Devilish Ladies

A bucket of water splashes the other side of the toilet, and the chuckles of girls echo across the bathroom.

The exit door creaked out as it opened then is smashed closed, muffling the continuous laughs of girls, then out came silence.

The toilet door opens, and a girl with short pink hair appears, soaking wet by the bucket of water.

She walked out the door and used her slightly wet, light red handkerchief to dry out her whole body.

She looked at the mirror and observed every single part of her face as she dried off her clothes.

She made a cheerful smile for two seconds, then returned back to her frowned aura. She opened the exit door of the restroom and continued with her cheeky smile as she skipped through the hallway to her class.

"ACHOO!" I sneezed a bit too loud inside the faculty room.

"Haruto... What had been going on lately? You looked like you changed completely the last time I saw you,"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You used to look so gloomy every time I went to class"


"You've been making new friends too! I'm quite excited that my favorite student has become better now than before!"

"Wait! You're saying this guy's- I mean, I'm your favorite student? I mean yeah he su- I kind of suck but why?"

"You reminded me of myself when I was your age. Got no friends to talk to, the quiet kid in class,"

"I'm not that kind of guy, ma'am,"

"Oh yes, you were. You weren't even confident in speaking. You can't even stand in front of the class without stuttering. Now in my class, you suddenly speak English fluently like an American native. Did you even go to the US? How am I supposed to reward a diligent student like you?"

"Oh... Must have sucked for me,"

Actually, why is Ms. Sakura, our English teacher, the teacher that is lowkey cute with her glasses and messy hair bun and a bit of a huge bust, asked me this stuff in the first place? All I did was pass a homework that I forgot to pass before class.

"Well, make more friends for me. You parents called me just to check up on you,"

My parents must have been really worried, I guess. I can't believe they actually have to be working in the US when Japan clearly has a lot of opportunities.

I sighed as I exited the faculty room. Walking across the hallway, I spotted a girl skipping with a happy-go-lucky smile, the sound of wet shoes squeaking echos in the hallway.

I heard her humming a little song as she noticed me walking alone.

"Ita-kun!" She called out my nickname for some reason.

Gazing across her direction, I saw her hesitantly waving at me while her clothes are dripping wet, making a small puddle below her. Her hair is wet but still smiles like she doesn't make a care in the world.

"Why the hell are you drenched, Aika?"

"U-ummm... Ehhh... I was cleaning the sides of the swimming pool and I accidentally tripped on the ledge,"

"Jeez, you should get yourself a change of clothes,"

"Uhh, yeah, but I don't have,"

"If you were assigned to clean the swimming pool, shouldn't you bring extra clothes today, and shouldn't you be doing this at the end of class? Why is it at the middle of class,"

"I... I-I-I was called by my coach earlier,"

Her eyes looked like it's in a spiraling motion while stuttering at the same time. That's clearly a sign that something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on. Maybe that's just her being a little dumb.

"Just be careful, and you're leaving wet footprints on the hallway. The staff will be pissed if they see that,"

"Don't worry, the sun will dry it,"

"The weather says that it will rain in the afternoon. What are you talking about? It's a bit too cloudy right now as well,"

"Well, uhh... umm... Oh no, I think my teacher's waiting for me. I have to go, see you Ita-kun!" She dashed to her classroom while her soggy shoes squeaked like a rubber chicken.

What a clumsy little bitch. Forget it. That's just her characteristics in the manga after all.

Entering the classroom, something had been quite strange for a while. Where the hell is our upcoming teacher?

Ahh fuck it, I guess it's time to open my phone and just give no shit.

Looks like nothing important happening right now outside of class.

I'll just grab some food in the cafeteria then head to the bathroom real quick.

I bought a spam musubi, a quick bite that consists of spam on top of sticky rice wrapped in seaweed wraps. It's quite bigger than the usual onigiri, but it is just a way to savor bits of hunger.

"Strange, I haven't seen Aika lately," I heard a faint but familiar voice and I observed that the harem MC seems concerned that the other girl is missing. Looks like Hinagi is with him again this time.

"Ehh... You're right, maybe she has been called by the teacher again,"

"Well... She would always bump into us anyway,"

"Hahahaha, yeah..."

"You heard how a bug would always find a way when there's no other way?"

"W-what are you saying?"

