Having a little Visit

The birds chirp across the window of First Year students of Class 1-4.

My classmates chatter in their circles, like the usual everyday group of friends they have. 

One of the few laugh hysterically, the Otaku nerds fiddled with their phones, a bunch of close friends took selfies with their selfie stick, and a few study maniacs continued to write whatever they were supposed to learn from yesterday's topics.

"YOOOOOO! An SSR! Oh my god, I got her! WOOOOH!"

"You were guaranteed to get that after your eighty-fifth roll. Stop acting like you don't know it,"

"Who cares! I got her anyway! She's going to be a fine addition to my collection," he licked his lips then grinned right after his statement.

"Eww... Gross, who's going to hang out with them anyway?"

The delinquent girls grouped up together in the corner watched cautiously as if they were trying to find out who the culprit did them dirty ever since 'that' incident.

It looked like regular everyday talks... However, something is strange in this class. I looked around, observing every nook and cranny. There is something really off.

As I looked to my left, the usual place where Hinagi is seated. She looked... lonely... 

She watched everyone as they continued to talk to their buddies while she embarrassingly felt like she's been left out. No one has been talking to her.

Ah right... I looked to my far left, and the chair on the corner looked lonely as well. It's as if the main character isn't there. Oh wait, Yoichi isn't here! 

Oh my goodness... Did the gods finally remove the thing that is supposed to progress the plot? Totally! 

She looks to my right with concern, and she wants to speak up. 

I take out my mint-flavored candy wrapper and push the thing out to my other hand. I tossed it up and caught it with my mouth, then savored the cold, fresh minty taste surrounding my cheeks.

Turning to my left, Hinagi held her arms close to her chest like a typical cat girl from a niche anime, and she looked like she wanted to speak up.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You want candy as well?"

 She nodded, then I reached my arm out to her and passed her the candy wrapper I got from my pocket.

She grabbed the wrapper and unfolded the wrapper, but to her surprise, there is no candy.

She puffed her cheeks and threw the candy wraps to my face.

"Hey, no littering!"

"You gave me the wraps with no candy!"

"Hahahaha, I'm just messing with you. Here," I giggled a bit then gave her another candy wrapper this time, it's unopened.

She unfolded the thing and placed the minty candy in her mouth.

"I...It's... pungent, and spicy, and cold at the same time,"

"You can remove the taste of mint by drinking cold water," I sneered.

She did not hesitate to grab her water bottle and drank a few volumes of it, only to see her spit the water out like a water hose watering a dry grassy field.

"Uweh... It's sooo cold!"

I laughed as I watched the female lead experience the frozen caves of the northern lands in her mouth. Wait. That sounds wrong.

Anyways, she looked more annoyed than before after I pulled a little prank on her.

"That's so freaking mean!"

"It's your fault for taking my advice really fast. I thought you're supposed to know this stuff already,"

"I never ate mint candy before. My dad said they make my teeth hurt,"

"Obviously, if you eat that same thing everyday. Are you out of your mind? You haven't eaten mint before?"

She nodded her head.

"Haven't you eaten candy at all before as a kid?"

"My parents forbid me to eat candy,"

"Wow... Strict parents all the way to the bone,"

"But they have gotten more relax now than before, so maybe I'll try other stuff too,"


"Oh.. Right, I forgot to ask you something," 

"What is it? We don't talk much during class except that Yoichi guy beside you,"

"Exactly. Where is Yoichi-kun?"

"He transferred school,"


"Obviously not. He's probably sick. You're supposed to know that. Do you guys even have each other's number?"

"N-no... I heard that your house is near Yoichi and Aika. That's why I'm asking you,"

"Just because our places are near each other doesn't mean we're close,"

"I thought you were,"

"Says who?"


After the tedious lessons the school system has given to me, I stood up and stretched my arms and leaned my back a bit after absorbing the required information acquired per my professional career in the future. 

 Now, I'll probably just find a table where I can take a seat and eat in peace.

I opened my little bento box, but today's going to be a bit different. It's pretty bland, but that's how my meals are usually made for myself. 


