Spatial System!


The initial panic disappeared from his heart as he started to think about it seriously, he noticed that the air around him was extremely refreshing and extremely calming.

If the air on earth is like an old man's fart, then the air in Dola is like a spring breeze, by the way, Dola is the name of the world in which he was reborn again.

But the air in this world reminded him of the fresh air of the Hawai Island but much more pleasant, so he wondered if he was on an island now.

Willian inwardly wondered if the Spatial Portal had truly fused with him, how could he activate it again so that he could return to his world.

Very quickly he thought about activating the portal and connected it to his room and amazingly the portal appeared very quickly right in front of his eyes, when he saw this, he wanted to dance for joy but he suppressed this ridiculous desire and got back his usual expression, but his expression quickly disappeared when a transparent blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Spatial System]

[Global Travel]

[Local Travel]

[Spatial Body]

"System! I got a system! The heavens finally took pity on me!!"

Without wasting time and with great excitement he press [The Spatial System] icon

[The Spatial System: is a high-level dimensional system that allows its host to travel between the worlds that the system acquires its hidden spatial coordinates, he and the people he nominates himself, the spatial system allows its host to match the different environments of the worlds in real-time, the spatial system can find the dimensional frequencies hidden in the worlds and allow the host to open them and teleport to the world or nearby worlds.]

[Host: Willian Bluewhite (Permanent)]

[People authorized to cross: No one(+)]

When he read the system information, Willian felt an overwhelming ecstasy, not only can he travel to different worlds, he can also bring any person or object with him, isn't that so great?!

Let's not mention that it can coexist with any different nature in the world.

He knew that if he wanted to bring someone else he would have to add his full name via a (+) sign and he would have the right to use his spatial portal, this position was very convenient, or just touch it with his hand and let the system recognize it.

[Global Travel: Allows the host to activate a spatial portal between two worlds or two dimensions whose coordinates the system already contains.]

[Add a global portal(+)]

(This function cannot be used without the system sensing the global coordinates)

[Currently available worlds: 1- Dola, 2- ???]

"Awesome, that's great"

"Ah, why is the name of the second world unavailable?"


"No answer? Seems I need to figure it out for myself then, don't say it's such a backward world that it hasn't been named yet..."

"Well, it doesn't matter now, let's see the last two."

[Local Travel: This allows the host to activate a spatial portal between two places of the same world provided that the system contains their coordinates.]

[Add a local portal (+)]

(The initial coordinates at which the portal was opened are chosen as permanent reference access points, the host can choose other access points anywhere it wants.)

[Currently available places:

-Dola World: Diamond City (The host can move to any place in the Diamond City as long as it's in the host's memory and are specified as access points)

-??? World: ??? Island (The host can move to any place on ??? Island as long as it's in the host's memory and are specified as access points)]

"Hahahahaha, that's more than wonderful, goodbye to the troubles of long-distance travel, here this father can move to a place at any moment."

The means of travel and communication in the world of Dola can be summed up in a word so slow, no, it's slow as the hell, traveling from the capital to the northern or eastern borders or whatever takes more than 4 months on a horse, this is enough to show how slow transportation was in the middle ages, no there are no cars, no trains, no planes, here if you want to move on land, all you need are wild horses, which by the way are twice the speed of horses on Earth, and wooden ships that groups of personnes have to condensing to row in order to move, this is of course, about sea travel.

[Spatial Body: A special body that the System Host obtains that allows him to fit in with any world he visits under any circumstance, and makes him more amenable to universal energies.]

[Level 1: (The level can be raised only by absorbing chaotic and unstable spatial laws.)]

When he comprehended the benefits of the spatial body he felt awe, that he would literally not be afraid of anything and could get used to any harsh world conditions, if what he says is true, it means that he can live in a place like Jupiter … Can you imagine that, well maybe he can't do that at the first level, but maybe at the higher levels, who knows?

Willian looked at the portal that seemed to be he the only one he could use to pass into the Dola world and sighed of his good fortune, it seemed that fate had finally smiled at him, with this he could finally rise to power and bring everyone else under his feet.

After being reborn in the world of warring empires as a crown prince, without knowing he acquired the mentality of a king, not any king but a real king, even if he himself was not very pure, but the modern mentality embedded in his mind made him want to become a real king, and not like his bastard father, who seems convinced that a system of slaves and peasants must exist.

All the while he was hiding the fact that he hated the system of slaves and peasants so that he wouldn't be crushed by his father before his brothers, but now that he's got the power to change, he will lead a campaign of change that will swallow up an entire Dola world one day.

He just has to keep his fake mask on for a while before he gets real power from the worlds he will travel to, since Dola's world is very ordinary, having 80% similarity with Earth, maybe this new world will be extraordinary? And if not, maybe the next world will be supernatural? The important thing is that he got a system, and who among us does not know what the owners of the system can do?

When he finished browsing through his system's features which although few were extremely broken, Willian did not cancel the spatial portal for an emergency but rather turned his gaze to explore the surroundings.

At last, he could see giant trees and strange plants, familiar and unfamiliar fruit trees, and he felt like a little ant being thrown into an open forest.

Willian tightened his grip on his sword in tension and stepped forward wanting to explore the area, since he was a system owner he should at least have the courage as one.

When he walked away so that the spatial portal no longer appeared he deactivated it and continued on his way, he was surprised at how beautiful the nature here was, the plants were wet and the soil was also wet. It obviously only rained a few hours ago, but the most important thing is that it was already daytime! In his world, it was still night, but here it seemed to be the morning air so that the sun had not yet risen, and seemed to rise soon.

Willian kept navigating the woods where he came across some small and strange animals, he saw some rabbits that look the size of dogs, but are cute nonetheless... If rabbits were the size of dogs what would the size of dogs be?

Willian started to hesitate a little in this dangerous exploration, he couldn't come across a monster here, right? He was ready to activate the spatial portal at any time in order to escape, but something in his mind was excited about adventure and exploration, it was the enthusiasm of the otaku!

Willian kept searching here and there. He found a fruit that looked like an apple but was white and ate it without hesitation because some of the cute blue-furred monkeys were already eating it.

The taste of the apple was like a mixture between apple and banana, even its texture was not hard like an apple but soft like a banana.

This was the tastiest fruit he ate in both his life, he called it the banana apple fruit right away, it would be taken down if it already had a name by the aborigines of this world.



What do you think about the progress of the story?