Too much

As soon as our lips have met, I realized that our meeting wasn't casual because somehow we were supposed to meet. If it wasn't for my boyfriend or a failed marriage I was sure we would have met anyway.

His lips tasted like a sweet familiar poison and even if it was only the third time we have kissed I felt like I knew their shape by heart.

We had a connection, that I had never had with anyone else, not even with Carl. Something we felt whenever our gazes met, our touch was electrical whenever our skins met.

I knew he could feel it too and probably everyone could say the same.

His tongue brushed against mine and I slightly opened my mouth to allow him major access and get our tongues to dance passionately and embrace. My back was shivering in passion and I loved how he tasted, I loved how strong our attraction was, stronger than all the other boyfriends I had.

He pulled me closer to him, the position was probably the most uncomfortable one yet although my knees were hurting, I never wanted to stop.

His lips turned softer, I almost joined when my thighs inadvertently touched the cold sink.

His warm touch is like a relief until his hand slid through my dress and my heart drummed in anticipation, our kiss is deep, a mix of what may be affection feelings, and attraction mixing in each other to create a new emphasis.

My breath shortened and I longed for more, I wanted to touch his body, his abdomen, and felt how much good it would be to be claimed his.

Despite his rules, our lives, and probably everything that could go wrong. I didn't care.

I get rid of his shirt unbuttoning it with a quick tug, he smirked and removed completely his shirt.

I heard his scoff and I understood he was considering our spot.

He departed from the kiss and climbed down the shelf, aa I leaned forward to wrap my hands around his neck he already lifted me by his lips pinning me down the shelf.

This was a better position, he started to kiss my neck slowly enough to allow me to bend my head slightly and appreciate a 180 degrees view of all his muscles and his definition shoulders.

I held my breath, wondering how many women had the pleasure and the luck to admire his chest and his flawless body. Then I blinked a few times, I didn't know why I turned so insecure with him. Maybe because he was the richest CEO I had ever met or just because I liked him too much.

My phone rings and I darted my gaze to the phone screen.

Four new messages from Joanna, I swallowed down and the butterflies in my stomach are brutally killed by the anxiety.

I read the last message: is the hot billionaire CEO there? If yes, remember not to have sex, you already like him too much. There is only one thing worst than having a broken heart and that is being broken by two different guys in less than a month. Love you, xo.

I liked him too much!

I departed from the kiss before it was too late, my stomach now is filled with anxiety. Joanna's message hit me like she just throw me a bucket of water making me brutally come back to my senses.

He looked at me confused, yet he didn't complain, he murmured "sorry," and immediately wore back his shirt.

I shall be the one to apologize, I offered him a shy smile, "maybe we should try to be friends, I don't think I am ready to be fully detached right now and I know that's not what you're looking for."

I made it sound less difficult to say than it was, but that was the truth, I likes Cameron too much and if he had all those rules and didn't want to seriously date I wondered what was the point.

Maybe Joanna was right, too brutal, yet right, if I had sex with him I would be even more emotionally involved than I already was.

He caressed my cheek with the palm of his hand and tapped his caressed with his thumb on my lips, making my heart jump in my throat.

"It's fine, I understand."

Why was I struggling this much? I had to clench my fists and flinch away from my gaze not to kiss him again.

I clumsily grabbed my phone before he could read the message and then I fixed my dress.

I quickly answer the last message, 'thank you, you saved me. I was almost giving up."

Silence fell and we quietly and quickly washed the pot and the dishes we ate, then we placed them back to where we found them.

"This was fun," he said as we walked to the door, I sighed relieved realizing he wasn't mad. He probably wasn't speaking because he waited for me to do so.

"Very fun," I replied smiling widely, it was probably the funniest day I had had in a long long time.

We sneaked out of the kitchen, lucky there was no one in the corridor so we managed to reach our room in a few minutes.

Tomorrow was the meeting day and also the last day we had to spend together and even if it may be sound silly I already missed being with him, and have to come back to my life.

The only positive thing was seeing Joanna again and telling her everything. I checked the other messages and one was from my sister, complaining where I had been and why I wasn't answering her calls.

I decided to ignore the message and reply to that tomorrow when I would have a good excuse.

"Miss Lily, what do you want to do now?" He asked, I frowned at my forehead, so he soon rectified to make sure I didn't misunderstand him. "I mean, would you like to stay in or have a walk outside?"