I opened my bento box and revealed something quite unusual to other Japanese types of food. Well, I got lazy so it's my style. It's scrambled eggs with garlic fried rice, and a side of sweet sausage, with chopped tomatoes. No ketchup needed.


I picked up my spoon and scooped up a portion of it and munched a spoonful of egg, rice, and a piece of sausage. It's pretty okay, I guess... I don't think it would be healthy though, for some people.

Hinagi brings out her bento and shows a beautiful decoration of her delicacy.

The freshly-cut vegetables are cut in strips in the side, cooked meatballs sprinkled in sesame seeds, and omelet eggs, folded in a roll and cut in three pieces, placed on the side. She really does put her efforts in making her bento. Why can't I be that?

You're just lazy... Never change that attitude at all. 

Oh shut up conscious mind.

Laziness is a virtue.

Don't remind me of that re**it modder in an interview. I'm not him...

However, she seems to be eating her well-decorated food alone.

She watched around as she continues munching on a few pieces of her meal. 

"I was really excited to share this with Yoichi and Aika. Where are they?" 

Her eyes locked unto me as I continued enjoying my poorly organized lunch. 

"Haruto... What are you eating?"

"Hmmm?" Why would she like to know what I'm eating?

"It's just sausage and egg with rice. That's it,"

"Ehhh? I haven't seen a sausage that short and round like that. Can I try some?"

Hey, why should I let you eat my food? Yours look healthier than mine.

You know what, maybe in exchange of course.

"In exchange, I'll have some of yours as well,"

"Y-yes, I'm fine with that. As they said, food tastes better when shared,"

Strange... How can consuming nutrients with somebody enhance our taste buds?

I picked a small piece of her cooked meatball and gave her a piece of my meal. 

She takes a bite and looked on her upper left as if trying to identify the taste.

"It's... sweet. Too sweet..."

"Try eating that with rice. It helps reduce the strong taste,"

"Do you usually eat these often?" She asked as she adds her rice and the remaining food in her mouth.

"Well... Not really. It would be better if its accompanied with vegetables of course. And that meatball tastes really good. Did you make that as well?"

"Y-yes... I made all of these. Etooo~, I think I notice something from you," She looks at me with her eyes squinted.


"Are you lazy at cooking or do you just make quick convenient food? It's either you buy a quick snack or your bento consists of mostly eighty percent rice,"

"I tend to overcook the food, and it is easier for me to eat meat in a small volume with a large portion of rice,"

"Won't that cause a nutritional imbalance?"

"W-well... If you say it like that, maybe? I don't know. First of all, why are you monitoring my diet in the first place?"

"Eh? It's nothing. Just a bit worried,"


"You're weird in the first place. You don't even have friends like the others there. Why can't you just make friends with those guys?"

"Actually, you're just talking to me because the only one who you talk to the most in class is Yoichi. I'm sure you got other friends here that you can talk to as well. Besides, it's easier for you to make friends with the others with your beauty. They'll be delighted to talk to you,"

"W-well... I always get called for being beautiful if you put it like that. Everyone I talk to would always say the same thing. My hair is silky, my skin is smooth, et cetera. It's getting annoying already,"

"Wow, you say that as if it's like a curse. Didn't know positive things can become curses. It's like saying, oh my god it sucks to be rich. All I did is get the stuff that I want without effort. Man, I accidentally swiped my mom's credit card on that newest Bugatti model. You're probably taking pride in your beauty and just tried to pity yourself with it to gain attention,"

After I said that she looked at me with her cheeks puffed. 

"Hey, don't look at me like that," She made a little jab on my shoulders.

I guess I took it a little far? Eh... Whatever.

I take a little stroll for a while outside of class. 

I take a deep breathe and walked to a nearby bench. I watch across the fields as other students play their sports from their fields.

The smell of wet grass and the grasshopper's noise fill the air as I lay my head on the back of the chair. The bright sunlight shines across the school building, reflecting the lights through the windows of the school.

Students chattering in the cafeteria behind me while I watch the field's grass blown by the winds. I never felt so relaxed in a while from this strangely chaotic place.

I inhaled the smell of freshly cut grass in the air, taking in all the available oxygen in my area, leaving my lungs bloated and made a huge sigh.

