The Astonished Four Maids (Part 1)

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The coarse stone, the towels, and the violet nectar flowers fell from the maids' hands into the warm pond water, and they stared at Willian with wide eyes.

(A/N: Violet nectar flower: It is a flower or plant in this world that is used for cleaning purposes. It is found in the world of Dola. The flower produces violet nectar that is not different from liquid soap, and it is natural and has a wonderful smell.)

"What? Why did you stop your work? Do you want another punishment!"

Willian stared at them with semi-closed eyes with a pleasant expression on his face, just as Rosa loves to teasing him up, he also loves to teasing them up, for him these four girls here are his treasured treasure, any expression from them that makes him enjoy and he want to see more. They were one of his few sources for the entertainment in this world after all, so he accustomed to every part of them, of course, the best thing is to have sex with them or as he likes to call it , their punishment!

He does not know that what he calls punishment is the paradise that these girls are waiting for, every time.

Just as he used to, the moment they heard the word punishment their faces turned into a crimson shadow and they became like trapped rabbits.

"Hahaha, you didn't believe me did you?"

"I don't mean bad thing, young master, but what you said is very unnatural."

Sania was the most intelligent of his women and even worked as a teacher of language and mathematic for her other sisters who did not know how to write or read yet, of course, it's because she absorbed what Willian taught her like a sponge before them all . But she was also the most interested in what Willian had to say at the moment.

Rebecca, Gracia, and Rosa all looked toward Willian with their big eyes, wanting to hear what he had to say, but before that, they had already resumed cleaning it up.

"I'm really not kidding, I went to another world and got a fruit that had a very delicious taste and magical effects, I'm sure it was the reason for treating my injuries."

This time he said with a serious expression that anyone could trust, well, even though he's already lying until half of what he said is true, for Willian he wasn't going to hide the other world truth from the women dearest to his heart, he's been waiting for this moment so tightly, for he can see this kind of expression on his cute chicks, so why he not tell them now?

It wouldn't take long for the Diamond City, the Empire, and possibly the entire continent to know about the other world, after all, given his divine power why would he need to hide anything?

Soon he will promote the elements from the world of One Piece in this world and establish the concept of modern trade and develop the continent of Rulia and perhaps the entire world of Dola, but first, he has to develop his empire and make it the ruler above all.

Willian will become a legendary figure in this world who brings riches from other worlds and that's what he aspires to, he aspires to make this backward world see the real world.

His first step is to get his loyal people by his side.

This time the girls looked at Willian seriously, they now knew that their young master was not lying when he looked at them by this way.

...Could it be true what he said!

"Okay, look at this, I'll show you the magic I got after eating the fruit."

Willian did pulled his right hand from among Gracia's cute bunnies and creating a cold Ice Cube that made the steam surrounding his hand turn into ice flakes.

The moment they saw the ice magically escaping from their master's hand, both Sania and the others felt their minds go blank.

Willian looked at their shocked expressions and let out a chuckle, their expression didn't disappointing him at all, that's normal, in this world, there is no such thing like magic, it's like flying in the sky in front of people from Earth, oh how excited he was to see Christa's reaction!

"Do you know what this means?"

"That means I trust you a lot to show you something like that."

Willian looked seriously and stood before turning towards the stunned women, of course, he was still carrying his little bunny in his arms (Rosa).

His great dragon was already awake but did not attract the attention of the stunned girls at this moment, because their minds were still trying to process what they saw and comprehend what they heard.

Sania was the fastest as usual, but it still took a minute to get the feel of the situation.

Sania knelt down in front of Willian with her forehead on the pool water, before saying anything.

Willian didn't stop her because he wanted to hear what his clever rabbit would have to say.

"To tell us this kind of astonishing truth, means that you believe in the four of us deeply and that in itself is a heavy blessing, I don't know how I can remedy it… yet, but what I can tell you young master is that I will not even betray your trust. If it costs me my life, I swear in the name of the Stars God."

(A / N: The stars god is one of the five gods in which the inhabitants of this world believe, every continent believes in one god, and the continent of Rulia believes in the stars god, if discovery of a person breaking his oath to the gods, will be hunted down and killed by the Church.)

Willian went and raised Sania's forehead from the water and looked at her with a gentle smile that summed it all up before he taking her rosy lips into a short and pleasant kiss that did not satisfy Sania's inner lust at all.

That kiss conveyed and summed all thing.

Sania was 18 years old with olive-green hair but it short and so charming, and she has a purple eyes like jewels, she has the face of a real anime character, kinda resembling Tsukuyo from Gintama, her skin is gorgeous and her assets are amazing, she has great legs too, with her naked body appearance she is an Eye Masterpiece honestly, she never lost in the t emptation of the Ice Prince to push her down over and over again.
