Pizza time

We spent the entire evening ordering food and eating popcorns. After watching Pride and Prejudice I convinced Joanna not to call Cameron and we ended up browsing through collages albums and talking about our crushes back then.

She pointed at a guy who had an embarrassing hairstyle, with a very long bang.

He wore long tees and every girl at middle school was in love with him, I laughed seeing his photo, I wondered where he is now. Or every other person I had met then.

"He thought you were the only one who didn't have a crush on him," Joanna said, tapping her finger on the photo.

I laughed, "I was secretly liking him too."I confessed and then we both laughed loudly.

"I knew it! Pretending to be his best friend? That was smart!" She pretended to remove her invisible hat and I pretended to bow, "thank you."

"I don't know why we never spoke during the years of middle school."

I nodded, "Me either," we had different classes and never found time to bound. But I was very glad to have met her in high school since then we had never separated and we always shared every happy yet sad moment with the other.

I considered her more than a best friend, like a second sister.

"You were one of the smart girls who everyone is afraid to talk to." She reminded me and I chuckled, indeed I had good grades and studied a lot.

"And you were the one who talked during classes and never studied," I replied, she nodded proudly.

We were the opposite yet we ended up being best friends as soon as we met. Maybe because our pieces fit together perfectly and where I was lacking she was filling the void and vice-versa.

"I am so happy you're moving here," I said, and I hugged her tightly to make up all the times the distance didn't allow me to.

She wrapped her hand around my back, "me too," she whispered.

When she departed from the hug she took my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.

"Not today but one day you should introduce me to this handsome CEO and he should set me with one of his hopefully just as handsome friends!" She said, resting her hand on her hip.

She then opened the fridge door and took a juice, then poured it into two glasses.

I took my glass and took a sip, "we are friends now." I reminder both her and the tingling feeling in my stomach that I felt as soon as she mentioned him.

She gestured with her hand as if that was useless information.

I rolled my eyes, "you never liked Carl and now you like Cameron?"

She shook her head and lifted her finger, "no, I don't like him yet. I sympathize for him, time will prove me whether he is trustworthy or not." She continued, she was right, maybe time will solve or confirm some doubts. One sure thing was that for my future relationships I will make sure to see the red flags and walk away at the first mistake.

"Sympathize him?" I arched an eyebrow, "that's still better than how you felt for my last boyfriends." I said amused, she finished drinking her juice then she shrugged.

"Maybe the food today softened my soul."

She said, her statement made me remember we ordered pizza and I didn't put the dishes on the table yet.

I started to prepare the table while Joanna sat on the sofa and started scrolling through her phone.

In the minutes the delivery boy arrived.

"Pizza is the best food ever. Best. Someone bless the Italians for inventing such delicious food." She said biting the slice of her pizza and rolling her eyes in pleasure.

"I agree, I would sell my soul to the devil to eat it every day without worrying to be unhealthy or gaining weight," I commented.

"Life is cruel and unfair, if it was fair pizza would make you lose weight and boys would treat us like we deserve."

And wouldn't cheat, I rectified inwardly and sighed.

"Will you leave tomorrow morning?" I asked.

She nodded, "I will, my cousin is taking care of dad while I am away." She explained. "I hope he won't suffer much, seeing him in such a bad condition breaks my heart." She explained, her eyes blinking a few times and her voice piqued.

I stretched my hand to cover her own and then smiled, "call me if you need anything. Even if you need to talk."

Joanna nodded, then she set her gaze back on the pizza.

She took another slice of pizza and when she bit it her she murmured a "yummm," loud enough to make me laugh.

"Pizza isn't this good in New York."

"One more reason to move here!" I exclaimed.

When we finished eating pizza, our belly was enough fully to make us feel both happy yet bloated.

But that was another reason why life was unfair.

However, we walked back on the sofa and started to scroll through the movies list for something else to watch.

"No more romance," I said, "I want something ruthless. We should watch a Tarantino movie." She suggested as she crossed her legs.

"Yess!" I said, using the remote to select the movie.

I rested my head on her shoulder and she leaned forward to allow me better support.

The movie started but Joanna lasted for about two hours before she said she was too sleepy to keep watching.

"You can use the guests' room," I said pointing her at her bedroom, she nodded before hugging me tightly and whispered closer to my ear. "Goodnight best friend."

I smiled, we used to say that every night in college.

"Good night best friend," I said back.