Ahh goodness, I don't want to hear there one on one talks. It hurts my ear.

I left the cafeteria finished the rest of the quick meal, and headed to the bathroom.

The female bathroom door slightly opened, and I saw a glimpse of a familiar figure in the corner while a group of four girls seemed to be laughing at her. The shy figure's bangs covered her eyes, but she looked in my direction, but I immediately went out of their sights.

Upon entering the men's bathroom, I relieved a bit of myself, and a bit of mucus seemed to be creeping up on my throat. I tried to get it out of my throat, then spat on the urinals.

I washed my hands a bit, and headed outside the bathroom. The sound of chuckles coming from outside is faint.

Upon exiting the bathroom. I looked in front and saw a girl thoroughly drenched from head to toe, without a care in the world, as her shoes squeaked again.

She headed to her shoe locker to get a change of her shoes.

Wait... Aika? I looked back at the cafeteria and saw through the small little window as Yoichi and Hinagi enjoyed their chat together like an actual couple. Hey, aren't you supposed to take care of your freaking harem? What in the fuck is going on here?

I looked back at the main protagonist's childhood friend, and our eyes locked. She hurriedly runs to the corner, disappearing from my view. Man, that must have sucked for her.

Class has ended, and everyone is dismissed. I turned my head above to see the dark gray clouds covering the sky. Tiny but hard raindrops hit my face, and I held my hand out to feel the rain. I look at particular objects such as the bench conveniently placed on the side of the tree, sprinkled in raindrops, concluding that it's starting to rain hard soon.

I went back to the main building of Kiseki High School and got a change of my shoes in the shoe locker. I don't really use the shoe locker most of the time, but I guess I should have been wary of it.

The main lead and the protagonist appeared beside the locker.

"Hey, isn't it raining a bit hard?" Yoichi observed through the glass panels.

"Hahahaha, I don't think that would be a problem. I brought my umbrella right here..." Hinagi rummaged through her bag but failed to notice that her umbrella had gone missing.

"No, no, no, I swear I brought it with me before going to school. Why isn't it here?"

"Did it fall off along the way?"

"N-no! If it did, my bag would have its zipper open,"

"You put your umbrella inside your bag?"

"I-I'm used to placing it there. But, c-can you share your umbrella with me?" She blushed as she looked away from Yoichi.

The rest of the students in front ignore the two who are seemingly in the center as this scene is displayed in front of my eyes.

"Ohhh, umm, no. I mean yes. Actually, where's your place?"

"Let's just walk to a bus stop nearby. My house is a bit further from here,"

Hinagi holds Yoichi's forearm hesitantly while he held his arm out holding his umbrella. He finds the best spot for the both of them to not get themselves wet from the rain.

I exited the school gate, but these two were still blocking my way. I tried to pass through the left side where Yoichi is at. Move, for fuck sake!

I pushed Yoichi away from me as I passed aside them and their stupid little scene. Both of them yelped after I shoved this dense guy away then quickly crossed the street.

I looked afar and the two giggled while they stood by together as their laugh were muffled by the growing strength of the rain. They headed to the opposite direction as they walk together.

Thunder strikes the sky, and the wind gets a bit stronger as I slightly held my umbrella tighter. I'm not even halfway near my home, but I have to take shelter in a nearby place before I get sick.

I searched around the nearby place and found a convenience store, or they call it 'konbini'. I guess I have to take shelter here until the rain gets weaker for a while.

I entered the door, and the bell rang.

"Irasshaimasu!" The cashier greeted.

I dried my umbrella a bit before fully entering the convenience store.

As I stroll through the different variety of food and drinks, ranging from local chips to candies, I search the nearby fridges where cold beverages are located.

I opened the fridge that consisted of ice tea drinks then went to the cashier to purchase it. After that, I sat on the seat near the window to look at the lush green bushes and the road filled with cars.

I grabbed my phone out to take a picture of the beautiful weather dripping on a lonely street while a few of the bystanders holding umbrellas walked across the pavement.

This is going to take a while before the rain becomes weaker.

The store bell rings.

"Irasshaimasu" The cashier greeted.

Looks like someone else is here to stay for a bit.

I looked to the store entrance and saw the same pink-haired girl drying herself a bit. However, she doesn't look like she's in a very good mood. Her aura darkens as she approaches the cashier.

