Where Does The Portal Lead?


In front of Willian appeared a horizontal portal lying on the floor, no, it's more correct to say that it merged with the floor.

Inside the portal looked a little vague but Willian could see the features of trees and rich wildlife, and even the sky seemed bluer and more vibrant than the sky in this world, and even the earth.

"Heavens! How big are these trees? I can't see the top?"

Willian was muttering in a low voice that he could only hear so as not to alert the others, but at this moment when he realized the enormous and abnormal sizes of these trees on the other side of the portal he almost cried out in shock.

The enthusiasm that had been extinguished a long time ago started to ignite violently at this moment, could this portal lead to another world? And will this portal disappear if no one enters it in time? And is it safe to enter this portal? And why did it appear in his room?

So many questions and doubts began to weave in his mind that every question needed an urgent answer, but this did not dampen his enthusiasm, but only fueled it more and more.

"I'm going, I have to go, I have to find out what's behind the portal, what if my chance is here and I miss it? No, I can't miss it at all!"

An intense determination appeared in Willian's blue eyes, he was tired of this boring world, the spatial portal in front of him would definitely be the one who would spice up his miserable life, right?

He really wishes the gods wouldn't play another joke on him.

Willian took a deep breath and approached the portal and then bowed slightly, but before that, he pulled the sword from the scabbard on his left side and passed it through the spatial portal, When the half-sword disappeared in the gate, Willian stopped pushing it further and waited patiently for five minutes then pull it, he examined it thoroughly and did not find anything strange happened to the sword.

When he decided he was going to enter the portal he stood up and wanted to prepare well, after all, he was a knight and a genius at that.

In his previous world he was only average, but for this world, he is a super-genius famous on the continent-level, his fame even spread to some neighboring continents, and the most famous thing for him besides his commercial and inventive intelligence is his strong ability in swordsmanship, he was a powerful knight of Elite-level!

Only a few famous knights could match him in strength, and only his royal father and his generals surpassed him.

The first thing he did was put on his shiny gold and diamond shield, by the way, this shield can sell for millions of dollars in the modern world!

He wore golden head armor and knee and knuckle protectors, then carried his spear and bow as well as arrows, and his sword was already equipped. In addition to his sword skill, he had a high mastery of spear and archery, so he took both, would do anything to study the other side of the portal, it looked like he was going to war.

He finally stood in front of the portal ready to enter, he was completely ready for anything, he doesn't brag but his strength is really strong, with his current body he can crush 5 elite rapid intervention forces from his previous world. The knights in this world who are used to wars and blood have super physical strength it can't be considered a superpower, but it's really powerful, an ordinary human in the modern world would die with just a punch of him.

Willian wished good luck to himself inwardly and began to move his leg towards the strange portal. If he was a typical prince of this world, he would not have taken unknown risks and would have sent his followers first and waited for their return, but who was he? He was a reincarnation from the earth and an avid novel reader at that, what would happen if this portal was a kind of divine treasure that would only obey the first person who entered through it?

He would be sitting on his silver spear vertically at that time.

When his knee went over to the other side, he felt as if he had lost contact with his leg, but he didn't panic, that's normal, his body is still here so obviously he has to go through the portal completely to get all his senses back.

It seemed as if he was entering a still lake, when he passed his other leg towards the portal, he began to sink so quickly that he disappeared on the other side of the portal, before entering the portal he had secured his room well and ordered the guards outside the door to tighten the guard and not allow anyone to enter and disturb his sleep under any circumstances.

He had such a tight grip on his troops and knights that he was completely comfortable that no one would enter his room all night, so he could explore without fear.

When Willian walked out of the portal, he felt a stifling pressure that made him curse in his mind.


He was kissing the dirt now, and he couldn't move an inch.

"Is this the force of gravity?! Is this world that strong?"

Yes, the force of gravity that he was never used to it, crushed him to the ground, Willian has now confirmed that he has crossed into another world and is highly likely to be a supernatural world.

And when he started thinking about the situation, he was finally terrified, doesn't that mean he was the weakest being in this world right now? Won't any random insect kill him?

Unknowingly, the portal behind him turned into a torrent of energy and entered his body, after which he felt his body lighter and the gravitational pressure magically went away from him.

Willian felt extremely relieved the moment a mysterious torrent of energy entered his body, he sank into a kind of orgasm similar to the height of sexual pleasure but longer.

It seemed as if the mysterious energy made him fuse with the laws of this world instantly, which meant that without it, he would need a longer time to get used to it.

When Willian came out of his euphoric state he stood up quite easily, it seemed like his imagination but he really felt like he was stronger than himself before entering the portal.

"Ah! The portal!"

When he remembered about the portal he turned around at lightning speed, before he even noticed his surroundings, the portal was the important thing now.

But guess what! He found nothing but green grass that danced with the wind and called him to dance.

"The hell!! Where is the spatial portal?"

Willian was horrified at the thought of being in a strange world again, even if he did not love his second world due to the memories of luxury from his first world, but it is still his world where there is his home, his mother, his father, his fiancée and his subordinates, a world where he has developed a lot of feelings of belonging even if he didn't want to admit it!

He started to panic more and more at the fact that the portal had disappeared, but he forced himself to calm down and rationally analyze the situation.

If the portal disappeared, where did it disappear to?

It couldn't disappear out of thin air without any warning in space, what was the thing that interacted with the portal to cause it to disappear?

"Am I not that thing?"

"Could it be that my previous idea that the portal is a divine treasure that will recognize the first to pass through it as its owner is correct?"

"No, it's not possible, I'm not a fortune-teller!"

"But that doesn't change the fact that I'm the only one who's interacted with the portal since it appeared in my room."

This was really baffling.

Where did the portal disappear, but the most important question is, where did the portal lead him?