I closed my eyes for a bit as I gave in to the relaxing atmosphere given to me by this cozy little place. If only I could live like this without something that's burdening my back.


"Waahh!" I violently shook my arms and stood up from the bench stiff, startled by whoever called me.

"The hell is wrong wiht you...?"

"S-Sumimasen, I was wondering if you've seen Aika..."

"Aika? I haven't seen her as well,"

"Eh? If she isn't here, she would be doing some club meetings, but I asked her club officer, and she wasn't there,"

"Huh... Strange..."

"Yes... That really is strange,"

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"E-etoo... I don't know,"

"Great... Because I don't know what to do as well,"

"Oh.. Okay,"

She sits on the bench beside me while I continue watching the skies as the clouds move in a constant direction.

I waited for a while and listened to the breeze. I wanted to sleep.

"You got nothing else to do than just sit here?"

"Ehh? Who else can I talk to?"

"What the hell, just freaking go do something. I want to sleep,"

"Haruto... Is it because you don't like me?"

"The hell is that question? Don't go guilt-tripping me. That won't work,"

I made a shooing motion with my hand. The gods will not pull a feint trick on me by baiting me to pull in her little action. It's a trap...

Maybe this is what happens when the main character is out of the story. No plot to progress, no way for me to find an opportunity. Actually, how can I do this?

I totally almost forgot that these are just characters. Should I even bother their feelings after all this time? Actually... Wait. There must be something that I can remember that might help me.

"Haruto, how about we go to Yoichi's place and check on him if he's okay?"


"I'm sure you would like that,"

"Yeah... Let's go,"

"After class is done shall we meet up?"


Right... Something interesting...

I smiled as I forgot the reason why Yoichi was not here this whole time.

Class had ended and everyone packed their things, I headed to the school's main building to take a change of my shoes in my locker. 

I waited for the quote-on-quote main female lead of the story to meet me in front of the gate. 

As she appeared after the crowd of students getting out of the hallways, I called her out. She looks everywhere from her field of vision.

Hey, I know I'm tall but how can you not spot me from that distance? Is this the perk of a mob that is not screened or drawn in the manga?

I waved at her with my arm, but she still couldn't find me no matter how many times I did.

Screw this, I'll just approach her.

I walked straight up to her in front as my own shadow cast by the afternoon covered the her vision.

"Oi, I'm right in front of you,"

"Ahh~, I didn't see you,"

"Aren't you looking way too far? I think you need binoculars. You might find me soon enough with it,"

"S-shut up, how can I find you with a lot of kids in the area,"

I thought the perks of being above average height is that I can be spotted easily. I guess I was wrong about it. I think it's a passive skill of a mob to be well-hidden.

"Anyways, can you... lead me to where Yoichi's house is?" She made a shy pose and placed her two index fingers touching each other like a begging girl.

"Look, Hinagi is walking with another guy. W-why can't that be me? Who the hell is that loser?"

I heard the small whispers coming from behind as I left and walked together with this girl.

As we crossed the street, we happened to pass by the same convenience store that I went to yesterday. 

"There's a konbini nearby. Let's go there. I need to bring something for Yoichi-kun,"

She walked to the convenience store entrance, and the same familiar greeting echoed in the store.


She looks around the store, searching for foods and snacks that she might bring to his house.

A bag of chips, microwaved ramen, and a 2-liter soft drink.

Hey, wait. Why the hell are you buying this stuff? I thought she would be picking the healthy food at all. 

We left the store after she paid the counter.

"Hinagi, why the hell are you buying those stuff? I thought you would go a bit... You know, healthy?"

"Haruto, I just want to try these out. My parents would never let me try any of these food at all. We never even got to the konbini at all," 

"Are you sure that you don't have a konbini in your place?"

"What? We do, it's just my parents don't want me eating in such a 'cheap' place,"

"I'm supposed to be the one buying those in the first place. Can't believe you picked those. You... weird female lead," I mumbled in a soft tone.

Where and when did she ever become like this?

"F-female lead...?" She picked up on what I said as she munches a potato chip in her mouth.