"You looked drenched. You can buy an umbrella here for only five hundred yen,"

She continued walking to the corner table and sat there. She placed her arms on the table, folded her arms and rests her head on top of it. Not caring that her wet hair covers her face.

I have never seen her in this state at all.

"Yoichi..." She muttered while looking at the window as the raindrops land on the glass pane.

Why is she in such a sad state in the first place? I would usually see her happy around Yoichi, acting like an actual cute girl that annoys him every time. I kind of hate it, but seeing her like this is strange.

You're just a character I can laugh at. Don't drag me into this.

She turned her head on me, wondering who the other guy beside her was. She's the type to make friends with a cheerful smile, but she looked at me with a confused expression.

As soon as her eyes locked on me, I immediately looked back at my phone, browsing whatever posts were shown on the internet.

I sipped my bottle of iced tea while scrolling through my phone.

This one random video shows a person just doing some mundane cleaning on the floor, but the person holding the camera threw an egg, which caught me off-guard. I almost spat my drink but didn't laugh.

At the corner of my eye, Aika's expression looked annoyed.

"Don't pretend like I'm not here!" Aika screamed, destroying my left eardrums.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" I rubbed my ear as if checking my hearing still functions

"Don't act like you didn't see anything either!"

"See what?"

"You're doing it again!"


"You saw me in the restroom! You're laughing at me, aren't you?"

"I'm not laughing at you!"

"Just because I'm Yoichi's childhood friend, I don't have low standards! I only like guys that are kind, and cool,"

"I think you're describing the vaguest description you have to a man,"

"No! Those are some really good set of descriptions,"

"Oh, really? You try to justify yourself with someone else's standard?"

"W-well... No,"

"Just because I don't go to nail salon, wear make-up and done my hair, doesn't mean I can't be with them. I just wanted to be friends with everyone,"

"You're being friends with the wrong people,"

"You can't say that to them!"


"Fumiko-san! She's been acting like this ever since we never became classmates. Now she made friends with the other bad girls,"

Fumiko... That bitch. That same girl probably wreaks havoc in the manga. Kind of annoying, really.

Wait, you're saying she was her friend before the story? The same girl with a flashy blonde hairstyle is actually bullying her behind the scenes? I thought she was there just for the sake of increasing 'immersion' .

Wait, I have a great idea. This will be a bit of fun.

"W-why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thought maybe they're right, you're funny,"

"What? Hey! I thought we were friends,"

"That's just you who thought that,"

"Yoichi was even complimenting how you saved your entire group when things went bad,"

"Yeah, right. That was because one of them brought a defective laptop,"

"That's the point!"

"..." I looked away, stunned by what I said.

"You see?"

"In the first place, why are you here?"

"Can't you see? it's raining obviously,"

"Well, how long will you stay here? I'll be leaving as soon as this rain gets weak,"

The rain gradually weakens as I watch the wind decrease its speed, judging from how fast the raindrops sway to the left. The gods must have heard what I said.

"Looks like that's right now," I grabbed my bag, walked to the exit, and unfolded my umbrella before I pushed the door.

"Hey, wait!"

"What's wrong?"

"Let me join you,"

"Why though?"

"I didn't bring an umbrella with me,"


"What do you mean, 'and'? I'm soaked down to the bone,"

"So? You went here without the umbrella,"

"You don't even have considerations for me?"

Losing heroine, childhood friend. I can laugh at you all day.

"Ah shut up, you want to join with me or not?"

"Ahhhh~ F-fine!" She runs towards me as I walked to my street.

The pitter-patter sounds slightly weaker than previously. Aika and I walked together towards near my street, which is close to her house, and Yoichi's.

"My house is just right there," she pointed to her two-story house, and we walked a bit more together until we reached the front of her gate.

She took out her keys, unlocked the gate, then entered, and ran to the doorway. She stops at the front of her door, turns over to my direction, pulls her eyelid down, and sticks her tongue out. Lastly, she entered the door.

Ah yes, the Akanbe pose. Very intriguing gesture.

As I arrived at my home, I took a bit of a recall of what happened recently. Though I enjoyed a bit of company with that girl or whatever, something does not stick right with her.

I have not seen her develop this early in the manga. She is often missing during Yoichi's chats with Hinagi. Is there a reason why?

