Shopping day

I didn't know if it was more odd or sad the fact that my ex-boyfriend complained about me with the boy I am secretly moving away. But at least this proved to Cameron that I wasn't as terrible as Carl described me. I just needed a little push and I needed someone to prove to me they truly wanted to make projects rather than complain I had never had time for him.

Maybe I am just making up excuses to justify my behavior but I don't think any reason would make cheating worth it.

Never mind, I sighed and focused back the attention of the man I had near me just to find he was already looking at me.

I smiled unconscious and he did the same, "stop thinking about him, and just to let you know, I didn't retreat from reminding him what an amazing woman he lost. I let him know about all the people who asked me about you and I told him that someone with your business profile cant is let go."

I laughed, now I understood why Carl started to list down all my so-called flaws because he had to remind himself why he cheated rather than let others know.

"So this is our second date isn't it?" He inquired with a slight smirk on his face. Yes, it was, what an odd date, yet I was just as excited at the idea as I was nervous.

"Yes. An odd second date." I replied.

Emotions mixed in my stomach and gave me nasty. I was surprised he didn't have a personal jet even if the airplane we were on looked just like it for the very few people there except us.

They all looked classy and wealthy from their way of dressing.

"Cameron Collins," I said his name in a whisper before taking another sip." I heard you are quite famous."

He bent his head, " I didn't want you to know." He said clenching his teeth, upset by my comment.

I frowned my forehead, " why not? Isn't it a good thing?"

"No when people start to treat you differently, I don't want you to change just because I am famous."

"I won't change," I reassure him since from his tone of voice I could deduce he was slightly nervous.

"I hope so," he sighed, leaning forward, " because I like what we have right now."

What did we have right now? I didn't know but I liked it as well, even if it would mean jumping on an airplane in the middle of the week.

"So there's we?" I said trying to cover how truly happy I was to hear his statement.

"Maybe after this little vacation, there will be. You just have to trust me." He flashed his white smile, and as his lips curved his facial muscle contracted making his jawline appear even more defined than it already was.

The hours passed by fast and in a matter of what looked like 10 minutes instead was like 2 hours we were sleeping peacefully.

My head ended up on his shoulders that, due to the muscles underneath felt like a stone than a comfortable pillow.

As I woke up I noticed Cameron was still sleeping, he had one hand on my leg and the other one on the window of the airplane.

I almost felt the need to brush his hair with my touch or caress his cheek but before it's too late I stop myself from doing so.

He woke up a few minutes later and he caught me staring at him.

The airplane landed and we all walked outside in a row, I was already feeling sticky and dirty in the same clothes I have worn all day so I complained, "we should go to buy some clothes." I said looking at him Pleading.

When he nodded he called a taxi which just passed by us and we stepped on it.

"Town square," he said to the driver who immediately turned to head in opposite direction.

Everything seemed so amazing about that place that I wondered why I had never visited it before.

The town square was amazing, full of lights and people that I felt like a nobody in that crowd of couples, families, kids, and probably lovers as well.

The buildings were huge and tall, people came and went as if they looked carefully, thoughtful as if nothing mattered to them.

Maybe they looked at me and they thought the same thing.

"This looks so amazing," I said contemplating the view in awe and he smiled.

He took my arm and started to walk in the main street.

In a few hours I bought- or better he offered to buy me- a dress for every occasion. Two for the morning two for the afternoon and one for dinner, and one more for celebrating in case his meeting went well.

When I walked into the luxury shops they somehow knew him, so they immediately started to make me see dresses and I felt like cinderella waiting to jump on her carriage.

We had to stay there two days but he was treating me like we were supposed to stay in that city for months.

My feet were aching and my fingers were pulsing, yet I didn't want to stop visiting shops and walking in that city chatting with a handsome man about random stuff.

At some point in the day, he pointed at a tall guy with a huge black hat on his head, the kind of that hat from which could appear a rabbit during magic shows.

He giggled and then said, "I challenge you to go to him and ask him where he bought his hat from and then ask him if you can try it on."

He was laughing so much that I wondered if he was seriously speaking, I hoped with all myself I wouldn't dare to ask me such an embarrassing thing.

I shook my head, "very funny." I said mimicking with my hand a no gesture.

"Do it. We are going to give challenges to each other, don't you remember?"

I rolled my eyes, staring at that huge hat, I took a deep breath and contemplated whether to accept his dare or not.