"I think it's called iron lead... Some type of alloy that I've been working on in chemistry,"

"Mhmm... I totally did not hear you from what you said,"

"Like Fe as in iron, you know? and lead as in Pb, right?"

"Stop joking around,"

We reached the front gates of Yoichi's Household. A somehow ordinary two-story residential house that every average Japanese resident would usually live in. 

There's a doorbell just in front of the gate, and I don't want to be the one to press that.

I looked at Hinagi, who nervously watched beside me.

"You should press the doorbell. Not me,"

"E-ehh? You do it. You're man enough to do it,"

"I'm leaving now. It's up to you if you're going to press it" I waved her goodbye and inched away from her as I skipped my legs a few meters away.

"H-hey! Where do you think you're going?" She chased me and grabbed my hand tight and pulled me back to the front gate.

"Oi! Wuaaa~!" I tried to pull my hand away, but her grip is strangely strong for a girl.

"You're staying with me, and we'll visit his place together," 

She presses the doorbell, and a faint buzzing sound is heard across the house of Yoichi.

No one seems to be responding.

She pressed the button again, but there was no response.

"Haruto... Are you playing tricks with me again?"

"W-what? This is his house... as far as I remembered,"

"Then why is he not responding? You probably brought me in a place that I don't know, huh? You..."

 The gate opens and it reveals an astonishingly beautiful lady, with short, dark brown hair, slender and tall body, and looks like she is in her early twenties. She's most likely a college student judging from her appearance.

"Who are you?" She asked bluntly.

"Umm.. Etooo~ g-g-good afternoon. My name is Misaki Hinagi, and this is Haruto Itachi. We're friends of Yoichi-kun, and we want to check if he's alright. He has not attended school today so we're heret to check him up," She introduces as she bowed nervously in front of the lady.

"Sure, come on in. He's still in bed, getting taken care of by that annoying friend he had since he was a kid," She said as she entered the house.

We entered the house as well and wondered who that lady was.

"Umm.. May I ask who you are?" I 'politely' asked.

"That's quite rude..." She looked at me with a menacing expression as the aura behind her showed quite a shade of violet and black.

Hinagi's felt her skin crawling. She was too scared to be confronting this scary, but pretty hot lady.

"Forgive my wording. I'm not that well in.... 'communications'," I said as I gently emphasized the word. 

"Hmph... Yoichi brought some rude friends with him. I'm his older sister, Honoka. You got it?" She heads to the fridge and grabbed a can of beer.

She opens the can of beer and the fizzes blasted as she takes a sip.

She looks at me as I watch her take a sip.

Hinagi looked at me while hesitantly speaking up, scared of this scary-looking older sister.

"I-is she always likes this?" Hinagi asked me.

"How would I know?" I shrugged and tilted my head.

I can't just tell her I know Yoichi's older sister. She's a hottie for sure, and a pretty big bust as well. She's just really blunt about everything and would not hesitate afterward. As far as I remember, she must have been like this since she have been under the burden of college. She most likely has been taking a vacation during the duration of the manga. 

She's not 'that' scary per se. She just... doesn't give a shit, I guess?

"You wonder where he is? He's upstairs just two rooms ahead to the right," She pointed the direction to the stairs and headed back to the living room as she lay on the couch with her phone up.

We walked up as our feet made a thumping sound ever step on the wooden stairs.

We can hear faint, muffled, familiar voices as we approach the room. We crept up slowly as we tried to identify where the sound was coming from.

The closer we get, the faint voices get louder. We pinpointed the sound to the second door, and as we approached it, we observed the door was shut.

"Aika-chan... It's so hot when I touch it."

"Don't worry, Yoichi-kun, just keep going. You'll feel better,"

"Ahh... It's so good,"

Hinagi looked at me with a worrying face, intrigued by the strange conversations upheld by the two.

"N-no... wait. Hey! Stop, it's going everywhere!"


"It went on my skirt as well. How am I supposed to clean that up?"

I opened the door wide, and Hinagi and I watched in shock as the two showed a seemingly... misunderstanding posture.

Aika seems to be grabbing something from under the blanket while Yoichi shows a slightly stiff expression as she continues rubbing something under his lower area.