A familiar ringtone echoes across my room, combining that with the vibration coming from my leg.

I rummaged through my pocket and grabbed my phone.

Upon looking at the screen, it was none other than mom calling me.

I swiped to the left and placed the phone on my left ear.

"Hello, Haru! According to my teacher, I heard that you seem to be lively more than before. I told you that you're going fine on your own. I have given you your allowance. Please be careful alright? Mom and dad's kind of busy here,"

"Yes, mom,"

I can't just exploit money from her.

"Have you eaten properly? Don't always eat noodles everyday and eat something healthy. Go buy some groceries as soon as you receive the money, alright?"

"Yes, mom,"

"Lastly, please don't spend all your money on whatever games you're playing. Other kids like you seem to be spending on this... gacha,"

"I don't do that mom." Wait, that explains the previous gacha games that I have not installed on that PC and on my phone before.

"My son, you changed a lot indeed,"

No, I don't. First of all, I got brought in this place, but that does not explain how there are still last things that slightly change the entire habits and my room is still indifferent.

"That was just one of the things I stop,"

"No, son. That's a big change. I can't believe how much money you throw just to get that waifu in that game of yours. They're scamming you,"

"I did?"

"Yes, you did. You really are never good at managing money after all,"


"But when I checked your account, lately, you don't even spend a single dime on those games,"

I only play free-to-play games and buy single-player games. I am really not cut out with the gacha grind games at all. Wait, she checks on my account? She's secretly playing as well, isn't she?

"Well, I guess I did want to change,"

"Your tone of speech as well. Aren't you a bit too confident? The last time we talked, I couldn't even hear you properly. It's always muffled like you're under the bed all the time, I thought you were in your hospital bed,"

"Let's just say, mom. It's just a phase,"

"I'm glad you got out of that. Anyway, I got to go now. My shift is up soon, love you, son,"

"Bye, mom,"

The phone call ended.

Shit, man. I haven't even opened those gacha games I downloaded before. I was just at the lower levels and then quit after the grind. I turned on the computer and checked the gacha game that everyone kept talking about. The last time I touched that was a long time ago.

I swear I'm not a whale, and I have not even spent a single thing in that game. Looking through my account, I looked at every collection I have in my profile, and holy good graciousness.

What a fucking loser this guy is. How much did you spend to get half of the SSR units of the entire game? That is most likely higher than a yearly college tuition fee!

Oh, what was I supposed to do? Ah, yes. Fumiko. I have a great little fun idea for this. She may not be her classmate, but I am her classmate, meaning I am within reach. I have a really great idea!

I grinned the widest smile I can make as I construct a little plan I have for an upcoming event.

Physical Education Class

My classmates headed outside the class as they wore their current PE uniform. Everyone is set up and one by one, they stay in their line as they finished changing their clothes.

I am currently the last one inside the classroom and this is the best opportunity I can have and go unscathed.

I ran to my bag, zipped it open and it revealed a clear jar with a cover that has holes poked on top of it.

cockroaches crawling inside the jar. I can feel my hair stand up just by looking at them. The goosebumps got stronger as I held the container itself.

No one's going to notice it. I monitored the door, and no one seemed to see that I was there. Yeah, no one even cares about my existence, and that's a good thing.

I shook the jar first before opening the cover to make sure not at least one bug would get out of that thing, then I grabbed a pair of tongs I stole from the cafeteria while it was left hanging on the side. I should clean that right after or create an epidemic in school.

Picking up the pest from the jar, I placed it inside the schoolbags of this delinquent gyarus. I can't be suspected at all after this. I'll place a bunch of dirt and a plant inside and put it in a nearby corner where no one can identify that as evidence.

I giggled as I placed the roaches one by one. I can't contain my laughter after this. I can't wait to see their reactions.

After this, I dumped the jar somewhere no one would see, then threw the tongs in another place. It's better to throw than to have it washed. I think it's better if someone would just grab the tongs and clean it themselves. It's on the ground anyway.

As I run towards the football field, no one notices me. Not even Yoichi and Hinagi, or anyone at all. All I have to do is run across the field.

I ran behind Yoichi, who is struggling as he jogs around the field. The guy pants like he is exhausted. It looked like he was jogging for quite a while.

