Chapter 117

The R & D Department of marching ant system is mainly responsible for the R & D of computer system. The promoters are Lao Luo, Wang Sijia and others.

The mobile operating system of marching ant is independent of several basic systems such as windows, UNIX and UNIX like, but also has a unique architecture. Therefore, Lao Luo and Wang Sijia, etc. don't want to let such a good opportunity go and develop an independent computer operating system.

This matter was also agreed by Zhao min.

Based on the smart phone operating system of marching ant, the military ant computer operating system was launched.

Hundreds of software experts from the R & D department participated in the research. After several months of research, only a little progress was made. Until today, the computer operating system can run stably.

"We developed a general computer operating system based on the March ant system. At present, it has been able to run stably on the computer, and there are still some defects, which we are constantly improving. "

Lao Luo takes Chen Mo to a computer. The desktop of the computer is the symbol of marching ant company.

Chen Mo checked the computer system, and then stopped to look at Lao Luo: "source code is sorted out, uploaded to the database, the improvement of the computer operating system, I will help you."

"Good." Lao Luo immediately asked people to upload the source code.

The chairman of the board seldom interferes in their research, and this time he can help them, which is beyond his imagination. He doesn't doubt Chen Mo's ability. After all, Chen Mo independently developed the March ant system.

"Next, you will focus on the development of PC application ecology, and leave the optimization to me." Chen Mo tells Lao Luo and Wang Sijia to call Zhao Min and walk towards their office area.

"Mo Nu, make two cups of tea." As soon as he entered the office area, Chen Mo said.

"OK, brother mo."

As soon as they got to the sofa and sat down, the robot took a cup of tea and put it in front of them.

"It's technology that changes life." Zhao Min takes a look at the robot, which is absolutely a good thing.

"I think of another thing. I'll send you a list, and you'll get ten parts back. I have a few more robots to assemble. " Chen Mo said.

Now there's only one robot. There's another one in the lab. He needs more robots. In the future, he just needs to sort out the data on the computer, and let the robot control the robot to complete those products. The efficiency is absolutely unimaginable.

"Robot power generation?" Zhao Min asked in surprise.

"I think too much. The plane needs to be improved by a test flight. The robot must be slow. Talk about your thoughts on the business development of PC market. " Chen Mo brings the topic back to the point.

When it comes to this, Zhao Min has a whole look and is serious: "in the PC market, we mainly focus on the enterprise PC market..."

Umbrella companies turn their direction and extract the value of Android platform, just for the sake of the ecology of Chrome OS and be ready to open the enterprise PC market. For them, the corporate PC market means a steady stream of cash.

In the common civil market, Microsoft's windows has formed a monopoly. Users have formed the habit of using, and the ecology does not support it. If they want to enter the civil market, the road will be very rough.

So aiming at the enterprise office market, they can get more profits.

She has asked people to do research, business office market, competition is lower. In this market, Microsoft has made enough practice for them, with high feasibility.

As long as we make characteristic and more convenient cutting-edge technologies in this subdivided technology field, there will be enough enterprises to pay for them.

They have a series of office software such as ant office, as well as the most cutting-edge intelligent voice assistant technology. As long as they develop the intelligent voice assistant on the PC side to improve the office efficiency, there will be enough users.

This market is much easier than grabbing food in the dish of smart phones. And their smartphone market has been opened, and they can access the mobile market ecology in the future.

After hearing Zhao Min's thoughts, Chen Mo pondered and nodded after a while.

"PC smart assistant, I can develop it. The product is already in design?" Asked Chen mo.

He can let Mo Nu do product design, but he will not.

The existence of Mo Nu cannot be exposed temporarily.

Pu Jingda believed that the leader in the field of artificial intelligence would become the ruler of the world.

If the existence of Mo Nu is exposed, it is not so simple as trouble. The world's big powers, capital tycoons, careerists and conspirators all focus on him. I'm afraid he'll be in danger in less than a day, even his family.

"People have been designing products since the project was approved." Zhao Min said.

"I'll leave it to you for this project."

Chen Mo had little interest in computer systems. Because there are many current computer operating systems, but windows has killed this ecology and almost formed a monopoly.

Moreover, the current computer applications are all developed around windows. The general operating system has no living environment at all.If they want to change the user's usage habits, it is absolutely impossible in a short time. However, since the computer operating system has been successfully studied, the enterprise office market is a good choice.

"Then I'll arrange it." Zhao Min said.

"One more thing, the construction of the company's headquarters needs to be accelerated. It doesn't matter if you spend more money. Here, the restrictions are too big to do a lot of things. " Chen Mo said.

With the existence of science and Technology Library, money is just a cold number for him, and what he lacks most now is time.

"OK, I'll inform the director of this project."

After Zhao Min left, Chen Mo went back to his office: "Mo Nu, transfer the source code of the computer system they developed."

"Call succeeded." Before long, Mo Nu's voice began to ring.

Chen Mo starts to look at the source code. After reading all the codes, he goes to the sofa and lies down. After entering the science and Technology Library, Chen Mo opened the dark red book.

There used to be someone calling him from behind, but this time, no one. The huge library is a bit empty.

Eight books are suspended in the air, with a light glow. These are the tasks of his apprenticeship in science and technology. As long as he completes these eight books, he can enter the third stage. He doesn't know the contents.

After confirming that Shu would not come out, Chen Murai sighed and thought about the source code of the computer system. He pointed to the dark red book.

As soon as his movement stopped, a huge curtain of light fell from the book.

Ant like source code is constantly listed in the light curtain. Before long, the source code is all displayed.

"Optimization." Chen Mo said. It used to be Shu Lao who helped him optimize. This time, it's his turn. It's a strange feeling.

As soon as his voice fell, the source code began to change. It took a long time to stop. A complete computer system appears on the light screen.

"Sharing technology." Chen Mo said.

As soon as his words fell, the light curtain became two, one became a light spot, drilled into Chen Mo's head, one narrowed down into a book, and flew into the depth of the science and Technology Library.

"No reward?"

Chen Mo's mind came up with a sentence, which was quickly reflected. This computer system was developed by the March ant system. The core architecture is the technology he took out from the science and Technology Library.

Even if they share, they can only get a random reward of probation level, and the technology of probation level can be taken at will.

After coming out of the science and Technology Library, Chen Mo sat back in his office chair and said, "Mo Nu, according to what I said, optimize the computer system."