
I woke up at noon to drive Joanna to the airport, we stopped by a bar inside the airport to have breakfast together. We ordered our usual favorite breakfast, a latte for me and an americano for her.

"So don't forget to tell me everything." She said and I nodded. "I will."

"I will text Carl to come to get his stuff so that the house will be free when you arrive," I said.

"Thank you," she replied smiling. I loved how good she looked when she smiled, her facial expressions were delicate yet definite, giving her appearance a beautiful sweet rare touch.

"I wish I could look at him in the eyes when you will tell him that he has to grab his stuff and leave." She added smirking mischievously.

"I won't tell him like that," I said shaking my head and laughing.

"I already sent him a message and then I plan to leave his stuff in front of the garage," I explained.

"Sounds less dramatic and less funny than it did in my mind." She said folding her arms.

I knew how much she loved soap operas and that's why I knew she truly lived for the drama and the potential love triangle I was about to create.

However, I hugged her and whispered to her how much I loved her.

Saying her goodbye even if it was only a see you soon always was painful. I wished I could leave with her and stay close to her, maybe even help her to take care of her dad. But afternoon we both had our lives and mine had already been on stand-by for three days in a row.

I walked back in my car and drove to work, mentally making up a speech about the meeting Cameron invited me to.

"He asked me more information about the company and then he said he will keep an eye on our growth in the current year to make a statistic about car companies."

That was what I used to call a filibuster, during my college years. I always used filibustering to make up excuses to reject boys without telling them I didn't like them.

Life changes.

I smiled at that memory and after parking, on the reserved spot, I stepped down and walked to my office.

I hop on the elevator when a hand prevents the door from closing completely.

My boss, I swallowed down at his sight. My heart doubled over in my chest and I forced the fakest kind smile.

"Good morning Simon," I said, clearing my voice.

As soon as my eyes fell on him I forgot about my learned by heart speech.

He walked inside flashing me with a genuine smile, I wondered if he had better skill than me or if he is truly smiling.

"I can't believe you know Cameron!" He said, he wrapped a hand around my shoulder and I couldn't be glad he didn't turn around to look at me because from the reflection the door cast my eyes widened.

I worked for him for six years yet his hand had never been as close as it was today.

"He told me everything about the Las Vegas meeting." He continued.


I hope his everything was different from my everything.

Now I was panicking, I didn't know what to do nor what to say.

Why on hell would Cameron tell him?

His hand squeezed on my shoulder and every floor, the elevator passed by my heart skipped a beat.

"Cameron and I are friends, we went to the same college. He has very few friends but the few ones he has are very loyal." He explained.

The elevator stopped at the floor of my office and his hand finally moves away from my shoulder as he walked out.

I followed him into my office and when he sat down, he entwined his hands together and took a deep breath.

"I trust his capabilities and he has all my esteem." He started, I clung onto the chair to release my nervousness.

"And he suggested me to give you a promotion. You already own a good position in the company but I want to reward you for your great contribution in making the company what it is right now."

A promotion? My eyes widened one more time, I didn't work at all in Las Vegan with Cameron. How could he know I am an efficient worker?

"Thank you," I said in a whisper.

"You don't have to thank me." He intervened shaking his hand.

"He told me that I am lucky to have you because in the huge amount of companies he owns he barely meets someone who dedicates themselves to work as much as you did."

Now that sounded like a negative thing but his huge smile proved me otherwise.

"I didn't work with Cam…Mr. Collins." I rectified. "How can he know I am one of the good people?" I asked frowning my forehead.

"That's why he said he wants to see you in action to confirm or contest his idea. If at the end of the collaboration he will tell me he was right about you then the promotion is yours." He said, he then fixed his sleeve before he stood up.

"I will tell you more about this tomorrow, I have a brunch with him right now." He winked and walked out.

When the noise of his footsteps finally fade I took a long deep breath and let my body sink in the chair.