Monster Emperor's Wrath!

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Back to his current fight.

If he were to compare this python king's power according to the pirate power rating scale, he would say that he could cause trouble even for a pirate with an 80 million berry reward on his head.

For Willian, he's had enough of playing with the cute serpent, now it's time to thank his playmate in a good way.

The entire time and from the moment he entered this world, feelings of excitement and happiness were literally boiling inside his heart, which made a real aspect of him disappear into the background.

This aspect was the most terrifying of him, which was the real reason why his subordinates back drenched in sweat every time he showed it to them.

An aspect that any knight or assassin possesses who has killed many lives and participated in many massacres, is, of course, the killing intent, and the aura of bloodshed!

The moment he released his killing intent, his cheerful mood disappeared as if he had never existed before, the air around him became like a sharp blade that could cut through anything and everything.

The only thing like a fantasy that actually exists in the world of Dola is the murderous aura. This mental aura can suffocate any weak-willed person and make him wet his pants. In Dola, if the king does not possess a murderous aura then he cannot be considered a king because most of them do not survive long live on their thrones.

It's kind of like conqueror haki here in the world of One Piece but it's too weak to be put in the same line with conqueror haki, but even if it's weaker than conqueror haki, if someone like the Ice Prince owned it, it could really play a big role in the course of the battle.

The python king felt a cold shiver running down his spine from the killing gaze he received from the Ice human in front of him, for the first time since the start of the fight he truly felt frightened.

Willian transformed into a dragon and showed his majestic form to the spectators in his full glory.

Half of the python king's body was frozen in the Ice the moment he saw Willian transform into his Dragon form.

Willian had a murderous expression and the air temperature around him dropped at a dangerous rate, before that, Willian took advantage of the python's astonishment and launched a full-scale attack that froze the 30 meters surrounding area including half of the python's body.


Willian took advantage of the python king's inability to move and attacked him viciously, the python king was taunted to the point of screaming intensely, one of his eyes was ripped out by the sharp dragon claws, Willian focused his deadly attacks on the creature's head and started digging into his brain until finally killing him.

The python king who had never thought that he would lose to someone other than the Monster Emperor had fallen completely dead. His brain was turned into a bloody mess by Willian. And he couldn't be dead more that.

Despite seeing the disgusting sight he did, it didn't affect Willian's cold feelings at all but rather looked even colder.


The moment the python king lost the fight and his life as well, a terrifying roar came from the surrounding areas.

The ground started to shake and crack at this moment, Willian looked toward the source and saw the largest black bear he had ever seen.

"This is a moving wall, not a bear, The hell! What is wrong with this island?"

The terrifying thing was the sheer number of Monster Kings that were following behind the black bear.

The ground and Ice in the area cracked and the ground below Willian began to crumble.

"This bear is not normal! Is it an animal that ate a Devil Fruit?"

Willian's eyes twinkled as he looked at the huge bear who was staring at him with hatred and anger.

The bear was 10 meters long and 4 meters wide, if its head wasn't a bear's head, it wouldn't have decided it was a bear in the first place, this was definitely the emperor on this island, the bear emperor!

He was clearly angry because someone dared to kill his subordinate in his presence, this was a crime worth a thousand deaths in his eyes, after all, it was the law on this island where the monster kings themselves had to kneel to him.

From the moment he ate a strange fruit with a disgusting taste he became invincible day by day, he was now the strongest and most powerful on this island where no monster king would dare to show his arrogance in front of him.

But here this winged lizard, that he didn't know from which hole he came out, broke one of the most iron laws that he had passed, by killing his direct subordinates.

Yes, the python king was one of his loyal subordinates, but now he died right in front of him and his brain was ripped out by the blue lizard there, he would definitely avenge his subordinate otherwise where would he put his face in the future? How can his subordinates and subjects respect him again if he didn't tear apart this lizard?

Therefore, in the eyes of the Bear Emperor, the fate of the lizard had already been decided.


The brown rocks appeared on the Bear Emperor's feet out of thin air and he crushed the ground with a force that caused an earthquake in the area. The ground started cracking until it reached the area below Willian and immediately after that a huge block of rock rose from below intending to crush Willian's belly.

"Confirmed, this bastard is an animal eating a Devil Fruit, Whew!"

With great speed and agility, Willian could dodge the bear emperor's rock attack and fly away, what a joke he would surely die if he decided to fight all those monster kings and the monster emperor at once, so now strategic retreat was the best move.

Yes, it is a strategic retreat, not an escape.

After all, there are 20 monster kings and their emperor does have a devil fruit ability in down to go and fight them all is pure suicide, it's good that he has wings.


The Bear Emperor became even more furious when he saw the vile lizard fleeing.

He started to run so hard that the ground beneath him shook and the monster kings behind him did the same, all of them were angry, all of them bent on tearing the bastard apart.

The moment the Bear Emperor sensed that he had gained enough momentum, he leaped with great force toward the sky.

"Not good!"

Willian sensed danger from below and turned around to see the black wall jump towards him.

"How the hell could that lump of meat jump?!"

The bear's sharp claws were a hair's distance from catching him on the first jump, so that means he'll definitely catch him on the second jump even if he tries to get higher, he's not quite fluent in flight yet!

Without hesitation, Willian chose to operate the world portal right in front of him and quickly disappeared into it.


Willian couldn't hear the terrifying bear roar that echoed across the entire island, because he was already out of this world.
