Fighting Monsters


The clouds that had blocked off the morning sun's light began to dissipate, and the former wind breeze disappeared with them.

The atmosphere become great for a romantic date outdoors, but for Willian, his feelings were more exciting that even a romantic date could not compete with it.

Crista may have a different opinion but at the moment he is too excited to think of anything else.

After his body was strengthened by the system and the Devil Fruit, all his tiredness of hard work in his city was gone, and since the times in both worlds are different so that when it is daytime here in the world of One Piece, it will be night in the world of Dola and vice versa (At least in the half who lives in it from the world) he must consider this point so as not to neglect his sleep times and hinder the growth of his power.

"I still have a few hours before I come back to rest, so I'll make good use of it."

Whispering in a low voice, Willian looked toward the depths of the forest with a look of excitement, yes he wanted to engage in trial combat and there was no better candidate for him than the monsters in the center of the island right now.

This time there was no fear on his face and he wouldn't run away if he met the huge python rather he would fight, even before he got the devil fruit he wasn't afraid to fight the serpent head-on, it was just that he didn't know his situation well, it was his only option it is jogging and avoiding conflict.

Willian started running very quickly and fastly crossed the beach and entered again into the forest, the trees and plants welcomed him again, this time he would not eat fruits but would taste meat, from what he knows, meat in this world is so delicious, he always envied Luffy for his great appetite, now maybe he will be like him.

With his enhanced speed, he was traversing long distances and quickly bypassed his arrival point in this world and entered the middle-risk areas of the forest.

Willian began to feel the murderous aura that closing on him and several bloodthirsty gazes, this only this middle area of the forest, he hadn't yet to reach the center.

Willian paused for a little warm-up, as right in front of him was a ferocious two-meter-high tiger looking at him with daggers, evidently wishing to tear him apart.

Willian stared at the huge tiger with a provocative look, looking like he was going to eat the tiger's meat first.


The tiger's roar shook Willian's eardrums, as the tiger felt the tiny human looking down on him so it didn't take long to show signs of attack.

With its sharp claws in front, the tiger advanced toward Willian, wanting to rip the arrogant mouse in half.

"Take it easy, my cute cat, I haven't done anything yet that deserves so much anger..."


Willian avoided the tiger's sharp claws ripping the small tree behind him in half even though he hadn't completely torn it completely.

"Well, looks like I mischaracterized you like a cute cat, a cute cat can't do all that damage with one attack."

Willian was on his knees after avoiding the tiger's quick attack, as he passed it towards the treeless and more spacious left without any obstructions so that he could focus on the ferocious tiger that seemed to attack again at any moment, he had to re-evaluate this monster it is clear that he is a tiger king and not an ordinary tiger.

That is, he erred in considering the middle area of the forest to be less dangerous than the center. In short, it seems that the real dangers starts from his current location to the center of the forest.

The air around Willian started to turn extremely cold, then he tried to focus the cold force on his sword to make it stronger and sharper, and of course, containing the ice power of the Devil Fruit, it wasn't particularly difficult for him, but he didn't know that what he did now was something that he would be incapable of any Devil Fruit user would have it at first for a long time, but he succeeded in doing it on the first try!

The Tiger King felt a faint shiver from the changing air around his prey and some hesitation appeared in his fierce expression, it seemed that the human in front of him was not like the humans he had encountered before and had become his food.

Something is wrong with this human being.

The intelligence of the tiger king was no different from that of humans, most of the animals and monsters that reach the level of kings in their area have human-like intelligence, so of course, the tiger king can understand the situation in front of him correctly, but even so, his pride did not allow him to retreat, and the fact that he had already killed off so many humans in the past further fueled his disdain for this weak animal race.

Willian looked deeply at the tiger king's hesitant expressions and decided to finish him off before deciding to run away, quickly darting like the arrow being fired from the bow and slashing the icy white sword forcefully on the tiger king.

At this point the tiger king finally felt the real threat but still wanted to fight even if he were to die today the bastard would be dragged with him to hell, after all, there are still a lot of monsters kings around who are waiting for the chance to nibble at the loser's flesh.

Crack! Boom!

The claw and sword clashed so fiercely that it produced sparks, but in the next moment the cold sword passed through the tiger king's claw-like a hot sword cutting butter.


The tiger king roared from a cold pain that attacked every part of his body and started to run and destroy the nearby trees and rocks like a berserk, the pain of cutting his arm with cold energy was too much to bear like an ordinary slash.

Willian looked deeply at the sword that had become extremely cold and felt that the power of the sword at this point was not simple, before that his sword was just an ordinary sword made of iron, but after imparting the cold energy of the Ice Dragon on it, it seemed as if it had risen in level.

The tiger king regained consciousness but this time looking at Willian with hatred and some fear, Willian slashed half of his arm and his claw after all.

Since Willian wanted to quickly finish the situation to fight the other monsters lurking in his surroundings, the tiger king gave one last look and took a quick step, the tiger king was watching the white sword draw a charming arc and lower on its head so quickly that it's injured body couldn't deal with it, Willian quickly got up smoothly decapitating a tiger that was twice it's size, the cold blade in his hand was like a weapon designed to kill.

The tiger king's head fell to the ground and no fountain of blood erupted because the neck was frozen by the cold blade.

Willian chose to stay here and welcome the guests who soon started attacking him in groups the moment he beheaded the Tiger King.

"Well, my sweet friends, it is good for you all to come at once."

The cold expression on Willian's face was freezing the blood in the veins of any one at this moment as he looked at the group of ten monkeys headed by the five-meter Monkey King, today's fight would be very hard.
