Which Path Will He Choose?


There are four paths to tread in this world, of course, each one has its own sub-paths too, but for Willian, there may only be three paths left to choose from after he removed the bounty hunter path because he didn't need to the money.

Of the three paths, the first path is the righteous path in this world.

The path of the marine, to become a marine who does justice or in short a dog of the World Government, of course, its sub-paths are to become an agent of the World Government or a judge in Ennis Lobby or a warder in Impel Down and many more.

There are many pros and cons to this path.

One of its positives is that you will become a representative of justice and all your actions are good and the right, and you will become a good role model for the helpless people in this world, but the most important thing is the material side of the positives , this path really provides the necessary conditions for a person to become a real power, training! Yes, training in the Navy is the real deal, and that's what makes Willian really tempted to take this path.

One of its advantages is that it will become easy and fast to move and communicate in this world through private sea routes, but who was Willian? He was the spatial system host, is there a faster way to travel than a spatial portal? No, so this positive benefit does not mean Willian.

This path has other advantages that are manifested in the ability to obtain devil fruits and special or customized resources if one has the necessary status and ability for them, but this also can be solved with money and power if this aspect also does not mean Willian because he can get what he wants with money from the underworld that controlled by the bastard Mingo and Big Mom.

In short, the most important thing that the marine path possesses and which tempts Willian a lot is training there for the six powers, haki, sword arts, and other arts.

As for the downsides of the sea route, they are so many that their former temptation will quickly disappear, especially for a prince who loves freedom like himself.

When a man becomes a Marine he will be bound by the strict rules and laws of the marine and the world government, leaving no room for indolence or freedom to do things. For someone who wishes to enjoy his life freely, this path is like a grave.

Being completely loyal to the Celestial Dragons and doing whatever they wish was such a horrible downside that even sea recruits would secretly feel disgusted and hatred when faced with this matter, and there were so many downsides that the marine path was extremely unlikely for a future king to take it.

The second path is the evil path, the path of pirates, completely reversing the path of the marine or the natural enemy of the marine, becoming a treasure hunter and adventurer pirate is the trend right now since the former pirate king Gol D. Roger announced that there is a special treasure somewhere in the grandline has ignited the Great Age of Pirates and it doesn't look like it will end any time soon.

Of course, there are sub-paths to pirates, the Shichibukai is a sub-path to pirates and seems to be less dangerous and freer, but it needs enough power to make the world government recognize the pirate.

Bandits and criminals in the underworld can be considered sub-paths of pirates too, but they are only pirates scum.

The advantages of becoming a pirate are many in themselves. Only if the person is strong enough, he can do whatever he wants, whether good or evil. This means that freedom and non-restriction are the biggest positive aspects here.

One of the pluses of the pirate path also is to get enough pressure to become really strong in a short time, chasing the navy and bounty hunters and fighting with other pirates make one grow very strong.

The negatives here are also many, the most dangerous thing is the reward that the world government puts on your head and makes you a target for every butcher, pirates will be chased everywhere, only if the pirate is strong enough not to be afraid of being chased, this negative aspect is canceled at that time.

Another negative point of the evil path is that the pirates in the eyes of the world is a bloodthirsty demons in this world, and this is a fact, the pirate's reputation will be in the rock bottom and anything related to the negative reputation, the pirate will get it fresh.

In short, if a person is strong, he can automatically forget about anything negative in this path and enjoy the positives.

This path appears to be the closest and most appropriate to Willian's plans, with his subordinates and Dola forces in mind.

The third and final path, which is also called the poor path, is the path of the revolutionary army. In fact, this path is very unfortunate.

It has its pros too, but its downsides are so many that it is difficult to count them all.

This is simply because the Revolutionary Army is very weak compared to the World Government, the Navy, and the pirates, especially for someone like Willian who knows a lot of information about the Revolutionary Army that not even the World Government knows about them.

Its advantages can be summed up in obtaining feelings of love, devotion, encouragement, and even acceptance from defeated civilians, which is useful in conducting small rebellions here and there, but what next? Unfortunately, the World Government is still controlling the situation with an iron fist.

Willian does not want to enter into the affairs of the Revolutionary Army or join them, but he will not reject the idea of cooperating with them in the future, especially if their leader, Dragon eats the fruit of the Wind Dragon as the theories say, because that will make them brothers in arms as an Ice Dragon!

After weighing the pros and cons of each path separately and thinking about everything carefully, Willian finally chose to become a pirate and form his empire in the New World. His next step would be to select the distinguished subordinates whom he could fully trust to become his crew and his generals who would participate in many wars in both worlds in the future, of course, people who want to join him will not be rejected from this world either.

It was decided, he would be a powerful pirate in this life, and he would turn his enemies into ice sculptures.

He will not be merciful to anyone standing in his way, he will not be as merciful and soft as Luffy and his crew, and he will not be as stupid as them, after all he has no plot armor to clean his ass after him but will bring hell to anyone who stands in the way of his ambition to build his glorious empire and that will reshape this world.

But he will try his best to destroy the negative image of his identity as a pirate among civilians because after all, he will not be an evil pirate.
