Chapter 3 My Darling

"Idiot!, Idiot!" I told him with a frustrated face of fine.

Who the hell would not remember about last night? Damn, I can't hold back he pissed me off. After the night I took care of him? Oh God, he is so arrogant.

"Kai" he called.

"What?!" I frankly answered.

"About last night?... Thank you" he answered while reading a book on the sofa.

"A-are you idiot? Anyone can do that if they so someone sick" I respond.

"But still I thank you.. My darling" he said with a smile from his lovely face.

I flustered after he said that.

"M-my darling?!. We are not lovers idiot!"

He didn't answer, but he just laughed at me, that was the first time that I saw him like that, it seems like he is lonely and no can taking care of him ever since he lives here at the condo.

"Ring! Ring!"

"Yes, Hello?. Oh Matt, how can I help you?. Oh, I see, Ok I'll be there at 3 pm. Ok, Bye"


"Where are you going?" he asked.

"At the plaza, I'm meeting Matt"

"Who's that?"

"My friend"

That was weird. Before he didn't ask who I was talking to, how does he get curious suddenly?

"Can I come?" he offered

"No. It will be awkward" I said

"Then you can't go"


He just keep silent.

"You cannot control me, and my life doesn't depend on you. I'm going" I said then left.

He pissed me off. I continue to walk at the plaza since it's nearby the condo, I saw Matt sitting at the bench while drinking smoothies, he looks so cool by wearing a yellow hoodie that matches his hair, black skinny jeans, and converse shoes.

"Hey Kaito!" he waved

"Hey Matt, what are we doing here?"

"Let's go inside it's my treat," he said and wink at me.

We went inside the plaza, we do so many things. Play games and win different prizes, and eat to different food courts that surround the plaza, we gain so much fun today, I never felt happy and live so peacefully.

The night comes and we decided to go to the Ferris wheel, it's so nice to see the city this lively where many people enjoying their life, even though the world can be cruel sometimes, that will give you a scar if it is too much pain to overcome.

I just can't think of how many people are suffering? Can they proceed to live if one of their loved ones dies? Ugh, why am I overthinking it I'm supposed to be enjoying right?



"Is there something bothering you?. You seem off recently"

"Oh, I'm sorry" I apologized.

Geez, even Matt got distracted because of me. Think of it, I thought Matt has something to tell me.

"Uhm, Matt. I thought you want to tell me something?"

"Oh, yeah right. Well, I don't know how to put this but, I can't hold myself anymore. Kaito, ... I-.. I LOVE YOU!". Matt shouted.

"I know it's weird, but I like you since I saw you at the cafeteria. You seem so quiet and so I talked to you, I never thought that you are so soft and heartwarming, so that I can't help but be in love with you"

Wait, is Matt having a confession? This is bad.

"Uhm, Matt you know. Uhm, yo-you has been a good friend to me, And I don't want to destroy the friendship we built. And as you know, Carla was into you." I frankly said to him.

This is bad how am I going to calm down? I don't know what to do? I'm freaking out. Matt seems down huh.

"Oh Matt it's our turn to get out. Come on" we walked out of the Ferris wheel ride, and I invited him to sit at the bench.

I left him and go somewhere that I can think and relax a bit. Let me think, what can I do, what can I do? Hmm?

"Oh, Hey! Carla!" I saw Carla walking with her friends, I ran towards her and talk to her to comfort Matt.

"Ok, I will go it's not because of you but because it's Matt" she responded shyly.

I gave her the drink I have bought for Matt and sneak away so I will not interrupt their moment, of course, I am not that kind of rude guy, I text Matt and said I have an emergency at home, as I saw they seemed happy now and I can see that Matt is not down anymore.


That voice creep all of my body, I peek at the back and I saw.


That was an awkward, and tiring day. But to know Matt was an extrovert yes, he is friendly and easy to get along with, I never thought that he possibly has feelings for me and got a gut to confront me.

Ugh, I don't want to think of it. But how come that weird guy is at my back? Is he following me?

"Victor-san, why are you at the plaza? And creeped me out recently?" I asked.

He didn't say anything and just look away and drink his tea.

"Hey answer me!" I shouted.

He stood up and walk towards me. Oh crap, I made him angry, I just close my eyes and get ready to be punched. He took my chin up and face it to him, then he suddenly kisses me.

"I'm jealous that's why". He said and hug me tight.

" H-Hey! Wait!" I try to get away from him.

"I love you" I stopped forcing myself to getaway.

I just had a feeling that it's like I'm having butterflies that flew away everywhere at this moment. This is bad, I push him away and pretend that I need to do something.

"Oh, I forgot I have something to do, good night"

I run towards my room and locked it. Why my heart is pounding, am I in love with him? No, no that can't be possible, besides we are both men.

"Okay" I need to sleep now because I have classes tomorrow.

Kaito was asleep while Victor is sitting on the sofa with his laptop on his lap. "Hmm, who emailed me?" He opens the email and reads it.


From: Dennis


Hey, how are you it's been a while sensei, your mother asked me to pass by there at your condo, I hope you don't mind. I also have something for you when I come back. See you soon.

"My mother huh," Victor said to himself.

He seems like his mother and him didn't get along, he closes his laptop and straight ahead to Kaito's room.

*it's locked*

He went to his room and gets the key from his cabinet, puts the laptop away and went back to Kaito's room and open it. He saw Kaito sleeping like a kid, he sits on the floor beside his bed and watches him sleeping.

"You really are cute, even though you always pissed me off" he said by a whisper.

After a little while, he stood up and kiss Kaito on the forehead.

*Good night and sleep tight My Darling*.