Hinagi's jaw dropped, her pupils shrank, and she covered her mouth with her hand.

Yoichi turned towards the door as the shock revealed by the two watched Aika continuously rubbing her hand under the blanket. Their face looked like they had seen something that they weren't supposed to see.

"U-uumm... H-H-Hinagi-san! I-it's not what it looks like!" 


Hinagi runs out of the room, making louder thumping noise, leaving her bought snacks beside me.

It reveals the sick lucky boy has spilled hot porridge on his pants, and some of the contents went to the skirt of Aika.

Aika grabs a box of tissues and pulls out a few to wipe up the spilled porridge.

I don't know if I want to laugh or express the same emotion as Hinagi. I knew from the start that this would happen, but I had to open the door at the right time to give the best shock value for Hinagi.

"I-Itachi... Y-y-y-you know it's not what it looks like... Right?"

As much as I want to say no, I just can't help but follow her as well. I want to see her reaction after that.

I made a grim smile in the blind corner, veiling my happy little intentions, then turned my head at Yoichi with a trembling expression.

"Y-Yoichi... How could you?" I did an Oscar-winning surprised act as I trembled backward, then ran away from the field of view of the two.

"Itachi! Noo!"

The voice of his hoarse sick voice echoed across the second floor as I ran downstairs.

The main door was left wide open, and I ran outside.

"Hmm... Something going on?" Honoka removed a pair of her earphones and observed me running downstairs quickly.

She placed her earphones back to her ear and continued tapping on her phone.

I searched inside the gates of the house and spotted Hinagi in the corner squatting with her hands rubbing her eyes.

Hey... That's not the reaction I wanted from her. I thought she would continue acting scared or mad, but why is she crying?

"Oi! Hinagi, you stupid girl. Why the hell are you crying!?" I ran to her and squatted beside her.

"Y-Yoichi-kun is a pervert! He wouldn't do that," She mumbles as her voice trembles from her tears.

I pulled her hand up, forcing her to stand up from her position.

"Get the fuck up, Hinagi. They weren't doing anything at all. That was just a misunderstanding. Don't fucking fuss over that,"

She started crying a bit louder.

"UWAAAHHHH~ Haruto is now making fun of me,"

"Just get up and don't freaking cry that loud for god's sake," I pulled her back and went inside as I grabbed this overreacting bitch.

We entered the door again, and I spotted the typical main protagonist, up the stairs with his hands leaning on the walls.

"H-Hinagi-san, it's really not what you think,"

We went upstairs, and he cleared up the misunderstanding. That saves me for the explanation. I just did not expect her reaction to being that... strong.

"Mmm... Yoichi is a pervert," She looked away with her cheeks puffed.

"A-anyways, Hinagi, actually, why did you visit me?"

"It's because you weren't in class, you baka!" She throws a handful of potato chips to Yoichi, scattering the crumbs around him.


"Ichi-san apparently had caught a fever since yesterday. So I did not attend class just to take care of him," Aika explained.

All because of that goddamn rain. How weak is this guy's immune system? 

"Etoo~ did anything happen in school?"

"Nothing much happened. Just a couple of lessons you missed," I replied.

"Great! Looks like missing class today was the best time!" Aika jumped, realizing how much of a risk.

"Well, that's in our class. You, on the other hand, are in a different section. Shouldn't you know that?" I asked.

"Ehe... I don't know,"

"Well, it seems like Yoichi here looks fine to me. I'll be heading out, I guess. There's nothing much going on,"

"Ehh? All that weird talk, and now you're leaving?"

"What? He looks fine to me, and I got some stuff to do,"


"You're staying until I leave," Hinagi pulled my leg.

"Oi! Will you cut the crap already?"

"How am I supposed to go home. I don't remember the route back,"

"You'll be fine on your own. Maybe Aika can help you,"

"Umm... I actually have to run some errands as well,"

"How about Yoichi ove-"

"I'm still sick. I can't go out,"

"Nah, I think you're fine on your own," I thought as I packed up my stuff and readied myself.

