Back to monster paradise, The new function!

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Willian did not hesitate anymore and accepted the three as a his subordinates.




[Congratulations on getting your first subordinate, you have unlocked the function of Beginner Conqueror!]

[The Beginner Conqueror: This function allows the host to operate in the other world as an organization with many classifications that the host can decide himself, each subordinate at the host's disposal will receive the following benefits and limitations:

The subordinate can obtain a weak version of the Spatial Body that will allow him to harmonize with other worlds and obtain an appropriate strength according to his status in the organization.

-The subordinate can call one portal as desired according to his workplace in the organization, he can use the global or local portal of his workplace freely.

-The subordinate cannot betray the host. The host will be warned when any thoughts of betrayal arise.

In the event of betrayal, the punishment will be death, and the traitor's soul will be absorbed by the system as lunch.

The subordinate cannot speak anything about the organization to outsiders.]

[The host can start creating his Conqueror Organization when the limit of people accepted as subordinates reaches 100]


Willian with a smile looked at Paulo, Fred, and Kalgar who had already attuned to the powerful gravity of this world and stood on their feet swaying.

They stared at their surroundings in astonishment.

"Then this is the other world, what a very fresh air, the smell of the sea is very exciting... Wait, why did the time here at night, the sun has not set in the diamond city yet?!" Paulo's mind went blank after absorbing this important matter.

The light of the moon, stars, and the light sky was already illuminating the place, and the sprightly daybreak wind was gently hitting their faces making their emotions shake, they had already entered another world! A world that seems to be made out of fantasy.

Until now, they could not believe that they had entered another world and had left their own world.

"Yes guys, we are now in the world of One Piece, the greatest fantasy world in all the universe, the time here is a little different from our world, as you can see when it's here in the morning, it's night in Dola and vice versa."

"The world of One Piece?"

"Is that the name of this world, Your Highness?"

Fred asked excitedly, though bewildered by the point of the different time.

"I don't know the official world name that the inhabitants of this world gave their world, but I gave it this name because One Piece is the most important treasure in this world!"


"Yes, a treasure, the treasure that made all pirates in this world crazy."

And what is this treasure, Your Highness?"

"I don't know."



The morning sun was beginning to rise, and at last Paulo, Fred, and Kalgar could see the beauty and magic of the blue sea in this world, compared to the world of Dola, this world really seemed like a fantasy world!

"Guys, you will stay here, don't try to enter the forest no matter what, if you notice any danger enter the portal quickly."

"As I said earlier, I will go take care of the monsters here first, don't worry if you feel the shaking of the ground, because there is a really terrifying monster here and I have to subdue it before we succeed in invading our first island."

"Why don't you let us go with you, Your Highness, I really feel that I am much stronger than my previous self after having obtained the Heavenly Blessing!"

"Me too, Your Highness, why don't you let us go with you, we can fight too, don't forget that in addition to our assassination skill, we also have good sword skills."

"Just as Paulo and Kalgar said, Your Highness, we did not come here to be a burden."

Willian looked at the three idiots and felt the urge to laugh but didn't want to hurt the pride of these men, perhaps because they were used to fighting monsters of the Dola world and they thought it should be the same here too.

"Guys, I don't really want to disappoint you but I'll be honest with you."

"If you go into that forest, you will surely die."

Willian pointed to the large forest overlooking the shore, which at this moment seemed like an ominous paradise to Paulo and the others.


"No, but, the monsters on this small island are so powerful that they shouldn't have been in this region of the world in the first place."

"There are snakes tens of meters long, bears as hard as walls, fast wolves as arrows, tigers as large as five meters, and the worst of all is that there is a bear that can control the rocks so that it can destroy a village ."

"Do you dare go with me now?"




"Your Highness, What is this world that you brought us into?"

The three said in complete suspicion.

"Okay it's a dangerous world, but here we will gain superpowers, the higher the stakes the more incredible the rewards, this island is an amazing wealth for us guys..."

"But, Your Highness, how can you fight those demonic monsters?!"

Paulo was worried as he asked Willian, he didn't think he would enter a world with such horrific monsters, did he hear that there are tens of meters long snakes here? tens? how tall is it? 10, 20, 30, or maybe more? Oh my God, is there such a snake?

And what about the giant bear who can control rocks and destroy a village, does he have the power of gods too?

If they knew there were sea-kings the size of an island in this world, they would run back to their world and swear never to enter this world again, but Willian is kind enough not to frighten them at first.

"Don't give me such a worried look, I actually fought with them once and beat a lot of them when I was just playing, but now I'm going to take them seriously."

"Do you not trust my power as a heavenly apostle?"

"We don't dare, Your Highness!!!"×3

"That's fine then, get ready for the work, Maybe, I could kill that bear sooner than you think."

Before they even blinked, they found that their Young Master had vanished, all that remained in place was shoe-shaped ice from which a cold mist was flying off.

The three were in awe of Willian's speed. He seemed to be teleporting. All they could see along the path of his disappearance was the misty shape of his body that left icy-cold traces before disappearing into the forest.

Prince Willian's speed made them stare in awe at his long-disappearing shadow.

Can a human have that kind of speed?

On this day, their view of reality was officially overturned.
