Didn't you say that? In the new year, I told you that I started a company. "

"You're not that big! And Xiaoyu. This girl, mother likes it very much. You have graduated now. When you reach the age of marriage, hurry to have a grandson for me. Now your father and I don't work. We can help you with your children when we are free. I'll let your Aunt Jane talk to her family. "

Chen Mo is short of breath. He almost burst out of old blood. He was interrupted by that phone call last time. Now he still says it. He hasn't written a single word.

"Your mother is right." Dad on one side also seconded.

"Dad, mom, it's not urgent. Don't do this. Xiaoyu and I have our own arrangements." Chen Mo said in a hurry, otherwise, he would not let her go to propose marriage.

Before long, Xiaoyu and aunt Zhen came out with a fruit platter, but her face was still a little ruddy. I don't know what aunt Zhen said to her.

It was not until bedtime that Chen Mo and Xiaoyu were relieved. After arranging rooms for my parents and auntie Zhen, I went back to their rooms.

The next morning, five people sat around the table and ate breakfast.

"Xiao Mo, last night, we asked all the questions that should be asked. I know what I need to know. I discussed with your mother one night and decided to go home in two days. " Father Chen opens his mouth.

"Why so fast? Don't you live here? " Chen Mo asked in a hurry.

Chen's mother said with a smile: "we are not used to living here. We slept in a soft bed last night. It's still comfortable at home. Leave the space for you and Xiaoyu to get along with each other for a while, "Chen Mu smiles and holds some dishes in Xiaoyu bowl:" Xiaoyu, Xiaomo will bully you later, you will call me, and I will immediately come to teach him a lesson. "


"Needless to say, your father and I have decided not to be used to the life here in the city." As soon as Chen Mo wanted to speak, he was interrupted: "besides, you have to work and grow up. You need some space. Your father and I will go back to buy a house and build a new house at home. You don't have to worry about us. You remember to get along well with Xiaoyu. "

"All right." Chen Mo wryly laughs: "buy one more set and give it to Aunt Zhen. If you have a partner, I will remit the money to your account." He knew that he could not dissuade his mother's decision.

"How can I take your house?" Aunt Jane shook her head at once.

"Aunt Zhen, in my heart, you are my family member, there is no need to see outside. I also promised Xinxin a gift for her college entrance examination, and she was about to take the college entrance examination, even if it was a gift for Xinxin... "Before Chen Mo finished speaking, the sound of the mobile phone prompts.

"Chairman, the marching ant computer system that the research team has been developing has made a breakthrough today. You need to come to the company." As soon as the phone was connected, Zhao Min's voice came.

"OK, I'll get there as soon as possible." Chen Mo said, then hung up the phone: "aunt Zhen, this is the deal about the house. Xiaoyu, you will go out with your parents and aunt Zhen later to play and go shopping. I need to go to the company. "

"All right." Aunt Jane hesitated and nodded.

"Well." Xiaoyu also promised to come down. After last night's event, she relaxed a lot and didn't start to be so restrained.

"If you are busy with your work, go to work." Chen mother immediately said.

"It's not so urgent now. I'll go back after breakfast." Chen Mo takes out the bank card and hands it to Xiaoyu: "you keep the bank card. When you go shopping, you can buy things for your parents and aunt Zhen. Don't be afraid to spend money."

After breakfast, Chen went to the company. At the same time, he told Wang Hai to follow his parents and pick up at any time today.

Since the establishment of R & D team, the marching ant computer system has been developing. Based on the unique architecture of mobile operating system of marching ant, a new computer operating system is developed.

Up to now, the computer operating system of marching ant has finally got a glimpse. For him, with just a glance, he can use the technology library to optimize and get the perfect marching ant operating system.

When he came to the company, Chen Mo went to the R & D Department of the company. Just at the door, I saw Zhao min.

"When was the breakthrough?" Chen Mo opens his mouth.

"In fact, I've been studying all the time. It's all a small breakthrough. I don't know what it is. Today, Jiajia and laoluo just informed me that there is a breakthrough in the marching ant computer operating system, and I will contact you. "

"Well, let's go to the R & D department. Next, you need to think about the launch of the marching ant computer operating system. Computer operating system is no easier than mobile phone. It's not so easy to appear in the market. " Chen Mo said.

Now in the field of computer operating system, Microsoft Windows has formed a monopoly position, which can not be shaken at all.

"This aspect of things, from the computer operating system into the R & D, has been under consideration. As long as the computer operating system is completed, we can start to prepare for the listing. " Zhao Min said.

After entering the R & D department, Lao Luo and Wang Sijia met each other.

"Chairman, after such a long time of research, the marching ant computer operating system has been able to run stably on the computer for a long time. But there are still many small flaws. "

"It's already very powerful. Don't say that. First show me the computer operating system." Chen Mo said.

Lao Luo and Wang Sijia didn't say much either, leading Chen Mo and Zhao Min to the R & D department.