"Hmph... If you say so, I'll be leaving as well,"

"Well... I guess it's time for me to go. Anyways. Bye, Yoichi-kun. Get well soon," Aika waved as the three left the room.

As I left the gate, the three of us separated ways. Aika walks in the direction of her home while I go to the opposite. Hinagi backtracked the street that she last remembered as she went forward across the street.

The sun is setting soon, and darkness devours the sky, but my mind keeps urging me to go back. The skies get dimmer, and the street lights have lit up, but why does it feel like I want to turn around and check something?

I turned around and looked behind as if something was crawling behind my back. It's as if something is pulling me back to check for danger.

I went back to the street of Yoichi, briskly walking to the direction Hinagi was heading. Something is not right here, and I can't put my finger on it.

Briskly running in the direction I last saw Hinagi, I made giant steps as I accelerated forward, finding this female lead. As I scanned through the dimly-lit areas, I searched every side and corner of the street.

I ran to another street and looked for the dark-haired girl in school uniform. However, she was nowhere to be found.

Third time's a charm.

I rushed to another street, and I managed to find Hinagi standing on the pavement with a suspicious-looking black car.

She seems to be chatting with the guy in the dimly-lit side of the alley.

I can hear the faint conversation as I walked forward.

"N-no... I'm a bit lost here,"

"How about I can give you a ride home,"

"Oh really? That's sweet of you,"

"Yeah, just hop in right now," 

The car door sides unlock with a loud THUCK, and she slowly approaches the black car's side door.

I ran towards the unsuspecting girl and gently pushed her forward.

"Apologies, for the time being, mister, but I think we should pass the offer,"

"W-what? But he's going to give me a free ri-" I pushed her further as we distanced away from the black car, which eventually the car accelerated away from us.

"Didn't they tell you that you should not get in a stranger's ride?" 

"H-he gave me a-"

"Fuck whatever he said, and listen to me. That was fucking dumb of you to even do that," I grabbed her by the shoulder. This is not what I wanted the outcome to be. 

My eyes are starting to swell up, and my throat has tightened.

"Ehh~? A-are you crying?"

"No! Goddammit... I would be fucking responsible for whatever could have happened to you,"

"Why are you saying that to me?"

"Can't you see? You would have been abducted somewhere! This is not even part of the fucking manga,"

"W-what manga?"

"Shut up, and I'll escort you to your place," I responded.

I sure as hell know that Yoichi was sick, and their little scene is there. But I didn't expect that things could go south as far as I thought. 

I ended up accompanying her all the way to the nearest station, hoping that any other nearby gimmicks happening may lead to her demise.

She can't just stay pure and innocent forever. 

As we arrived at a nearby station, I explained to her the very reason why it's not a good idea to hop in a stranger's car.

"It's not a good idea at all. What would have happened if you were there? They might have sold your body, both literally and metaphorically. Who knows where your guts would go in the black market?" I explained like a father.

Her whole body stiffened, and she realized the thought of what would have happened if she did enter the car.

The thought of her body being defiled or sold out by somewhere, she could not imagine such a single thing would ever happen to her.

"T-thank you... I-I should have known better,"

"Yeah you better do-" 

She rushed forward and held me tight as she dug her face on my chest. 

I look at her as she slowly tears up with her face really close to me at the moment. I was so startled at the sudden hug that it caught me off-guard.

"You're so mean all the time, Haruto," She looked the other way with a shy expression.

Hey... This is reality Haruto... Do not fall. This is not your world. This is not the time to be happy. They are just characters... Do not fall into temptation.


This is still too early. Super super early... Harem or not, this is plain wrong.

I pushed her for a bit.

I'm not falling for this shit. There's no way I'm getting a chance at all.

"Hey... Your next stop is right ahead. You better get going, or you might miss it,"

"Ehh... Oh, right," She runs to the bus and waved at me goodbye with a smile.

The bus had accelerated away from my view, and I am the only one left. I walked all the way back to my home, exhausted both mentally and physically.

I never knew that a visit to Yoichi's house could have almost led to the main one getting caught in a nearly sticky situation.

I dived to my bed and screamed loud, but my voice was muffled by my own mattress.

Screw it. Maybe a session of games would help me stop thinking of these again.