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Booom! Cracked!

A five-meter terrifying dragon appeared in the crown prince's room and smashed into the ceiling of the room until it cracked, if he hadn't controlled his power at the last moment, he would have destroyed his house.

Very quickly he returned to his human form, as he began to hear the terrified footsteps of the knights coming into his suite to check on the safety of their young master.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

"Your Highness, what's going on?"

Before he could respond, Willian sighed and finally out from the tension state and his muscles loosened, after all, he had just retreated from a life-or-death battle against so many powerful monsters.

"I'm fine, no need to rush, nothing happened.

Before they even thought of breaking in, Willian had already opened the door to his room and walked out to reassure them.

When they saw the young master is fine, the guards breathed a sigh of relief, just a moment ago they heard a loud sound of something smashing into the room… What was that?

They almost swear that they felt the palace shake moments ago as if it was an earthquake, and that was the only explanation.

Well, since the prince didn't want to explain anything, they also forgot it, after all, there is nothing more important than the health of the crown prince, or the king will have their heads at that time.

"Well, get back to work everyone, the sun hasn't risen yet."

"Yes, Your highness."

By saying that, he shut the door again and went to sleep. It was a very exciting day for him, but also very stressful, he had fought so many battles that he felt very tired.

The moment he fell on his bed he went into the world of dreams.



Today, unusually, His Highness the Prince slept all morning and did not wake up until twelve in the afternoon!

No one commented because given the great effort the prince is doing for the diamond city, he deserves to rest too.

When Willian woke up and found himself full of strength and vitality, he looked towards the window and the sun rays pierced it and saw that the sun had already reached the middle of the sky, which means that half a day has gone by.

Well, he didn't think much about him being sleep so long, after all, he had been up all night in another world!

After answering the call of nature and relaxing while doing so... he went to his personal bathroom for a refreshing bath.

The moment he entered the bathroom he was surrounded by his personal maids who used to clean his body every day, to the point that their feminine scent permanently mingled with his masculine scent.

Yes, he had his personal maids doing all his needs, including his daily bath, they were four naked beauties of very high standards, if he wanted to compare them to the beauty of the earth, he would put them with famous models in international magazines .

He chose them himself carefully and meticulously after all.

As a noble prince of an empire, Willian can enjoy such luxury, this is the life of princes in this world, after all, his maids can be considered his concubines. And for the concubines fate here in Dola, they are to serve all the needs of the husband, be it sexual, practical or anything else.

"How was your day girls?"

After sitting naked in the warm water pool and giving his back to the four maids, he asked them with a gentle smile how their day was as usual, but this time he looked brighter in the hazy eyes of the girls. Unfortunately, they didn't know why their beloved young master was so happy!

"It was a well day, Your Highness."x4

They answered enthusiastically to Willian as usual, for maids of low life like themselves who were no different from slaves, to have the service of such a gentle and heavenly prince is true heaven.

If he was an icy prince in the eyes of his subordinates, his enemies, and the world as well, he was the prince of spring in their eyes.

Well, just as you guessed it, servants' lives in this world are really hard.

"That's fine, you can start your work, I'm ready, you see."

For Willian who was accustomed to the life of kings in this world no longer had any difficulty in accepting this kind of treatment, yet his kindness engraved deep in his soul which he inherited from his modern soul still makes the lives of those around him easy and happy, just like these cute maids behind his back.

"Okay, Your Highness!!"×4

Gracia took his right hand, Sania took his left, Rosa sat on his lap and Rebecca sat behind his back, just as they always did.

Taking a shower with their young master and their lover always made their day happy, they began to seriously clean every part of his body, and as they got used to his body they were astonished by the great change that had happened to their master!

"Young master Willian, the scars that were here on your lower back are gone!"

Rebecca cried out in astonishment and awe as she saw his milky flawless back that seemed to have been remade.

"Young master Willian, the scar on your right elbow has also disappeared!"

Gracia repeated Rebecca's behavior as she looked down at Willian's elbow, who was looks new.

"Young master Willian, yes just as you think, the scar that nearly snatched your little brother here has gone away also!"

Even Rosa felt this amazing, the scar on Willian's lower abdomen was deep after all.

Well, for them as his maids they loved everything in their young master, even his scars, so they wouldn't care whether they disappeared or not, but This, and That, are two different topics, because they only saw these injuries yesterday and now they are completely gone, even their master's body is getting longer and stronger And this is the big point!

Willian suddenly looked at the girls and the injuries they said had disappeared and discovered that they were indeed right about that, apparently, he also didn't know.

After thinking for a while, he decided that his injuries had been cured due to his spatial body, and he would see about this in more depth later.

Now he looked toward his naughty maid Rosa and wanted to eat her at this moment.

What does she mean that he almost lost his little brother!

What a slut!

Rosa sensed Willian intense gaze and she smiled with teasing, before clinging to him like a baby kangaroo, Ah! How she love that looks that he give to her!

Her young master's teasing was something didn't lose in making she always excited.

"Do you want to know the truth, girls?"


They were still seriously cleaning his body but also focused on the truth that their Young Master would tell them, they had a sense that it would be something that would make them silly! It was just a woman's super sense.

"Well, I went to another world and ate a magical fruit that completely healed my wounds."

Willian said word for word and without expression as if he was saying something normal.


The bathroom fell into long moment of silence.
