Blame it on us

I loved the way he looked at me, how his eyebrows moved and his forehead slightly increased. I loved how his sweet dimple appeared and disappeared on his chest and how his jaw tilted as he contemplated me.

His gaze was effortlessly captivating, he used his entire body to drive his attention in conversation and I am sure he would be capable of making the grocery shop list sound interesting.

He smiled when he noticed I was entranced by his appearance, we sat in two-seat in the first class. The seats were comfortable and enough big and in front of us we had a huge screen.

His long fingers tapped on the screen to order a bottle of champagne and some snacks.

"Champagne?" I inquired, do we have something to celebrate? I don't remember having obtained much from my life besides from a breakup and a hangover.

"We shall celebrate." He looks at me as if he was puzzled by my saying.

When you grew up into adult alcohol isn't so great as it used to be during your youth, even if I had never liked much the bitterness of it I liked the idea of me drinking and somehow I even liked the effects it provoked me. The euphoria and unjustified happiness about life, the carefree mind, and the sudden boost of confidence.

I didn't know how I turned into a girl who is disturbed by the sight of champagne but somehow I did.

"I don't usually leave with an almost unknown person so yes maybe we shall celebrate. You could still be a serial killer and I better be drunk not to feel the pain when you kill me." I said, chuckling under my breath but when a few people turned around to look down at us as if I was serious, I realized I said that too loud.

"Sweetheart, If I wanted to kill you I would have done it under different circumstances and not here in front of so many people. It's not like we never had moments alone anyways…" He took the joke unlike other people and winked.

We both giggled and when the champagne arrived at our table I am not so skeptical about it anymore.

The Champagne was a rose one, my favorite one when I was young enough to enjoy it. He untaped the gold paper cover on the top, and carefully he untwisted it pressuring on the cork to prevent it from popping out.

He opened it effortlessly and I can't stop my gaze as it traveled through his muscled arms that I can spot beneath his white shirt.

A breath escaped from my mouth as he poured the rose into my glass, he smiled as he filled his glass as well.

Some of the people's gazes were still on us and although I felt under pressure and uncomfortable by it he didn't seem to mind much, as if he was used to their oppressive gazes.

"Before we drink I have to tell you something," he leaned over and my heartbeat replied to his action and started to beat fastly in my chest.

Oh my, what was happening to my heart? It looks like I had never met a man before, I even felt my mouth dring and the silence seemed to last for hours before he finally spoke.

"I want this journey or vacation, call it how you want, to benefit us in many ways. So I thought about something."

I don't know what my heart was looking forward to him saying that now I felt so disappointed in it.

I nodded pretending to be interested in his forthcoming business proposal.

"I talked to Carl about you."

He then said shocking me enough that my jaw dropped and I am sure my eyes widened and my forehead creased. Why would they talk about me? Did Cameron tell him? My chest pounded and I mentally begged him to finish his sentence.

I wanted to drink right now, remembering what alcohol used to be so appealing in the past because I used it as a weapon against any emotion I couldn't handle.

"He told me he is seeing the secretary so I felt the need to ask him if he broke up with you." He cleared his voice, "I knew you broke up but I had to pretend I didn't know so he soon started to say what creaks you had on the surface and why your wedding fell apart. He mentioned you never did crazy things and dating you wasn't as …" he took a brief pause before he changed the approach, "my point is, we should use those days to help each other in those aspects. I have also some flaws, in case you haven't noticed I am also very controlling and I like to have everything planned perfectly so that I won't have any unpleasant surprise."

I didn't see the point here but my anger arose from my veins, I can't stop thinking of Carl and how on earth he dared to talk about our relationship so easily and even blamed me.

I knitted my eyebrows down, and shut my eyes for some instant, lucky I didn't have Carl in front of me or I wouldn't answer for my deeds.

"So we will give us challenges during the entire time of our journey, we will have fun and prove ourselves all the people who dared to say those things about us weren't right."

I didn't have to prove a point to anyone, I was like that and if he couldn't accept it or if he was so bothered by it then why did he date me for six years? I didn't snap my fingers and change one day, I had been like this since we met so it was so oblivious I wasn't the problem.

He was the kind of man who never blamed himself for his faults and I was glad he isn't in my life anymore.

Cameron leaned his glass over waiting for me to click it to sanction our pact, and despite I was full of resentment and anger I lean my glass over.

Fine then, I just wanted to drink right now and forget the despicable person I dated for a quarter of my life.