Strange Portal!


With every second that passed as Willian drowned in his thoughts, the pressure in the dining room grew heavier, the kneeling knights feeling like they were going to die of suffocation because they hadn't taken a single breath in minutes!

They did not dare to breathe in the presence of the Ice Prince.

Yes, he was widely known as the Ice Prince as his title, not because of his blue hair and blue eyes no, but rather because of the cold expression on his face all the time, his blue hair, blue eyes, and blue eyebrows can be considered just perfect seasoning on the murderous expression that terrifies even the fiercest characters in the empire.

Crown Prince of the Empire of Blueren, Prince Willian is already a famous figure on the continent-level, during the past 12 years he has contributed to many militaries, political and economic achievements of the empire which proved his position as Crown Prince without any competition , well, he was always miles ahead of his younger brothers in everything.

You can take any random person from the modern world and throw them into this world with similar status and they will do the same or more accomplishments, they just have to be smart enough to live with the backward mentality and throw some values ​​and morals from the modern era in the trash because it doesn't belong to this era and everything will be fine.

Willian lived for 25 years in his previous world and lived here another 17 years, he had gained enough time in both worlds to attain a certain level of intelligence in order to live well in this backward world.


"I'm here, Your Highness!"

A black-masked man appeared kneeling beside Willian, clearly not among the nearby knights and subordinates, his appearance looked like a murderer appearing out of thin air.

"Drag the corpse away and destroy the evidence, don't forget to kill the chef."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The masked man and the pale corpse also disappeared as well as the plates of food very quickly.

Willian turned his gaze toward the sweaty knights in front of him causing them to sweat even more.

"I'm going to my room, make food for me and send it to my room, I want it in 10 minutes, I don't want more mistakes, or as you know... I will have your heads on my table."

The knights and servants felt as if a divine pardon had been issued to them, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"As Your Highness wishes."

Willian got up from his seat and walked out of the spacious dining hall and walked toward his room, which is in the middle of the palace, his palace like an old castle It emits an atmosphere of antiquity and power.

This place was the residence of the Crown Prince in his personal area of ​​his rule in the east of the Empire of Blueren, the Diamond City, the city is the fourth largest city in the empire and is really so big that its size can be comparedt with Tokyo City in Earth, Here, he is the ruler, he is the lord of the city.

But his kind brothers can poison his food even though he is far from them. Since every prince and princess has its own land in different regions of the empire, what does this mean?

This means that his city is full of spies and assassins belonging to other princes, maybe even double agents, who knows.

Don't think wrong, it's not like he can't deal with them all, but he doesn't want to do that so as not to make his brothers go on a rampage and cooperate to deal with him at once... Of course, he will finish them when he becomes a king, but not now, He still wants to preserve the image of an older brother loving his younger brothers and sisters, at least outwardly.

As for the regions of the empire, there are five of them: the eastern region, the western region, the northern region, the southern region, and the central region, the closer the prince's rule is to the capital, the closer he is to the throne, so it is clear that the diamond city, which is the gateway to the eastern region, is the closest to the capital located at the center of the empire.

The diamond city is considered one of the richest and most prosperous cities of the empire, well, before Willian was appointed in it as his region, it was less prosperous so it did not have the same name as now, but after it was handed over to him it became more prosperous thanks to his hard work.

Willian sighed, thinking things through, and fell on his bed, exhausted from all the hard work he had done today, and not even the dinner he deserved yet.

His room was so large that two soccer teams could sleep comfortably in it. The bed he had was made of cotton material stuffed with sheep's wool, not well to the standards of the modern world, but for this world, it was a very classy thing. The peasants of this world sleep on spring or dirt so it is clear how luxurious it is.

Speaking of this world he is really very backward, Willian does not have the ability to make a big change to this world, he can only press the rich ideas in his mind for some progress in various fields, but he was neither a scientist nor an inventor in his previous life, he was just a consumer even in the study he was only average and not a genius, unfortunately, he doesn't have strong cheating that makes him a genius.

Finally, on-time his food arrived and this time it was not poisoned, speaking of poison, he is really tired of his second brother's actions so he intends to put an end to this farce, perhaps he will take the advice of the Queen Mother and poison the bastard too.

Willian began to devour and chomp on the grilled chicken greedily and did not notice the space that began to distort in the room strangely, eventually, a circular spatial portal the size of a normal human was formed at the bottom of his bed horizontally, half of the spatial portal was visible and the other half was hidden under the bed.

Willian finished eating and cleaning and he felt really satisfied, finally laying on the side of the bed wanting to sleep because it was already late, but his eyes widened in sheer shock when he saw the strange spatial portal on the floor.

"What is this? Did I eat a hallucinogenic poison without my knowledge? Will I die?"

Willian didn't panic, for him, who had already died before no longer felt that great fear of death, but the most important thing was that he didn't feel any kind of pain.

"My stomach is fine, my limbs are fine, the head is fine too... So why does it look like I'm seeing another world under my bed?"

Willian started rubbing his eyes to dispel the strange hallucination, but no matter what he did nothing seemed to change, he could still see the trees swaying in the wind and the blue sky on the floor.

"Wait, is this a spatial portal?"

As if thunder had exploded in Willian's mind at this moment, he seemed to be possessed as he stood up and spontaneously moved behind the bed.

He grabbed the wooden part of the bed and pulled it with some difficulty, when he was finished he went back to the other side of the bed and saw her at last in all her glory.

"My eyes really don't deceive me, this is a spatial portal!! Heavens did you finally decide to have mercy on me! Is this finally my cheating here?"