"Hey, how long have you guys been running?" I asked as I jog alongside him.

"It's been two laps," He replied while breathing heavily.

"Two laps? You look like you've been jogging for five laps,"

"It's been a while since I exercised,"

"Ahh... I guess we're the same," I overtook him and ran across the field.

Jogging for a few minutes, I have been able to reach three laps. However, I am sweating crazy. My legs are starting to feel sore. I should start exercising regularly. Aside from tennis, maybe there are other sports that I can play.

It looks like the guys are playing football as well. Damn. The girls are also playing volleyball, and it looked like boys and girls.

"Itachi-sama! Let's play tennis,"

"What? Why?"

"It's a rematch. I'm more prepared now than before,"

I grinned for a bit, remembering the time I won against him during tryouts. Looks like it's my time again.

I readied myself again.

We started our match, and it started well. Jeez, this guy is actually getting better than before. His hits are more consistent, and not a single ball hits like a mortar. How long has he been practicing?

The ball has been hitting back and forth consistently as the two of us swing our rackets. The ball is hit back echoes across the court.

The whistle blew and it looked like our class is done.

"What? I'm not done yet! This is not even counted,"

"Oh, sorry. I still won, though,"

"Well, it's a really good practice. Maybe we should pair up again another time when we have a chance to play,"

As I headed back to the locker room, I took a small bath and wore my usual uniform right after, then headed back to class.

I slid open the door, and the first thing I hear is the sound of a few girls screaming.


"Eeeek~! There's a c-c-cockroaaach!"

Everyone gazed in the direction of where the sound was coming from.

Three girls on the side squeal as each roach crawls on different parts of their body. One went inside her shirt, and she tried to shake it off violently, but it never came out and continued crawling inside her body.

I turned my head to see Fumiko laughing as her so-called friends shake as the roaches jump out of her bag. She chuckled and pointed at them like a bitch.

However, as soon as she opened her school bag, a large roach crawled to her hand. It moved all the way to her arm. Her pupils shrank, and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"AAAAAH! Get it off me, somebody help! Get it off meeeeee~!"

The brown pest started to spread its wings and flew to her head as it tried to stick on her hair.

She moves her head violently from left and right, shaking off the insect that tries to land on her blonde cotton candy-like hair.

A few of the students laughed a bit, some looked concerned, and some even tried their hardest not to contain their laughter.

The delinquent girls ran outside the classroom as they kicked and stomped their way to the door.

The remaining guys inside the classroom watch silently as they slam the door.

Wow, that was quite a show. The only downside of this was that it only lasted so short. That was fun actually to prank an annoying girl.

I hope she wouldn't bother Aika this time.

"Jeez, whoever pulled that prank, that was really funny!"

"That was so mean, but those girls tend to be too noisy. I guess they deserve it,"

"They're like 'oh my god, my boyfriend couldn't go home, so I slept in the net cafe waiting for him,"

A few gave mixed opinions regarding what happened, and that's expected coming from them.

"These guys are noisier than usual," Yoichi uttered.

"They may be annoying, but I think whoever did that is too much," Hinagi looked at Yoichi with doubt.

"They get what they deserve. Whoever did that, I should thank him with all my heart," Buta, the overweight otaku, smiled with his eyes sparkled.

Looks like the reviews of that prank are pretty controversial. I got what I needed, and I got the reaction I needed. Mission accomplished, we're moving out.

The delinquent girls did not attend the remaining classes of the day.

At the end of class

The sun sits again on top of the city, and gives off a warm, orange lighting. Its light shines atop the sky as it gives the sky a sweet color. As I leave the premise of the building, I spotted Aika waiting in front of the gate. She waved at my direction with a happy expression.

As I left the school gate, I walked towards her. I wave back at her, but she moved her head in another direction as another person approached her.

The other person is no other than Yoichi, as the two walked together outside the gate.

Jesus, you made me look like an idiot for waving at you. Besides, why is Hinagi not with him?

I looked at my right and observed a parked car that has its engine still running. A dark-haired girl in uniform approached the side of the car. The car doors clicked as the doors unlock, and she entered the car.

That totally makes sense.

Welp, Mission accomplished, I guess. Operation Roach is a success, but the other variables are not felt. Oh well. I crossed the roads alone with my hands rested behind my head as I continue my little walk heading to my home.