
We ended up watching a show on the huge tv we had in our room but I fell asleep not much later.

When I woke up, eight hours later I was in the bed, next to him. We were standing far away with a pillow between us, I rubbed my eyes to wake me up and I unconsciously smile as I mentally put together the entire situation. He didn't wake me up, he gently carried me to the bedroom and had the decency to put a pillow between us.

I didn't know why I was smiling at such a small thing but I truly appreciated his respectful gesture, If it wasn't for the pillow I would give myself up to the urge of brushing my hand in his hair.

He was still sleeping, he looked so cute that my heart doubled over in my chest.

I didn't want to leave the bed, I darted my gaze at the pillow feeling guilty for not respecting his boundaries as he did with me, staring at him while he is asleep made me feel like I am crossing his space.

I shook my head and tosses my head on the pillow, all those feelings for someone I barely knew. what was happening to me?

I had to stop because next time there won't be Joanna's text to save me and I truly need closure from relationship and love affairs after what I had been through.

I stood up quickly, making sure to move inch by inch the sheets not to wake him up, and then I started to dress.

Cameron woke up while I was busy brushing my hair, he immediately looked at the clock and when he read 8:05 he jumped down the bed.

"I have the meeting in less than an hour and a half." He said, he headed to the closet and picked one of his elegant suits.

He marched to the bedroom and when he is inside I heard him scream, "how did you sleep? Good morning by the way."

I bit my inner cheek not to chuckle and took some seconds to put on mascara. When I am finished I replied, "I slept well, thanks for carrying me to bed. Good morning."

In ten minutes we walked out of the room, we walked down the stairs to have a quick breakfast and I was surprised he didn't pressure me into his meeting, he was nervous and agitated to get there late. I could tell it from the way his jawline tensed up for our entire breakfast and for his checking the clock multiple times even if he never make it obvious.

He called a taxi and when we get on it I could notice his jaw slowly ease up its stiffens. He took a deep relieved breath when his gaze fell on the time of the taxi's navigator and he realized we are perfect in time.

"What is the meeting about?" I finally asked the question that had been floating in my mind the whole morning.

"There will be lots of companies of any kind. They will present us a long-term action plan and my partner and I decide what company to support."

That's similar to what a broker would do but to a completely new level.

We both walked down the taxi, and he pointed at the entrance door, we headed to a big room with a huge table, some people already sat their others immediately reached Cameron to ask him some questions.

I sat on a nearby chair, none of the people looked at me, they all seemed to be focused on preparing their mental speeches about the meeting, they reminded me of my high school days when I studied the hours before exams.

Finally one of them looked at me, it was like he was styling at me. His gaze penetrated in me as he slowly scrutinized me.

"Who are you? I had never seen you before." He said, my gaze fell on the logo of his elegant blazer, CC. He must be Cameron's assistant.

"I'm...Cameron's friend," I said.

His face turned suspicious as if he didn't believe me, "Cameron doesn't have friends."

If it wasn't for his serious facial expression I would have laughed at his statement yet I tried not to. I took a deep breath and with just a composed look I replied, "well then I am his first friend."

His gaze is still persistent and I struggled to hold it, what did he want? Oh God, Cameron surely is someone hard to deal with for his perfectionism, I am not surprised he has an assistant just as emphatic.

Cameron sat on the chair near me and the assistant frowned at his gesture, he slouched forward closer to both him and me since I was sitting in the middle of them.

"Cam? That is not your seat." His voice rang slightly altered and I have to bite my cheek not to smirk.

Cameron flashed him a smile, "Lily, he is Andreas, my assistant. Andreas, this is my friend, Lily."

His friend, did you hear that?

The smirk I was so hard trying to suppress now appeared on my face but I used it to my advantage stretching my hand and tilting my head to the side.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cameron's friend," I said, emphasizing it enough in case he didn't hear it.